
Why didn't the Ming Dynasty have a harem dictatorship?

When it comes to the prosperity of history, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is definitely the Han and Tang Dynasties, which is a famous prosperous era in history. Whether it is the rule of Wenjing in the early Han Dynasty or the zhongxing in the middle period, the reign of the Tang Dynasty Zhenguan kaiyuan shengshi, it is worth letting history remember forever. But don't forget, at least after the death of Han Gaozu in the early days, the Han Dynasty has always been controlled by Lü Yan, not to mention Empress Dou and so on, and harem dictatorships abound. After Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty created the reign of Zhenguan, he made his ninth son Li Zhi ascend the throne as emperor, which was for Emperor Gaozong of Tang, so the Tang Dynasty reached its peak in his territory during his period, but this time did not last long. Later, his own wife Wu Meiniang has always controlled the government, after Li Zhi's death, they first established their common son Li Xian as emperor, and then the desire for power swelled and even deposed her son himself as emperor, and was also the first female emperor in Chinese history, of course, in the Northern Wei Dynasty, there was a half-year-old baby girl who was only an emperor for half a day.

Why didn't the Ming Dynasty have a harem dictatorship?

?? If we look at the 276-year history of the Ming Dynasty, we may find a common history, that is, there is no such thing as the dictatorship of the harem empress concubines, whether it is Empress Ma in the Ming Taizu period or Empress Xu in the Ming Chengzu period who knows the way of the future very well. First of all, it is worth mentioning that their husbands are all famous male lords in history, whether it is Ming Taizu's expulsion of Hu captives to rebuild China, or the five conquests of Mongolia in the Ming Chengzu period to recover Annam, which is worth remembering for all future generations. Secondly, in the thirteenth year of the Ming Dynasty Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang abolished the Zhongshu province system for thousands of years in one fell swoop, and the emperor was in charge of the six departments, and even if the empress wanted to control the government, no one to make friends. Although the emperor had to do a lot of things, he effectively avoided the monopoly of the harem in later generations. The later eunuch Dongchang was established because of the measures taken by Ming Chengzu Zhu Di to contain the cabinet, although it was criticized by later generations, but it did not affect his contributions to history at all.

Why didn't the Ming Dynasty have a harem dictatorship?

?? Although he made many contributions to history, the late Qing Dynasty signed a number of unequal treaties, imprisoned ideas, closed the country, etc. At that time, China was greatly behind other countries, and the Manchu Qing Dynasty can be described as a sinner for thousands of years. You see whether it is the early years of the Qing Dynasty or the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was a matter of harem dictatorship, after the death of Emperor Taiji in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the youngest son Fu Lin ascended the throne as emperor, it was for the Ancestor of the Qing Dynasty, and the capital was moved to Beijing in the next year, when he was still young, so the pressure of the government naturally fell on Empress Xiaozhuang, and then he died of smallpox at a young age, so that his young son Kangxi ascended the throne as emperor, and he ascended the throne at the age of 8 until he was a teenager and pro-government for nearly ten years. Cixi at the end of the period was notorious, first of all in the Xianfeng period there was the Taiping Rebellion inside, and there was the burning of the Yuanmingyuan outside. In the Sino-Japanese War, the Ming Dynasty had so many advantages and was finally defeated by Japan, not to mention the martyrdom of Deng Shichang and others. Cixi is a sinner throughout the ages, look at the meal she and the Japanese emperor ate, you can see that in order to defeat the Chinese emperor, japan can change three meals to two meals or even one meal, Cixi's birthday party is so grand, not to say, or make the whole table full of Han, so many dishes can not all be eaten, and finally it is not wasted in vain! Therefore, at that time, it was unreasonable for the Qing Dynasty not to lose the battle.

Why didn't the Ming Dynasty have a harem dictatorship?

?? There are so many people in the Ming Dynasty, I don't know why, if it is really bad, why not lose power and humiliate the country like the Qing Dynasty, the period of harem dictatorship, even in the later stage of fighting with foreigners, it seems to be very backbone, and it is a hundred battles and victories. This is compared to the Qing Dynasty, which is simply a heaven and an underground!

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