
Li Shimin pioneered the rule of Zhenguan and established the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, mainly for these reasons


The tyranny of the Sui Dynasty made the people of the world miserable, in order to make the people truly live and work in peace and contentment, the heroes and valves everywhere revolted one after another, wanting to win their own world in the chaotic world, and among the many rebel armies, Li Yuan was able to stand out, and the main reason for the successful establishment of the Tang Dynasty came from his son Li Shimin. When Li Shimin was a child, he witnessed the great social turmoil of the Sui Dynasty, and he deeply felt that the people were very distressed by the displacement of the people due to the war, and at that time he made a bold ambition, hoping that he could become a person who saved the people in the future, and later he also lived up to the expectations of the people, successfully created the rule of Zhenguan, opened the real Tang Dynasty, and left a solid foundation for future generations.

The ambition of the emperor naturally helps the establishment of the country greatly, but this is not the key to the country's peace and security, although in the long river of history, Li Shimin's great achievements can not be replaced by anyone, but for a country, to achieve a real prosperity, in fact, it is not the emperor's own merit. That is to say, although Li Shimin has a proud feeling and wants to do practical things for the people, if his efforts alone are far from enough, he can successfully create the rule of Zhenguan, mainly for the following reasons.

Li Shimin pioneered the rule of Zhenguan and established the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, mainly for these reasons

Learn the lessons of past history, have fun with the people, and persuade nongsang to teach lessons

When Li Shimin first came to power, the political situation faced by li shimin was actually not as smooth as we thought, although the Tang Dynasty had been successfully established at this time, but the depressed society left by the Sui Dynasty was still unchanged, and the people were still in a state of vastness and severance, so in order to make the people really change the status quo, Li Shimin believed that the most important thing at the moment should be to improve the living environment of the peasants, and persuade all the people to make common progress in agriculture and culture. Don't keep thinking about the past a stumbling block to history's progress.

This point is not only the emperor Li Shimin really like, his important ministers have also lamented, the main reason why the Sui Dynasty will perish is because they have adopted an extremely harsh policy when dealing with the people, resulting in the people can not maintain their most basic life, naturally can not cope with the state's mandatory taxation, in this living environment, the four words "live and work in peace" has become a great joke, so they think that the people are the key to the prosperity of a country, It is also the fundamental reason for the gradual decline and eventual demise of the country, in order to be able to establish its own powerful country, the first task is to win the hearts and minds of the people.

Li Shimin pioneered the rule of Zhenguan and established the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, mainly for these reasons

Paying a certain amount of silk or cloth can replace servitude

In the past, society did not have advanced means, nor did it have developed science and technology, and the only way to make the people live a well-fed life was to let them accumulate more grain through agricultural means, so for the people, agricultural activities were necessary activities, but in the process of farming, the most important thing for the peasants was to abide by the laws of nature, that is, to sow seeds at the time of sowing, only in this way could they get more grain in the harvest season "Life.

In order to allow the people to have more time to complete agricultural activities, Li Shimin decided that the peasants could choose to pay a certain amount of cloth or silk mats, which could replace the amount of servitude stipulated by each person, because they felt that doing so would allow the peasants to have more time to complete their agricultural production activities, that is, the so-called time of not depriving the peasants, and not delaying the agricultural affairs. He said that if the state wants to establish a solid foundation, it must put the people first, and for the people, food and clothing is the most important link, and any matter that conflicts with food and clothing must first consider the peasants.

In this process, one thing can be felt Li Shimin's determination, when the time set by the prince's "crowning ceremony" conflicted with the time of the peasant time, Taizong did not choose to let the peasants abandon the original agricultural activities because the status of the prince was more important than other people, but changed the "crowning ceremony" scheduled in advance to winter, that is, the season when there was no need for agricultural busyness, and he even used legal means to implement this policy, and the officials who did not implement the regulations were punished according to law. Let the people feel the sincerity of being an emperor who wants to lead everyone to live a good life in peace and contentment.

Li Shimin pioneered the rule of Zhenguan and established the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, mainly for these reasons

Know people to make good use of, regardless of previous suspicions

In the eyes of many people, the emperor's face is extremely important, after all, the face of the Son of Heaven represents the face of a country, but in the face of talents, Li Shimin will never choose to give up any talent because of his personal face, even if he has had a festival with himself in the past, he will still choose not to consider the previous suspicions, and entrusted with heavy responsibilities, because he knows very well that governing the country by his own strength is far from enough, only through the help of the world's talents, can he retain people's hearts, and when selecting talents, Not only did he ask other ministers to recommend talents, but he also often watched each person's performance.

The most typical example is the famous minister Wei Zheng in the Taizong period, in the period when the eldest son was more honorable, in fact, Li Shimin was not Li Yuan's first son, and above him there was the eldest brother Li Jiancheng, that is, the previous prince, although he was slightly inferior to Li Shimin, but it seemed that he was the eldest son of The Concubine, and his personality was meek and did not have a treacherous heart, so Li Yuan still chose to make him the prince, and gave him great hope, in this case, as the second brother, Li Shimin actually did not want to compete for the position of prince, for him He hoped to become an extremely important subject around the emperor to assist his brother.

