
If Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? After the comparison of the three aspects, it is not in one grade

First, the two great prosperities of datang

The Tang Dynasty is very special, not only because of the emergence of an empress Wu Zetian, but also because of the emergence of two famous great eras in history. One is the rule of Zhenguan created by Li Shimin, and the other is the Kaiyuan prosperous world dedicated by Li Longji. Let Datang suddenly stand on the peak of history.

The difference is only that after the rule of Zhenguan, Datang is still heroic, which is why during Li Zhi's reign, Datang's land area was the largest - Li Zhi stood on the shoulders of Li Shimin. Unfortunately, after the kaiyuan shengshi was over, there was immediately an anshi chaos, which made it difficult for Datang to be infected with diseases.

If Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? After the comparison of the three aspects, it is not in one grade

So much so that in the history textbook, Datang seems to have lived to the Anshi Chaos, and what has happened since then? I don't talk much about it. Many people thought that Datang died soon after the Anshi Rebellion. In fact, the Tang Dynasty has stood up for more than a hundred years - after all, the rule of Zhenguan and the Kaiyuan Prosperous Era, the two great prosperities of the Tang Dynasty, have laid a thick enough foundation, how can it be said that the collapse will collapse.

But in any case, perhaps it is precisely because of the two great prosperity of the Tang Dynasty that many people suddenly have a big brain, thinking that the reason why the rule of Zhenguan can last long is more fascinating than the Kaiyuan prosperous world is because Li Shimin died just right and died of illness at the age of 52.

If Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? After the comparison of the three aspects, it is not in one grade

Otherwise, Li Shimin's various deeds in his later years, such as pro-conquest of Goguryeo, killing ministers, repairing palaces, taking Dan medicine, etc., would surely become Li Longji. Because Li Longji lived too long, he became faint and abnormal after entering his old age, and he collapsed the Kaiyuan prosperous world, which led to the occurrence of the Anshi Rebellion.

So does this claim hold? In other words, if Li Shimin lived longer, would he become "Li Longji"? So-called: The wind rises at the end of Qingping. He also said: Three years old to see the old, seven years old to see the old, in fact, just need to compare, Li Shimin and Li Longji's three aspects, this problem is clear.

If Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? After the comparison of the three aspects, it is not in one grade

Second, the family environment

The family has always been man's first school, and it plays a decisive role in shaping a person – this is recognized. For example, many people will find that the more they live, the more they resemble their father (mother).

Li Shimin's mother was Dou, and she was the granddaughter of Emperor Wen of Northern Zhou. After Yang Jian forced emperor Jing of Northern Zhou to give way, Dou Shi, who was only 12 years old, cried and said a sentence: "Hate does not avenge his uncle for men!" ”

Now I understand why Li Yuan, especially Li Shimin, almost forced Li Yuan to raise an army, saying that he would also tear down the Great Sui, right? The root is on Dou's body. Moreover, Li Yuan is not a vegetable dumpling, when he was able to marry Dou Shi, it was he who shot two arrows at the peacock eye on the screen, which can be called one of the sharpshooters.

If Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? After the comparison of the three aspects, it is not in one grade

Li Shimin later dared to brag to Wei Chigong, saying: You wield a mallet, I hold a bow, even if there are a million enemy soldiers, that is our "small target." Li Shimin is a shooting technique, which Li Yuan taught by hand. However, li yuan could not have imagined that when the Xuanwu Gate changed, Li Shimin shot Li Jiancheng with an arrow.

What did Dou and Li Yuan influence Li Shimin? One is ambitious, and the other is amazing skill. Therefore, Li Shimin is a true idealist. That is to say, since he was a child, Li Shimin's heart has been clean, and there is not so much darkness. This kind of background color can accommodate Li Shimin's generosity and heroism.

If Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? After the comparison of the three aspects, it is not in one grade

On the other hand, Li Longji's family environment is a haze. The grandmother is Wu Zetian, the father is Li Dan, the mother is Dou Defei, because the mother disobeys Wu Zetian, Li Longji was killed by Wu Zetian when he was 8 years old, not to mention the father. In the face of such a grandmother, Li Longji has to behave very obediently since he was a child, even if his mother is killed.

He had to pretend to be very happy every day, and he couldn't show any dissatisfaction, so that he could avoid the Eagle Dogs of Wu Zetian around him, in fact, he couldn't figure out how many.

When his father Li Dan was tortured by Lai Junchen, Li Longji was also worried, because once his father could not stand up, he also finished playing. That is to say, Li Longji has been forced by the family environment since he was a child, and he has to learn to disguise, and he feels danger almost all the time.

If Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? After the comparison of the three aspects, it is not in one grade

How healthy can you expect a child growing up in this environment to be? There is a high probability that you will become a selfish person!

