
"Mengtian" tests the space engine: China took the lead in building the idea proposed by the United States

author:Lucky dumplings y4


The United States has proposed a set of conceptual frameworks called the Mengtian Project.

One of the top missions is to enable spaceships in the solar system to accelerate at nearly one-tenth of a second per second.

That is, our goal is to create an engine with a high jet speed in the order of tens of kilometers per second.

However, this extremely high-speed engine is not as easy to build as expected, so until now, we still have no engine that can realize this idea.

For most people, spaceships fly at speeds of several thousand kilometers per hour, because on Earth, there are no objects with very large volume and mass that cannot allow them to move at high speeds and the process is super slow.

"Mengtian" tests the space engine: China took the lead in building the idea proposed by the United States

However, in space, the laws of everything have become ever-changing, and the speed of thousands of kilometers per hour is no longer enough for the spacecraft to produce a reasonable acceleration effect.

It was only after overcoming numerous difficulties that in 2018 we finally developed this fantastic new engine, which is also the world's first modern space engine of this scale.

"Mengtian" tests the space engine: China took the lead in building the idea proposed by the United States

This was originally part of the latest engine of the European Union's Chinese Mountain system, but for some reason, the EU team did not continue to work on it, and handed over the research and development plan and design ideas to China.

A Chinese team of researchers pioneered the spectacle two years after the enclosed design.

American Dream Day Program.

We all know that despite the fact that the United States is ahead of the world in aviation.

This also means that the United States has invested a lot of capital and manpower in the field of aviation for research and development.

At the same time, they will also attract outstanding talents from all over the world to join their R&D camp and take their skills with them.

But just over half a century ago, this phenomenon had begun to spread in the scientific and technological world, and due to the instability of a team of scientists in the American camp, it was decided to "defect" from the United States and choose to join the Soviet Union.

In order to win the competition, the USSR decided to strike while the iron was hot, began to train and educate these scientists, and also provided them with sufficient financial support.

"Mengtian" tests the space engine: China took the lead in building the idea proposed by the United States

After four years of struggle, the team of scientists and their new institute have finally taken shape, and the framework they have come up with is called the Mengtian Project.

This is a very abstract idea, and the goal of this idea is to reach the level of artificial solar energy radar, which can observe our sun farther than a detection robot.

"Mengtian" tests the space engine: China took the lead in building the idea proposed by the United States

At the same time, there are other uses for this framework, such as the engine pre-goal of lifting the solar system's spacecraft to 500 kilometers per second.

This is a small part of the rear target, which means that the data needs to be acquired at the same time as the spacecraft needs to be accelerated, so that the spacecraft can drift far into the solar system without having to use a lot of resources in the exploration mission.

"Mengtian" tests the space engine: China took the lead in building the idea proposed by the United States

In addition to the previous goal, there is also a top-level mission, which is to be able to enable spacecraft in the solar system to accelerate hundreds of kilometers per second in a matter of weeks.

That is, our goal is to create an engine with a high jet speed in the order of tens of kilometers per second.

But engines at this speed are not as easy to build as they could see, so until now, we still haven't had an engine that can make this idea a reality.

"Dream Sky" starts again.

We have a very large and massive sun, and the earth is rotating in a small space at a certain angle of the sun.

But even this small space is huge enough for us on Earth.

At the same time, the mass of the sun is also very large, so its gravitational pull in space is very strong, which is also an important reason why the earth does not fly away from the sun.

"Mengtian" tests the space engine: China took the lead in building the idea proposed by the United States

In addition, because space is very large, the gravitational pull on a spacecraft is relatively light, even in a massive gravitational field.

This means that if you want a spacecraft to have a gravitational pull that accelerates, you need to be as close to the planet as possible.

Within such a gravitational range, a spacecraft can only generate enough acceleration in a few months to a few years, even if it flies at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second.

So we need to build a space engine that can accelerate very quickly in space.

However, existing space engines cannot meet such high acceleration requirements in any way, so it is worth noting that when the United States appeared in the United States, there was skepticism about this visionary framework.

Although the United States has completed the development of a supersonic vehicle, even so, we still do not know how to reduce its speed to a reasonable level.

"Mengtian" tests the space engine: China took the lead in building the idea proposed by the United States

Fortunately, this is not an impossible thing to do, after all, rocket scientist Frank Mandevilbull is very good at using chemical methods to solve problems in space slowly, so we can solve this most difficult mechanical difficulty in this way.

With some advice from Mandapur, we finally started testing the craft on the ground on Earth in 1968.

It wasn't until 1972 that we launched the vehicle into space, and after this practice, the program went relatively smoothly for the United States.

Although the spaceflight program was eventually cancelled, Mandevil and his supporters still believe that there are many problems that can be solved by chemical methods.

China did it alone.

In our EU team, we also have a project called "Chinese Mountain", which is to advance the latest engine into the research phase.

We have conducted a lot of experimental research in the direction of output, injection speed and weight of this engine, and finally determined an engine that can achieve acceleration at the level of tens of kilometers per second.

But for a number of reasons, the EU team abandoned the project after a period of research.

The R&D plan and design ideas were put in the hands of China, and the Chinese research team took the lead in launching this spectacle after two years of closed design.

Although most scientists had predicted in the sixties and seventies that the EU team would eventually take this path, they did not expect it to go so fast, even faster than they had ever imagined.

"Mengtian" tests the space engine: China took the lead in building the idea proposed by the United States

After all, in the American team, they have already started building this engine, and China has already launched this priceless machine two years later, which makes our engine the first in the world.

Although it looks the same as previous engines, it is much more powerful than other engines in terms of functionality.

Even when we were building this engine, we still followed the rules of the engine, but because of the relatively high manufacturing requirements of this engine, it also made our manufacturing process more complicated.

At the same time, even though our internal team is hands-on, none of them can do this task alone.

"Mengtian" tests the space engine: China took the lead in building the idea proposed by the United States

It is worth mentioning that our team has also found that although our design is correct, there are some hidden errors in the actual manufacturing process.

Without exception, these mistakes were all "tricks" designed by our EU team, and in order to complete the task, our team members were busy investigating and learning, and in the end, they found these mistakes one by one.


After eight years of struggle, we all ended up leaving our mark on this engine, which made it a mystery that will continue to shine for more than a thousand years to come.

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