
How did Tang Taizong and his rule of Zhenguan come about? It really can't leave him

Emperor Taizong of Tang Li Shimin reigned in the first year of Zhenguan (627) to the death of Zhenguan in the twenty-third year (649), which was the period of Zhenguan. Li Shimin personally experienced the great social turmoil at the end of the Sui Dynasty, witnessed the tragedy of the destruction of the Sui Empire, and also accepted the historical lessons of the Great Peasant Uprising at the end of the Sui Dynasty. He exerted great efforts to govern the country and implemented a series of enlightened policies and measures to benefit the country and the people, so that the Tang Dynasty regime could be consolidated and the social economy could be restored and developed, thus forming a relatively stable and peaceful social environment. At that time, Shi Zai said that "the sea was leveled, the road was not left behind, the foreign households were not closed, and the merchants stayed in the wilderness", "Minkang Wufu", "Doumi is only four or five dollars", "The people's property is interested", "the so-called Taiping". This period was a rare rule in feudal society, and was later known as the "rule of zhenguan".

How did Tang Taizong and his rule of Zhenguan come about? It really can't leave him

After Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, he was faced with a situation that had been looted by war, and history said that "from the east of Yi and Luo, to the sea and Dai, to the vast and mighty, thousands of miles, the population was cut off, the chickens and dogs did not smell, and the roads were depressed." "His first task is to learn the lessons of history, rest with the people, and persuade nongsang."

Emperor Taizong and his vassals learned from historical and practical experience that "the king, the boat, the people, the water." Water can carry boats, and it can also overturn boats." In order to alleviate class contradictions and prevent peasant uprisings, Emperor Taizong started from himself, "to save extravagance and costs, to lightly dispense with small gifts, to choose honest officials, so that the people have more than enough food and clothing." Emperor Taizong practiced frugality, advocated frugality, and lived forever. Sealing Zen. At the beginning of Emperor Taizong's reign, he immediately "forbade the eagle dogs raised by the court and stopped the treasures that all parties had entered", and warned his ministers: "The beautiful women in the palace cherish and play, and there is no dissatisfaction in the court." The Emperor was still insufficient, and the solicitation was endless... The people were overwhelmed and perished. He repaired the palace less or no longer, and the project of repairing the Luoyang Palace was repeatedly postponed, and other constructions were also less, so as to make as little force as possible. In addition, Emperor Taizong also tried to avoid and reduce unnecessary wars in order to reduce military expenditures. Until the eighteenth year of Zhenguan (644), when the army was sent to Conquer Goryeo, there was basically no unnecessary war. This policy has played a very good role in the concentration of farmers on agricultural production.

In order to make the people "more than enough food and clothing", Emperor Taizong paid special attention to agricultural production. In the early years of the Tang Dynasty, the "mediocrity" law was formulated, that is, the peasants paid a certain amount of silk and cloth, which could replace servitude and give them more time to engage in agricultural production. Emperor Taizong paid special attention to not taking over the peasants, that is, not to miss the agricultural affairs. He said, "Everything must be done. The country is people-oriented, people are based on food and clothing, and everything that is clothed and fed is based on not losing time. When the crowning ceremony of the crown prince clashed with the agricultural time, Emperor Taizong "feared hindering the peasant time" and changed the crown ceremony to the October agricultural leisure season. Emperor Taizong also used legal means to implement the principle of not violating the agricultural time. Officials who levy conscription and delay in agricultural time without authorization during busy agricultural seasons shall be punished in accordance with law.

How did Tang Taizong and his rule of Zhenguan come about? It really can't leave him

On the other hand, Emperor Taizong attached great importance to disaster relief to protect the interests of farmers. From the first year of Zhenguan to the third year (627-629), in Guanzhong, natural disasters such as water, drought, locusts, and frost occurred in the Kanto Region, and he immediately "issued an edict to provide relief for the people, and there was no rent for this year."

