
Gu Weijun, the first diplomat of the Republic of China, was a prominent man, and his father was the first president of the Bank of Communications

Text/Fu Huaxuan

He graduated from Columbia University in the United States and is a well-known diplomat in modern and modern China. He served as presidential secretary to the Cabinet of the Republic of China and adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 1915, he has successively served as a minister of the Beiyang government to the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries. In 1919 and 1921, he attended the Paris Peace Conference and the Washington Conference, and made contributions to safeguarding the rights and interests of the Chinese nation. In 1945, he attended the San Francisco Conference, participated in the drafting of the Charter of the United Nations, and signed the Charter of the United Nations on behalf of China. Later, he served as a judge of the International Tribunal at The Hague and vice-president of the International Court of Justice. He died in 1985 at the age of 98.

His name is Gu Weijun!

Gu Weijun's father, Gu Qingchuan, was the first president of the Bank of Communications in the late Qing Dynasty. In the early years, in the last year of Guangxu, he came to Shanghai from his hometown of Jiading, Jiangsu, and became the master of Yuan Guanlan, the governor of Shanghai Daoyin (equivalent to mayor). Gu Qingchuan was originally a Qingyi man, his family was cold, and for the sake of life, he only got Shanghai to work as a small official. Gu Weijun was brilliant from an early age and entered a private school at the age of 4. At the age of 12, he came to Shanghai with his father to study. Soon, he was admitted to Nanjing Yucai Middle School.

Gu Weijun, the first diplomat of the Republic of China, was a prominent man, and his father was the first president of the Bank of Communications

At that time, there was also a person named Zhang Hengshan who was also in the yuan guanlan shogunate. This person's writing cultivation is not as good as Gu Qingchuan's, but he has a rare skill, that is, he can see faces. Many of the large and small officials in the Daoyin Gate he had seen were said to be very psychic. At that time, Yuan Ludeng and Gu Weijun, the sons of Daoyin Yuan Guanlan, were studying together in Yucai, and the two were very good, and they often played together in the Yamen after class. Zhang Hengshan said that these two children are not idle people, but if they are not upright, they will not have a good end in the future (and later they will indeed become traitors); Wei Jun will be smooth sailing in the future, rich and noble. Zhang Hengshan often bought some snacks for them to eat, but the only one he really liked in his heart was Gu Weijun, and for Yuan Daoyin's son, it was only perfunctory.

Zhang Hengshan has a petite woman under his knees, which is the same age as Gu Weijun, and Zhang Hengshan very much wants to recruit Gu Weijun as the son-in-law of the East Bed, so he entrusts someone to be a matchmaker. Judging from the situation of the two families at that time, the Zhang family was much better than the Gu family, and Zhang Hengshan was Yuan Daoyin's aunt and cousin, Gu Qingchuan felt that this family affair was a bit high-climbing, there was no reason to be unhappy, Gu Weijun was still young at that time, naturally there was no opinion, and the parents of both sides were engaged.

That year, Gu Weijun, who had returned from studying abroad, proposed to Zhang Hengshan, the father-in-law, to meet his fiancée. At that time, the atmosphere was just beginning, and everyone could not show their faces. Although the father had agreed, the daughter hid in the room in shame and refused to come out. Gu Weijun was greatly disappointed, he felt that his fiancée was too un generous, and he could not be very incompatible with him in the social field in the future, and he was not worthy of his dr. liumei, so he was immediately interested, drank two glasses of wine in a sullen way, and then resigned. It is said that the reason why Gu was eager to see his fiancée was because he heard that under the fiancée's skirt was a pair of three-inch golden lotuses, which was a bit uncontrolled, and the open women at that time were already full of heaven.

Gu Weijun, the first diplomat of the Republic of China, was a prominent man, and his father was the first president of the Bank of Communications

In 1912, Gu Weijun returned to China after receiving a doctorate in law in Colombia, and soon after Gu Weijun returned to China, he was introduced by his father-in-law Zhang Hengshan and went north to meet Tang Shaoyi. Tang Shaoyi was the minister of foreign affairs at the time, and Gu Weijun, with the qualification of a doctor staying in the United States, became a third-class secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under Tang. He was a teenager and danced, and his public leisure was in and out of the dance hall of the Beijing Hotel, an entertainment venue for dignitaries and nobles. By chance, he met Tang Shaoyi's daughter Tang Baoyue. Tang Baoyue has never been abroad and is envious of foreign countries, so she usually does not pay for non-international students. Gu Weijun's handsomeness touched her heart even more. Since then, the two have been inseparable. With this relationship, Gu Weijun began to rise step by step, almost like taking a helicopter. Whenever Gu Weijun had any thoughts, Tang Baoyue stubbornly pestered Tang Shaoyi, not afraid that her lao tzu would not agree.

