
Li Yuan gave way to Li Shimin at the age of 60 because of the mutiny, or to push the boat along the water

The change of dynasties in history has generally been accompanied by killing. The so-called armed seizure of power is this truth, and even Li Shimin, who is known as the rule of Zhenguan, obtained the throne through the Xuanwumen Mutiny. In the ninth year of Tang Gaozu, that is, in 626 AD, Li Yuan's second son Li Shimin led some elite generals to ambush Xuanwumen, and when his eldest brother and his fourth brother entered, they were killed, and soon after Li Yuan gave way to him, there was the later rule of Zhenguan.

Li Yuan gave way to Li Shimin at the age of 60 because of the mutiny, or to push the boat along the water

At the beginning, Li Yuan gave birth to four sons, except for the third son who died very early. Several other children have a clear division of labor, the eldest son often assists his father in handling state affairs at home, the second son leads the army outside to fight, his leadership talent is very high, often wins the war, with the increase in the number of conquests, his prestige is also getting higher and higher, so the call for him to be the son of the world is very high in the people. But at that time, the eldest son had already been established, so at that time the struggle between the two brothers for the throne was obvious, on the surface, this mutiny seemed to have four people participating, Li Yuan, Li Jiancheng, Li Shimin, Li Yuanji, but in fact, there was only one real contradiction, that is, the struggle for the throne between the crown prince Li Jiancheng and the Qin king Li Shimin, as the emperor at that time Li Yuan had a very negative attitude before and after the Xuanwumen mutiny.

Li Yuan gave way to Li Shimin at the age of 60 because of the mutiny, or to push the boat along the water

So who exactly instigated this change? We can't believe that he was really launched by the King of Qin, it can be said that he has hidden feelings behind him, and the people of the world should protect themselves under the last resort and take pre-emptive countermeasures. In the Zizhi Tongjian, it is recorded that Li Shimin's merits in the battlefield were increasing, and his father often rewarded him. The eldest brother was a little restless. He felt that his position as prince was not secure. So he consulted with his senior fourth and simply killed him to get rid of the troubles.

Li Yuan gave way to Li Shimin at the age of 60 because of the mutiny, or to push the boat along the water

In 624 AD, the emperor was out of town for the summer, and his plan began to be implemented. After the failure of the matter, Li Shimin once said that life and death are fate, although some people want to harm me, but I am intact. As a result, this sentence was also distorted by the eldest brother, looking for an opportunity to make a small report to the father and emperor, saying that the second brother claimed that he had a destiny to become the emperor, and preemptively attacked and sued him for rebellion. Zizhi Tongjian once recorded that just a few days before the mutiny, Li Jiancheng took advantage of the opportunity of the Northern Expedition against the Turks to plot to move the elite soldiers and strong generals in Li Shimin's palace into his own hands and take the opportunity to kill Li Shimin, but this conspiracy was leaked and did not succeed. Therefore, although it was planned by Li Shimin, it was still the reason behind Li Jiancheng.

Li Yuan gave way to Li Shimin at the age of 60 because of the mutiny, or to push the boat along the water

Regardless of whose reason it is, these two must be a long-term open and secret struggle. So who is the father of the emperor inclined to? Because some people say that the emperor is biased in favor of the second eldest at every turn. Let him and his big brother compete for a high or low level in order to take his place. Many books have recorded that when the Taiyuan army was raised, the father and emperor had promised Li Shimin that if this matter succeeded, then the world would be his.

Li Yuan gave way to Li Shimin at the age of 60 because of the mutiny, or to push the boat along the water

Later, some ministers saw that the power of the King of Qin was getting heavier and heavier, and it had threatened the status of the eldest brother. It was suggested to the emperor that he should be sent out, but it was not accepted. At the time of the Xuanwumen Mutiny, the emperor was still rowing on the lake, and someone told him the news, saying that the brothers killed each other, and the eldest and the fourth were killed by the second, Li Yuan replied at that time, "This is my wish, and soon, he really gave up his position to the second son, and his tendency is very obvious."

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