
On the 21st, the stock price fell by more than 23%, and Tesla's market value evaporated a Toyota motor and Weilai

On the 21st, the stock price fell by more than 23%, and Tesla's market value evaporated a Toyota motor and Weilai

On December 14, the news, the US stock market closed, Tesla closed down 4.98% at $966.41 / share, the total market value of $970.5 billion. At one point in the session, it fell more than 6.4% to a low of $951.42 per share.

Stretching the K line, Tesla on November 4 to create a record high of $1243.49 / share, the trend showed a volatile downward trend, December 6 stock price fell to 950.5 US dollars / share, only 21 trading days, the stock price fell by 23%, the market value evaporated nearly 300 billion US dollars, that is, the sum of the market value of a Toyota (closing at $244 billion) and Weilai (closing at $53.5 billion).

With the correction of Tesla's stock price, Musk's net worth has also fallen all the way to $254 billion, still the world's richest man, but the gap with the second richest man, Bezos, has narrowed to about $60 billion. (Text | AI Finance and Economics, You Have No Regrets)

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