
Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng held hands intimately on the street, Zhang Ziyi was a bird and was very shy by her husband's shoulder

author:Talk about things around you

In the entertainment industry, I believe that many netizens and viewers will wonder what the private life of celebrities looks like, and what will be different from us when they are active on the big screen? In fact, celebrities are also people, but because of their special professions, as public figures, their every move in their daily lives will naturally be magnified and interpreted, and some misunderstandings and troubles will inevitably be avoided. And Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng, who are familiar to us, are also the objects of great concern to netizens.

Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng held hands intimately on the street, Zhang Ziyi was a bird and was very shy by her husband's shoulder

Recently, some gossip media released a video filmed on social platforms, the protagonists of the video are Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng, as the resident guests of the reality show, everyone is not unfamiliar with the appearance of the two of them in life, but the real private appearance is unknown. The curiosity and attention of netizens also made the popularity of this topic high, and it soon appeared on the hot search.

Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng held hands intimately on the street, Zhang Ziyi was a bird and was very shy by her husband's shoulder

We can see that in the video, Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng walked on the road holding each other's arms, Zhang Ziyi was wearing a white down jacket, and Wang Feng's black coat was quite a bit of a couple's feeling, she dressed up very low-key, hats, glasses, masks are all in line, blocking the face tightly, while Wang Feng is more casual, he just cut his hair He looks more spirited than usual, wearing a black mask, and his look is calm.

Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng held hands intimately on the street, Zhang Ziyi was a bird and was very shy by her husband's shoulder

On that day, the two people came out of the restaurant, it seems that they "left" their daughters and went out to eat together in the world of two, and I have to say that it is really romantic. And Zhang Ziyi is also a very small bird carrying Wang Feng's arm the whole time, the look is very sweet, and from time to time he leans his head on Wang Feng's shoulder, although the two people have been together for a long time, they are considered to be old husbands and wives, but they are simply like lovers in love, very exemplary.

Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng held hands intimately on the street, Zhang Ziyi was a bird and was very shy by her husband's shoulder

Subsequently, the two people came to their own car, Zhang Ziyi playfully put his hand on Wang Feng's shoulder, the atmosphere between the two people was really happy, and then, the two people got on the car, it seemed that there was a driver driving, so both people sat in the back row and went home. This scene also made many people sigh before they wondered why Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi would become a couple, and now they know that there is a lot of call between the two people, and they are also very affectionate.

Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng held hands intimately on the street, Zhang Ziyi was a bird and was very shy by her husband's shoulder

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng met at the birthday party of a common friend, Wang Feng fell in love with Zhang Ziyi at first sight, and immediately launched a fierce offensive, in 2013, Wang Feng confessed to Zhang Ziyi passionately at his concert, which once became a hot topic on the Internet, many people felt that two people "eight poles can't fight together", it will not last long, I did not expect that in 2015, Zhang Ziyi gladly agreed to Wang Feng's marriage proposal, and the two people finally cultivated positive results.

Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng held hands intimately on the street, Zhang Ziyi was a bird and was very shy by her husband's shoulder

After the two people got married, Zhang Ziyi also gave birth to two children for Wang Feng, one was the daughter waking up, and the other was the younger son. Coupled with the daughter "Little Apple" born to Wang Feng and his ex-wife before, their family has a total of three children, and for Little Apple, Zhang Ziyi's performance is not like that of her stepmother, but she will be heart-to-heart, which is also because Zhang Ziyi's strong heart allows her to treat three children without humility, which can be said to be fair treatment, so that Little Apple does not feel like someone else's child.

Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng held hands intimately on the street, Zhang Ziyi was a bird and was very shy by her husband's shoulder

For the marriage of these two people, at first netizens were not blessed, but now they feel very pleased. Whether Zhang Ziyi is a wife or a mother, she has her own ideas, and they are very successful, and their small family is also very happy. And Wang Feng also did his best to treat this family, especially for Zhang Ziyi, which can be said to be spoiled by heaven. Such a family, unhappy is strange!

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