
Can the NBA's number one cold-blooded boss build another championship team?

Can the NBA's number one cold-blooded boss build another championship team?

At 124-103, the Jazz defeated the powerful Clippers and won another big game. The record rises to 20-7 and the Jazz are no. 3 in the West. In addition to winning, the Jazz also had good news that Danny Angie was appointed as the team's vice council member and president. Danny Angie was at the helm of the Celtics for many years, kicking off the Big Three trend and helping the team win the championship again after years. Back on the mountain, Angie is expected to make the Jazz from a top team to a championship.

Danny Angie is best known for forming the Big Three and squeezing the remaining value of the Big Three to the fullest. Before the start of the 2007–08 season, Angie sent off a number of players and traded them to Garnett and Ray Allen to form the famous Big Three with Pierce. In the first season of the big three, the Celtics won the championship. For the next 2 seasons, the Celtics were strong champions. In the 2009-10 season, the Celtics reached the Finals again, playing with the Lakers. However, because Perkins was injured, the Celtics failed to win the championship.

Until the start of the 2013-14 season, the Celtics were a competitive team in the East. The change was due to Angie pulling the trigger on the trade, sending Pierce and Garnett to the Nets. With two major feats, Angie exchanged multiple draft picks. With these draft picks, Angie selected talented players such as Tatum and Jaylen Brown to quickly complete the rebuild.

Can the NBA's number one cold-blooded boss build another championship team?

Before Angie left, the Celtics relied on young players led by Tatum to re-establish themselves as the top eastern european teams, reaching the eastern conference finals several times. The Celtics were the team with the most titles in the NBA and the number one giant. But before Angie formed the Big Three, he also fell for many years and became a well-known fish belly. It can be said that Angie single-handedly let the Celtics regain the championship and complete the revival, which is the number one hero.

It was able to achieve great success because Anji was accurate in seeing people and clever in its operation. It is also because Angie has a cold heart and is very cold-blooded in trading choices. In order to form the Big Three, Angie sent away a group of young talents selected by himself. Garnett and Pierce were the cornerstones of the Celtics' championship, but as they entered the end of their careers and their fighting power was sharply reduced, Angie did not hesitate to send them away.

Angie's cold-bloodedness existed during his time as a player. While playing for the Celtics, Angie worked as teammates with Bird. Bird is an iconic figure for the Celtics, who led the team to a long-term championship competition and won 3 championships. Not only in the Celtics, but also in the entire NBA, Angie is a signature figure. But because Bird played just nine games due to injury in the 1988-89 season, Angie suggested to Cardinal Auerbach a trade with him.

Can the NBA's number one cold-blooded boss build another championship team?

From a realistic point of view, Angie's suggestion was right. At that time, Bird had entered the end of his career, his combat effectiveness had been sharply reduced, he was plagued by injuries and diseases, but he was paid a high salary. If the Celtics can exchange Bird for immediate combat power, it is a reasonable choice and conducive to reconstruction. As a result, everyone knows that Auerbach is not as cold-blooded as Angie, but instead sent Angie away, leaving Bird. The Celtics achieved a sports story with kindness, but it also became a key to the fall.

Jiangshan is easy to change its nature and difficult to move, and Angie's out of the mountain this time is bound to continue the cold-blooded operation of the past. The Jazz have had a great record over the past few seasons, and last season became number one in the West. But the Jazz have been unable to break out of the West and become the real chasers of the championship. In this case, Angie is likely to take the heroes of the team's rise and use them to trade the giants. Although the method is cruel, for the Jazz, it may be a way closer to the championship.

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