Because Emperor Taizong took a series of measures to restore agricultural production, coupled with the smooth wind and rain in the following years, the scene of a peaceful world appeared. The history books record that at that time, "frequent abundance and stability. Rice bucket three or four dollars". In the past, merchants from Jingshi to Lingnan, from Shandong to Canghai, did not have to bring their own grain and gave it to The Road. It can be said that the night is not closed, the road is not left behind.

How did Tang Taizong and his rule of Zhenguan come about? It really can't leave him

Emperor Taizong realized that it is impossible to govern the country on its own, and that it is necessary to "appoint a wide range of virtuous people", the so-called "foundation of public order, only in the attainment of people." He asked his subordinates to recommend talents, and he also paid close attention to observation, discovered and improved useful talents, and promoted the line of "meritocracy". Emperor Taizong basically did not take personal grievances as the criterion for selecting talents, nor did he take the old and new relatives as the transfer. He said, "I choose people for the officials, but I am the only one who is with me." Gou or not talented, although pro, do not use ... If he is talented, he will not abandon his hatred. For example, Wei Wei, who was originally a subordinate of his brother Li Jiancheng, the crown prince, had advised Li Jiancheng to get rid of Li Shimin; after the change of Xuanwumen, Li Shimin did not care about his previous suspicions and reused it. Wei Wei later became the chancellor and became an important promoter of the "rule of Zhenguan".

How did Tang Taizong and his rule of Zhenguan come about? It really can't leave him

Emperor Taizong believed that the talents used could not be blamed for the whole, and he said that "making people like instruments", that is, distinguishing envoys according to the situation of talents. Emperor Taizong asked the chancellor Feng Deyi to raise up the sage, and Feng Deyi replied that he had not seen the miraculous powers. Emperor Taizong clearly pointed out: "The previous Ming kings made people like instruments, and they all took the soldiers from the time, and did not borrow talents from different generations." And there is no sage in what generation, but he is left behind and does not know his ears!" Emperor Taizong employed people, and did not limit himself to the door, and the prime minister he appointed, Zhang Liang, was "Suo Han", Ma Zhou was "lonely and poor", and Dai Ji was born as a "recorder under the door". Emperor Taizong did not use Hua "Yi" as a barrier in his employment, and he appointed generals such as Nashi Nasheer. Clinging to the loss of thinking, Chi Bi He Li, etc., are all ethnic minorities. At the same time, Emperor Taizong can also use people without doubt. He pointed out that kings and subjects should be "righteous and even." It is advisable to work together and work together, and if something is wrong, it can be said that there is no concealment. If the monarchs and subjects are suspicious of each other, and they cannot do their best, it is indeed a great harm to the country." When Wei Wei was serving as secretary and supervisor, someone accused him of rebellion. Emperor Taizong believed that Wei Wei would not rebel, and sentenced the false accusers to death in the name of false accusations and anti-sitting without trial.

Emperor Taizong also had the personality of an intellectual, a subordinate to himself. His abilities are well known, so he can do his best. Emperor Taizong once said to Wei Wei, "Choose someone for an official, and you must not create a second place." With a gentleman, all gentlemen will arrive. With a villain, the villain competes. It was precisely because Emperor Taizong knew people well and appointed people on the basis of merit that a number of outstanding talents with the ability to govern the country emerged during the Zhenguan years. Emperor Taizong relied on the wholehearted assistance of these talents to bring about the tang dynasty's flourishing situation of "rule of Zhenguan". In the seventeenth year of Zhenguan (643), Emperor Taizong ordered people to paint the appearances of the 24 heroes who founded the country in Lingyange, and the eldest grandson Wuji, Li Xiaogong, Du Ruyi, Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling, and Gao Shilian were among them. Tushu is the most admired, and it is said to be beautiful.

