
After the arms order was "suspended" by the United Arab Emirates, the US secretary of state responded that he was ready to continue to move forward with the transaction

author:Bright Net

According to the latest reuters report, at the press conference in Kuala Lumpur on the 15th, US Secretary of State Blinken mentioned that the UAE announced the suspension of the US arms order the day before. Blinken responded that the United States was ready and ready to move forward with the deal.

"We want to make sure, for example, our commitment to guaranteeing Israeli military superiority, so we want to make sure that any technology that is sold or transferred to other partners in the region, including the UAE, is thoroughly vetted," Blinken claimed, "but I think we will continue to be prepared for the advancement [of this project]." ”

According to Reuters, a UAE official said on the 14th that the country has notified the United States that it will suspend negotiations on the purchase of F-35 fighter jets. CNN was the first to link the matter to Sino-US relations, arguing that at the time of the Sino-US game, this move shows that the UAE is increasingly dissatisfied with the US attempt to restrict China's technology sales to the oil-rich Gulf country.

According to information released on the official website of the US Department of State, Blinken will visit Malaysia for two days from the 14th to the 15th of this month.

It was Blinken's first foreign trip to Southeast Asia since taking office. But this summer, the Biden administration sent executive deputy secretaries of state, defense secretaries, and vice presidents to visit the region. Some analysts believe that Washington is trying to re-emphasize its emphasis on Southeast Asia and is trying to establish an "anti-China front" in the Indo-Pacific region. However, this attempt is doomed to failure. The United States has done little to help Southeast Asian countries, stemming from its deepest "contempt" for the region. At the same time, the region has been extremely wary of U.S. co-optation, with former Indonesian trade minister Feng Huilan famously saying: "Two elephants fight, we don't want to be trampled to death." In response to Blinken's provocative speech, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin responded on the 14th: "The US practice of provoking separatist estrangement and inciting confrontation is unpopular in the world and even more unworkable in the Asia-Pacific region." ”

Source: World Wide Web

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