
NASA confirmed the discovery of organic matter on Mars, a large amount of water ice underground, or life in caves?

NASA confirmed the discovery of organic matter on Mars, a large amount of water ice underground, or life in caves?

Jezero Crater on Mars confirms the discovery of organic molecules.

Nasa's Perseverance rover, which has been on Mars for less than a year, has confirmed the discovery of organic molecules in rock and dust at the bottom of craters. Of course, this is not evidence of life on Mars, the so-called organic compounds are compounds containing hydrocarbon bonds, which can be produced through many abiotic processes, and both Curiosity and the Mars Express orbiter have found organic compounds on Mars.

However, the significance of this discovery is that it proves that Martian rocks can preserve organic compounds very well, which means that Mars, if there is bio-organic material, it is likely to be preserved as well.

NASA confirmed the discovery of organic matter on Mars, a large amount of water ice underground, or life in caves?

Combined with the fact that Europe and Russia have just found a large amount of water ice at a depth of one meter below the surface, an area equivalent to the netherlands; combined with the evidence that the earth's groundwater is at least three times that of the surface water; and the scientific understanding that the higher the temperature of the earth's center, we can be sure that there is definitely a large amount of groundwater in the caves and rock crevices under Mars. And all planets, including the moon, should be the case, because the planet in the early stage of formation has a lot of water, except for the escape to space, other water of course will not disappear out of thin air, but remain on the planet - most of it should be underground, a few will be on the surface, and then will escape to space or freeze on the surface, the earth's liquid water environment may be more rare.

NASA confirmed the discovery of organic matter on Mars, a large amount of water ice underground, or life in caves?

Whether there is life on Mars or not becomes a very simple question: whether life is formed by chance or inevitably? Since we currently know only one sample of Earth, we cannot get a definitive answer.

But if the formation of life is not so harsh, as long as there is liquid water and a stable environment for a long time, then Mars may have had life in the warm period of more than a billion years before, at least the lowest life should have. If so, then there's no reason why life doesn't exist in the subsurface of Mars — life has already been found in the subglacial lakes that formed tens of millions of years ago in Antarctica.

NASA confirmed the discovery of organic matter on Mars, a large amount of water ice underground, or life in caves?

And the most disappointing thing is that if the conditions for the formation of life are extremely harsh, and the earth just hits the luck, forms life under extremely accidental circumstances, and evolves to the present, then not only Mars, but also other places in the universe will probably not have life. Then our human mission is extremely important and sacred, and life needs to spread from our small blue dot to the vast and boundless space.

But first of all, our most important thing is not to go to the vast space and conquer all the habitable planets with liquid water, but to protect ourselves from extinction due to warming or uranium barriers— if so, the universe must be very sad, after all, only a little hope is about to be destroyed.

Of course, according to logical reasoning, there is likely to be a lot of life in the universe, because since there is life on our earth, it means that the probability of life in the universe is not zero. At present, scientists tend to think that the universe is infinite, so the probability of not being zero in the infinite is of course inevitable, and it is also infinite.

Stay tuned:

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