
Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital was funded by the "Capital Health Development Scientific Research Project"

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission announced the proposed project of the "Capital Health Development Scientific Research Project" in 2022. Three projects, including "Research and Development of Wireless Passive Metamaterial MRI Coil" in our hospital, were approved, including 2 translational medicine research projects and 1 clinical research grassroots popularization project.

Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital was funded by the "Capital Health Development Scientific Research Project"

The "Capital Health Development Scientific Research Project" was established in 2011, guided by the health needs of the capital, to carry out applied research on new technologies, new products, as well as public health measures and management strategies such as disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, nursing, health promotion, etc., to promote the transfer and transformation of pharmaceutical scientific and technological achievements and the promotion and popularization of appropriate technologies, to cultivate outstanding young scientific and technological talents, and to provide strong scientific and technological support for improving the level of disease prevention and treatment in the capital and the overall service capacity of medical and health care.

Since August 2021, the Scientific Research Department of our institute has actively carried out the declaration of special scientific research projects for health development in the capital, and submitted them to the Beijing Municipal Health Commission on the basis of merit. After formal review, expert letter evaluation, conference review and other procedures, in the end, the "simplified citric acid anticoagulant hemodialysis program suitable for grass-roots promotion" by Li Yuehong, director of the Department of Nephrology of our hospital, was successfully selected as a grass-roots popularization project, and the "Research and development of wireless passive metamaterial MRI coil" project of Zheng Zhuozhao of the Ministry of Medical Technology and the project of "Research and Development of Foot and Ankle Dual Based on Eye Tracking and Rehabilitation Robot Technology" by Director Pan Yu of the Rehabilitation Department were successfully selected as transformation projects (independent innovation).

The transformation project also participated in the "Final of the Third Capital Translational Medicine Innovation Competition", and in the end, Zheng Zhuozhao won the third prize and the hospital won the "Best Organization Award".

Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital was funded by the "Capital Health Development Scientific Research Project"

Article Scientific Research Department Janssen

Typesetting Publicity Center Nanziyu

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