After two years in Beijing, Gu was made the head of the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Zhang Hengshan, who was far away in Shanghai, was very happy, thinking that getting this dragon and fast son-in-law proved that his appearance kung fu was very superb. So he sent a letter to Gu Weijun back to Shanghai to hold the wedding. Gu Weijun's heart was full of contradictions, dragging and dragging and ignoring it, and later Zhang Hengshan finally learned of his and Miss Tang's situation, turned his old face yellow, and wrote a letter to Tang Shaoyi to scold Gu Weijun and ask Tang to send Gu back to Shanghai. After Tang Shaoyi read the letter, he was furious and immediately summoned Gu Weijun to reprimand him, causing him to return to Shanghai immediately. Although Gu did not want to leave Beijing, he could not resist the reproach of his conscience and the persuasion of his relatives and friends, so he had to pack his bags and prepare to go south.

The news that Gu was about to return to Shanghai was immediately known to Tang Nu, who ran in front of her father crying and crying: "If the child can't combine with Wei Jun, she must cut her hair and become a nun!" Tang Nu begged her father to intervene in the matter. At that time, Tang Shaoyi had been promoted to premier of the state, and he always felt that he should not rely on his own power to rob other people's sons-in-law, but he did not agree. Miss Tang still did not give up, and in order to demonstrate and intimidate, she ran to the Baiyun Nunnery on the outskirts of Beijing and asked someone to inform her father that the hair had been dropped at a later date, and Tang Shaoyi still ignored it. Seeing that this plan could not be achieved, the princess returned to the city and was informed by her father that she would not accede to her request again, and that she would have to go to Bada Hutong (the former concentration of prostitutes in Beijing) to do business, and hung a golden sign with the rose of the current State Premier.0 This sullen stick really knocked Tang Shaoyi unconscious. He immediately brought back his daughter and announced his "unconditional surrender."

Gu Weijun, the first diplomat of the Republic of China, was a prominent man, and his father was the first president of the Bank of Communications

Next, Gu Weijun and Tang Baoyue successfully combined.

Gu Weijun and Tang Baoyue had a deep affection after marriage. In 1915, Gu Weijun was appointed as a U.S. minister, and his wife Tang Baoyue went with him, and in the same year their eldest son, Gu Dechang, was born in the United States.

In 1918, the First World War ended and the Paris Peace Conference was about to take place. While people reveled in the joy of victory, Gu Weijun was deeply grieving the death of his beloved wife. In 1918 there was an epidemic that swept the world, known as the Spanish flu. Tang Baoyue unfortunately contracted the disease and died, leaving behind a son and a daughter.

After Gu Weijun lost his wife, he had a famous diplomatic activity.

On January 28, 1919, the United States, Britain, France, Japan, and China discussed the Shandong issue in Paris. After the defeat of the war, Germany will withdraw from Shandong, but the Japanese representative, Mr. Makino, demands that Germany's interests in Shandong be inherited unconditionally, that is, continue to occupy Shandong. Gu Weijun, the representative of China, listened, stood up and faced the other representatives around him and asked: "The West has produced a saint, his name is Jesus, and Christianity believes that Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem, making Jerusalem a world-famous ancient city." And in the East there was also a saint, his name was Confucius, and even the Japanese regarded him as a saint of the East. Mr. Makino, are you right? Makino had to admit, "Yes." Gu Weijun smiled: "Since Mr. Makino also recognizes Confucius as a saint in the East, then Confucius in the East is like The Jesus in the West, and the birthplace of Confucius in Shandong is also the holy land of the East." Therefore, China cannot give up Shandong, just as the West cannot lose Jerusalem! The Japanese representative Makino was dumbfounded.

Gu Weijun, the first diplomat of the Republic of China, was a prominent man, and his father was the first president of the Bank of Communications

Gu Weijun's performance in this diplomatic activity has always been rumored to be a good story.

