
Lizarazu: I'm sure you'll see the best Messi soon

Lizarazu: I'm sure you'll see the best Messi soon

After Paris Saint-Germain signed free agent Messi this summer, people are full of expectations for the combination of Neymar, Mbappe and Messi. However, from the current point of view, MNM's performance does not seem to have met the expectations of Paris fans. A few days ago, French football star Lizarazu said in a guest appearance on the "TV Football" program that he is more looking forward to the cooperation between Messi and Mbappe, and believes that he will soon see the best Messi.

Lizarazu said: "Maybe the combination of MNM is just a fantasy, and it is not very practical to have a perfect fit between three people. I'm looking forward to seeing messi and Mbappe work together more than before, and I think it's a perfect combination. Last season, Mbappe and Neymar worked well together. Now mbappe and Messi already have some basis for cooperation, and I believe that the cooperation between the two will become more and more tacit. Playing with Kylian Mbappe, who is in good shape, is a very simple thing to do, and Messi needs to adjust the rhythm of the game after coming to Ligue 1. I think we'll see the best Messi soon. ”


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