
The rule of chastity, the opening of the new century, and the development are the last word

The two most important prosperous dynasties experienced by the Tang Dynasty were the reign of Zhenguan and the kaiyuan dynasty, and what methods or standards we used to examine such a dynasty is called the prosperous world, first of all, its economic development.

Another is whether the politics of the whole country is clear and whether life is harmonious, so today we will look at the grand and real Taizong prosperous world created by the rule of Zhenguan.

The rule of chastity, the opening of the new century, and the development are the last word

First of all, the symbol of the rule of Zhenguan is that during the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang, Li Shimin's politics were very clear, the economy continued to recover and develop, and then the culture was very prosperous, so how did he create such a very good political situation?

First of all, he inherited the national policy formulated by Tang Gaozu, further carried forward the national policy of respecting the ancestors and advocating morality, and used the Taoist concept to govern the world.

During the Tang Dynasty, he appointed some talents that could be produced in various regions to select talents who could teach faith and cultivate harmony, and accepted many different people's various remarks and suggestions, he was very respectful of life, feared life, and was good at restraining himself.

The rule of chastity, the opening of the new century, and the development are the last word

And very open-minded, he can accept all kinds of advice from each person. Then he advocated agriculture as a foundation and was very frugal.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the entire imperial court and all the people must rest and recuperate, and make culture and education constantly revived, and improve the entire imperial examination system and other policies, so that the society is very stable.

The rule of chastity, the opening of the new century, and the development are the last word

There is no turmoil or unrest, and vigorously pacifying the borders that infest our minorities, such as some barbarian areas. Then there is great respect for the customs and habits of ethnic minorities.

And sent many troops to stabilize the entire frontier area, so that the whole world is very peaceful and harmonious, such a political situation, because his era name is Zhenguan is 627 to 649, so it is called the rule of Zhenguan.

First of all, let's talk about the background of the rule of Zhenguan, who was in the early years of the Tang Dynasty, because the Sui Emperor was very faint in the later period of the entire dynastic rule, and he did not have any moral principles, which led to the outbreak of peasant revolts in the last years of the Sui Dynasty.

The rule of chastity, the opening of the new century, and the development are the last word

In addition, the Sui Dynasty's destruction of the entire country was very serious, making it difficult for the entire people's livelihood to continue, the people were not happy, the people were in deep trouble, and there was a big war.

Therefore, the population has been greatly reduced, and such a mess has made it very difficult for the entire newly established Tang Dynasty to continue to rejuvenate and develop.

Therefore, after Tang Taizong succeeded to the throne, because he witnessed the rise and fall of the Sui Dynasty and the cruelty of the peasant uprising war and how easy it was for a dynasty to collapse, he realized the importance of the entire peasant class for economic development and political stability, so he often used the Sui Emperor as a negative teaching material.

The rule of chastity, the opening of the new century, and the development are the last word

And constantly pay attention to alleviating social contradictions, adjusting their own political policies, and guarding themselves and his subordinates to become clear and enlightened, for example, he has a very famous remark that is also a classic for later generations to learn, that is, using people as a mirror can see the gains and losses.

During the Tang Taizong period, the talent rise channel of the whole country was very reasonable, no matter what kind of person, no matter his origin and family background, as long as you have talent.

As long as you can contribute to the country, we can elect you as a state official, which is also the opportunity provided by the evolving examination system.

The rule of chastity, the opening of the new century, and the development are the last word

Moreover, in terms of people's livelihood, Tang Taizong paid attention to lightly dispensing with small endowments, exempted himself from many military services, and developed many new concepts of farmland construction, such as the military average field system and other political systems to reduce the burden on the people.

Once the people's burden is reduced, the people will live more easily, which will make politics more stable, so Tang Taizong's policy is very reasonable and conducive to long-term rule.

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