In 1920, Gu Weijun, who experienced the Paris Peace Conference, grew in reputation in diplomatic circles. At this time, Gu Weijun was serving on the board of directors of the League of Nations, an organization similar to the United Nations established after World War I. According to people, in New York, he met Huang Huilan, the daughter of Huang Zhonghan, an overseas Chinese who came to visit the so-called "king of the Sugar Industry in Asia", and soon reached the point of inseparability. Huang Mou was the richest overseas Chinese in England, and he accumulated 5 million pounds when he died. He had only one daughter under his knees, but she was not very pretty, but her gorgeous clothes and expensive jewelry dressed her so much that any man would be moved. She was married, and her ex-husband was a British jazzman who died shortly after marriage. The noble door can not close the spring color, she is still in and out of the luxurious social place. Long before Tang Baoyue died, she had planted the seeds of acacia for Gu Weijun, and it was said that she prayed day and night for Tang to die early. Knowing that tian was willing, she frantically chased gu Weijun. At that time, Gu was still young, although he envied her wealth, but he was dissatisfied with her appearance, miss Huang boldly attacked, chasing and attacking, afraid that Gu Weijun would take it for others. One night, she said to Gu skillfully and frankly: "My financial power can guarantee the success of your career, let's start working together." "

Gu Weijun was still a little hesitant about this woman, and although he did not refuse at that time, he did not respond with anger. The next day, he found a famous British star and paid him a pound to account for the consequences of this marriage. The result of the triumph: good couple Tiancheng, great luck and great profit. Gu Weijun then decided to combine with Huang, who was then known as "one pound edge". The two married in London on 11 October of the same year.

Gu Weijun, the first diplomat of the Republic of China, was a prominent man, and his father was the first president of the Bank of Communications

Ms. Huang Huilan is proficient in several Chinese, and after marriage, she followed her husband Gu Weijun to be active in the international political arena, and she can help her husband everywhere. Among the wives of China's envoys abroad, Ms. Huang Huilan is the most outstanding. Huang Huilan had two sons, Gu Yuchang and Gu Fuchang.

Gu Weijun and Ms. Huang Huilan lived together for more than 30 years until he retired from his post as ambassador to the United States in 1956. Probably due to the difference in personality between husband and wife, Lao Yan eventually flew apart.

The marriage between their husband and wife is described in more detail in the book "There Is No Feast Without Dispersion" written by Ms. Huang Huilan. Gu Weijun and Ms. Huang Huilan broke up and lived in New York.

Gu Weijun's last wife was Ms. Yan Youyun. Ms. Yan is a lady from a wealthy merchant family in Shanghai, who was the "school flower" of Fudan University in her early years and a celebrity in Shanghai's social scene. Her first husband, Yang Guangxing, was a Doctor of International Law doctor at Princeton University. When Yang Liumei was in the United States, he was also the editor-in-chief of the Monthly Journal of Chinese Students, but only 10 years later than Mr. Gu Weijun. After returning to China, he served as a professor at Tsinghua University and soon entered the diplomatic community. At that time, Yang Guangxuan had more contact with Gu Weijun, who was the minister of foreign affairs, and had a deep friendship with each other. Therefore, Mrs. Yan Youyun also knew Mr. Gu Weijun as early as the 1930s. During World War II, Yang Guangxing served as Consul General in the Philippines. Soon, the Japanese army occupied Manila, and Mr. Yang Guangxing was killed in the line of duty. Ms. Yan Youyun and Yang had three girls after marrying.

Gu Weijun, the first diplomat of the Republic of China, was a prominent man, and his father was the first president of the Bank of Communications

Gu Weijun and Ms. Yan came together. Ms. Yan Youyun xiao Gu Weijun is 20 years old. After marriage, Ms. Yan cared for Gu Weijun. In Gu Weijun's view, among his four wives, his favorite is Ms. Yan Youyun. The three children brought by Yan Youyun later naturally became the three stepdaughters of Mr. Gu Weijun, they lost their fathers at an early age, Gu Weijun regarded them as their own, and the three daughters treated Mr. Gu like their own fathers.

Yan Youyun is familiar with her husband's habit of sleeping late, considering that dinner to the next day breakfast has more than ten hours of not eating, afraid of affecting his health, every day at 3 a.m., boiled milk in the thermos cup, but also attached a "do not forget to drink milk" note placed next to the bed, warm supervision, care and plus, 100% played the role of "good housekeeper, good nurse, good secretary". At the age of ninety-six, Gu Weijun also completed eleven thousand pages of oral memoirs, which lasted seventeen years and could be completed unremittingly, which was closely related to Yan Youyun's meticulous care.

In their later years, they lived a life of "no remorse, no complaints, no sympathy, and satisfaction" in their lives. The eldest son, Gu Dechang, said movingly: "If it were not for her (referring to Yan Youyun), my father's life expectancy would have been shortened by twenty years." In his later years, when Gu Weijun talked about the secret of longevity, he summed up three points: "Walking, eating less snacks, and taking care of his wife." "

This is the story of Mr. Gu Weijun's four marriages (which can also be called three and a half times), with ups and downs, ups and downs. There are regrets, there are sighs, there are sighs!

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