When Li Shimin grew up, he always seemed very sunny and positive. After Li Longji grew up, he always gave people a dark and selfish feeling, why? All of them are planted in the family environment when they are young, and it is almost difficult to change and reverse them when they grow up.

Therefore, even if Li Shimin really lived a long life, would he not become as faint and cowardly as Li Longji, and be frightened by the rebels to escape from Chang'an? Li Shimin's positive and enterprising character alone could not do such a thing.

If Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? After the comparison of the three aspects, it is not in one grade

Third, the growth experience

Li Shimin's growth is a real sword and a real gun, relying on strength to win.

At the age of 16, Li Shimin offered a plan to scare away the Turkic army and save the Sui Emperor.

At the age of 17, he followed Li Yuan to Jinyang and personally led the iron horse to kill Wei Dao'er's heavy army and rescue his father Li Yuan.

At the age of 18, he forced Li Yuan to raise an army.

At the age of 19, Xue Rengao, who exploded Western Qin.

At the age of 20, he led 30,000 elite soldiers to break Song Jingang and collected the lieutenants under the account.

At the age of 21, wang Shichong was beaten, 500 iron horses broke 10,000, and beheaded 3,000.

At the age of 22, he ushered in the peak of his martial arts, and in the Tiger Prison Pass, he was a double king in a battle...

If Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? After the comparison of the three aspects, it is not in one grade

Open and hang? Indeed, but this is li Shimin's growth path. It's all real kung fu, hard skills, even if you dare to conquer Goguryeo in your later years, you have come to a 30,000 big break 150,000!

Can you imagine who dared to break his wrist with Li Shimin when he was alive? Of course, no one dared except his own son. If you encounter such a thing as An Lushan's rebellion, it is estimated that Li Shimin will even be happy: Finally it is my turn to play again, beat him up...

Looking at Li Longji again, his growth path can be described as a conspiracy, another conspiracy, to unite with Princess Taiping to kill Wei Hou (Wei Hou Rebellion), followed by a private move with Princess Taiping, and then rely on a coup d'état to kill Shangguan Wan'er and destroy Princess Taiping (Tang Long coup).

If Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? After the comparison of the three aspects, it is not in one grade

Li Longji What is this painting style? Compared with Li Shimin's passionate and positive energy painting style, he simply could not come to the table. Therefore, some people have defined: If it is to play conspiracy means, Li Longji can be called the first master of Datang!

Regardless of whether this is true or not, there is one thing that has not run: Li Longji is a lame emperor, Wenzhi can give high scores, but martial arts is zero eggs, how to compare with Li Shimin, a "decathlon" player? An Lushan dared to create his rebellion, even if there were ten An Lushan, he did not dare to make a tooth for Li Shimin.

This is the result of growing up experience - domineering, hard, convincing, dare not blow up, from hard power, not the means can be made.

If Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? After the comparison of the three aspects, it is not in one grade

Third, the sense of distress

A large part of the reason why a person can remain sober from beginning to end and not forget his original intention is that the sense of distress is dominant. So-called: People who have no far-reaching worries will have near-term worries!

Although Li Shimin had all kinds of extreme behaviors in his later years, his sense of distress was still strong.

At the age of 48, he went to Lingkou Village in Yongzhou, Guannei, and found that when the people were not living well, they were so sad that they could not sleep (sleeping at night), and when they woke up, they issued a holy decree to exempt those who had few fields in the territory from the tax burden.

In the year of his death, due to the spring drought and after hearing about the rain, Li Shimin "rode the public opinion with all his strength" and came out in a car with his illness to enjoy with the people. When he saw the people, Li Shimin said, "The Emperor wants to do his best to make them happy, but the plague accumulates and things do not go well." "I still want to make the people's lives better and make their lives more comfortable, but I feel that it is not going to work, and the time is not waiting for me!"

If Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? After the comparison of the three aspects, it is not in one grade

This is Li Shimin before his death, the water can carry a boat or overturn the boat, not an empty word, Li Shimin is still struggling for this before his death.

On the other hand, Li Longji, do you still need to say? Don't use it, we all know that "a red dust concubine laughs, no one knows that it is a lychee coming", every day he thinks about how to enjoy, how to spoil Yang Guifei, let Yang Guozhong and others toss and turn, so that An Lushan will rebel, but he just doesn't believe ...

It was not unbelief, but this kind of drunken dreaming life that caused Li Longji to dare not believe that his sense of distress had long been gone.

If Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? After the comparison of the three aspects, it is not in one grade

Therefore, if Li Shimin lived a long life, would he become Li Longji? Looking at the comparison of these three aspects, it can only be said that the two are not a grade at all, and they are not comparable at all! Even for Li Shimin, comparing Li Longji with him means a kind of "humiliation."

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