How did Tang Taizong and his rule of Zhenguan come about? It really can't leave him

Emperor Taizong was good at receiving advice, and he said to his attendants: "Lian Ji will rely on blunt words and discussions to bring peace to the world." Emperor Taizong attached great importance to the advice of his subordinates. He said: "There are many articles than there are books, and the walls of the house are sticky, and they are in and out of guan province." Therefore, those who are tireless want to do their best to be subordinate. Every thought of politics, or three more square sleeps. "The relationship between Wei Zheng and Emperor Taizong is a model of Zhenguan's jinzhi and nazhi. Wei Zheng first served Li Mi, and then the crown prince Li Jiancheng. Emperor Taizong ignored his grievances and appointed Wei Zheng as the Counselor. Wei Zheng said, "The reason why the king is bright is also to listen: the one who is dark is also the one who believes in it." Wei Zheng was loyal to "shame the king and Yao and Shun", and during the Zhenguan years, whether it was state affairs or Taizong's personal behavior, as long as he thought it was inappropriate, he would speak bluntly, even if he offended "Long Yan". Emperor Taizong, on the other hand, believed that Wei Zheng "did not allow me to do anything wrong with every offense, so I was very serious", and many of Wei Zheng's advice was adopted. Wei Zhengjin and Emperor Taizong became the beautiful talk of the feudal society's Emperor Mingchen. Emperor Taizong was known as the Ming Emperor who "followed the stream of advice", which was closely related to Wei Zheng's continuous direct advice. Through the joint efforts of Zhenguan Junchen, a coordinated and harmonious situation of "subjects are loyal to their words, and jun is anxious to listen to words" was soon formed. When Wei Zheng died, Emperor Taizong was very sad, he said: "If you use copper as a mirror, you can use the ancient as a mirror, and you can know the xing and the substitute: with people as a mirror, you can see the gains and losses." The three mirrors are guaranteed in case it has passed. Now Wei Zheng obstructed his death, and his death was a mirror. And wrote an inscription for Wei Zheng himself.

Under the initiative of Emperor Taizong, it became a common practice to enter the court, not only the ministers entered the advice, but even the eldest grandson empress in the palace, Xu Xianfei, could also enter the advice. The extent to which Emperor Taizong accepted advice far exceeded that of Han Gaozu, who was known for his "open-mindedness and generosity, and from the advice to the stream". Emperor Taizong not only did not rebuke officials who could speak out, but often rewarded them. For example, Zhang Xuansu was advised to repair the Luoyang Palace, and 200 horses were rewarded with silk, and Sun Fujia was rewarded with improper punishment, and the Lanling Princess Garden worth millions of dollars was rewarded: Wei Zhengzhi improperly employed people. Enjoy 500 horses of silk. This not only commends the subordinates who have entered the counsel, but also played a role in encouraging the counseling.

How did Tang Taizong and his rule of Zhenguan come about? It really can't leave him

In order to brainstorm, Emperor Taizong institutionalized various effective policies. He stipulated that officials with three or more pins of government should be accompanied by counselors in the deliberations of the cabinet, and there should be improper advice. In the first year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong issued an edict that "when the prime minister enters the inner Pingzhang state plan, he will make the counselors follow him." Pre-Yang Political Affairs", participate in the discussion. Emperor Taizong also stipulated. Five or more beijing officials. They were to take turns to stay in the palace so that the emperor could summon them. Inquire about external affairs, understand the sufferings of the people, as well as the gains and losses of political affairs, so that the subordinates can be reached. In addition, Emperor Taizong also established the Five Flowers Judgment System. The so-called Five Flowers Judgment is that for major military and national affairs, the Zhongshu contains that people can see what they see and sign their names. The Tang Dynasty system, after the policy decided by the imperial court, was handed over to the Zhongshu Sheren to draft edicts, and the five members of the Sheren each insisted on what they saw. One word for each book. After signing, it is left to the governor of Zhongshu Province for choice. Therefore, the edicts that come out are rarely wrong.

Meritocracy and obedience were two important subjective reasons for Emperor Taizong's political success. The reason why Emperor Taizong was able to become a model of a feudal emperor can be said to have a great relationship with his ability to know people and listen to advice.

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