But in the end, it turned out that Li Jiancheng was not an imperial material, and his meekness was only pretended to be to hoodwink others, in fact, he was also an extremely stingy and selfish person in his heart, such a person would not be of any benefit to a country if he became an emperor, coupled with the "Xuanwumen coup," Li Shimin deservedly became the new crown prince, after succeeding to the throne, he chose to be lenient to his former subordinates, and Wei Zheng was an extremely important subordinate under Li Jiancheng. And before that, he proposed many strategies to oppose Li Shimin, so many of his advisers advised him to get rid of Wei Zheng so as not to leave a disaster in the future.

However, he did not choose to follow the opinions of the counselors, but chose to continue to reuse Wei Zheng regardless of his previous suspicions, and even in the later period, his official position had become prime minister and became one of the important consolidators of the rule of Zhenguan, Li Shimin believed that anyone could do wrong things in the past, and for those talents with talents, they should not be required with very strict principles, when facing Wei Zheng, in fact, at first he was not willing to submit to Li Shimin, but Li Shimin pointed out, The many strategies he had prepared for Li Jiancheng had greatly helped the people, but he did not adopt them, and if he was willing to assist Li Shimin, he was willing to adopt all his opinions.

People who know this history know that Wei Zheng is an extremely self-contained person. Although he is very talented, but in the official field will not care about anyone's thoughts, especially when facing the emperor, as long as the other party has any mistakes, he will directly point out regardless of the occasion, once let Li Shimin get off the stage in front of everyone many times, in fact, in the face of this picture, Li Shimin was also extremely angry, indicating to his eldest grandson Empress Wei Zheng was an elm head, and his emotional intelligence was very low when he was a man, but he did not despise Wei Zheng for this reason, but after he was sullen, Continue to accept criticism and education from the other side.

Li Shimin pioneered the rule of Zhenguan and established the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, mainly for these reasons

The brother inserted a knife in both ribs and received help from the crowd

Compared with the previous crown prince Li Jiancheng, Li Shimin's greatest achievement is that he led his troops to win many wars in military terms, and this is an important basis for the establishment of a country, only when they win in the war, they can get the right to rule one side of the land, in the period when many princes have revolted, force is undoubtedly the only criterion for whether a country can be established, so this is why Li Shimin made great contributions to the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, because in terms of war, He knows how to make good use of people and has been helped by many talents.

For a country, the establishment of the country comes from the hard work of force, and the subsequent development and growth of the country comes from the accumulation of culture and political economy, in the late Sui Dynasty, there are not a few people who want to share a piece of the chaotic world, and the reason why Li Shimin can stand out is through his unique personality charm, attracting the help of a number of famous generals, which also makes him really move forward on the battlefield, and recover many lost land, such as Qin Qiong and Wei Chigong and other famous generals. These people at that time, with their martial arts and resourcefulness, could be reused no matter which lord they followed.

But they choose to become Li Shimin's subordinates, you can feel the sincerity of the other side, to know that these famous generals before this, in fact, scattered throughout the country with different lords, have their own beliefs, but Li Shimin can do a lot of famous generals have gathered their own subordinates, you can prove that he is not only a very talented person, but also able to attract the spirit of these people, because for these heroes, in fact, what can really impress them is not the fierce spirit of the generals to attack the pool, It is to be able to bring the people a good life of living and working in peace and contentment after the end of the war.

It is precisely because Li Shimin has a heart that puts the people first in everything that he can get the pursuit of these talents, because the common desire of everyone is to end the current chaotic world and give the people a peaceful world, the chaotic world is a situation that no one wants to see, although they have a certain talent to play their own ability in the military, but compared to letting the people live a good life, their own ideas and life ambitions are actually not very important, after all, everyone needs to have their own dedication to be able to do it.

Li Shimin pioneered the rule of Zhenguan and established the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, mainly for these reasons

The rule of Zhenguan pioneered by Li Shimin not only played a great help to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, but also laid a deep foundation for the subsequent historical development, because his merits can leave more traces for history, but also leave us with more excellent culture and accumulation, which for a nation with thousands of years of culture, undoubtedly added a strong stroke of color, of course, through the above summary, we can know that in order to make the country prosperous, not only do we need the local government to have a people-oriented heart. It is more necessary to help many talents to make him more comfortable in handling things.

"The rule of Zhenguan" is not only the first prosperous era after the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, but also laid a very solid foundation for the later "Kaiyuan Prosperous Era", which also led to the Tang Dynasty in this period not only having a very strong position in the Central Plains, but even spreading the national prestige to the four seas, and Li Shimin was also respected by the nomadic peoples of the northwest countries as "Heavenly Khan", which means that at that time, the East was the international hegemon of the whole world, and his status was unquestionable to anyone.

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