
D.H.APP_Horoscope of December 19, 2021


The things you're trying to figure out have started to blur. You may have a hard time separating one aspect from the other because you're too focused on the problem. Aries, you may need to step back a bit right now, in order to see things as a whole, rather than a bunch of little dots mixed together. When you start looking at each element separately, your situation becomes more meaningful and you find a good solution as a result.


Someone might offer you a way forward, and that means the end of a struggle. But accepting this offer could mean you have to deal with someone you don't want to be involved in, so some compromise needs to be made in this choice. However, it may not be as bad or difficult as you might think, Taurus. You may find that ending your struggles with the answers that bring such hope and relief, and the road to get there doesn't seem that tough – especially if you choose to believe that. It might be worth it.


Many people tend to see arguments as a bad thing. After all, tensions can rise, emotions can explode, and rifts can emerge. In some arguments, a chasm between two people will ever be filled. But if handled properly, it can be a good thing. It can be a starting point, a useful conversation and the necessary changes. Gemini, try to look at the current debate that way. If you approach this "argument" constructively, it will bring about positive changes.


You may find yourself trapped in an uncomfortable situation right now that is so emotional for you that you don't have the confidence to deal with it. Cancer, you often doubt your ability to see your path clearly in this situation, so you are constantly hesitant to take this path. It feels like you can't win no matter what you do. One option offers a certain amount of freedom, but with a sense of guilt; The alternative is to fulfill obligations, but not so freely. It was a tough choice. But cheer up. A happy answer that makes sense for everyone is coming.


There's nothing wrong with wanting more out of life, no matter what you want. How to enrich your life is up to you. If someone criticizes some of your desires right now, or implies that you're greedy or overly materialistic, they can live their way and you can live your way. If someone suggests that you have some negative thoughts, don't pay too much attention. You are equally compassionate and ambitious, lion, and one of them does not exclude the other. Go fight for what you want.


Are you suspicious of someone's claims right now? If that's the case, Virgo, you're probably the only one. Others may be swayed by the charm and disembodied intellect of a particular person, but you can see through his disguise. Even so, you know that if you say it out loud, it might bite you back. Denigrating a credible figure sometimes does have some consequences. But if you don't, the consequences can be even worse. Try asking questions that can't be answered without revealing the truth – that might work.


Libra, if you feel like you're running in emptiness, it probably has nothing to do with your own problems or experiences. If you analyze how you feel so tired, you may find that it's because of what you're doing and how you feel about the people in your life. Their problems, their anxieties, their requests for attention and help – these will all have an impact on you. But because you're so sympathetic to their needs, you'll answer their call no matter what happens. You need to separate their anxieties from yourself. You can still help, but don't have to take on the same burden anymore.


Your mind today may turn to an idea that comes up repeatedly. You want your life to change. This may be especially important to you right now, Scorpio, because the end of the year is just around the corner and many of us tend to think about what we've accomplished, what we haven't accomplished yet, and where we want our lives to go. But if you don't know what you want to change, how do you get started? Today, from a hopeful place, take some time to think about what your life looks like at this time next year. Then start making these changes every day.


You have a strong sense of what you're good at and what you're not good at. Sagittarius, you are quite practical in this regard. Don't set your goals too high. But what if you really don't know what you're capable of doing that you're or will be offered now? What if you underestimate yourself? Have you ever questioned this possibility? If you get what you really want, but feel like you don't have the ability to do it – question your assessment of yourself, try anyway.


Some people in your life may find you picky. On the other hand, you prefer to think of yourself as "insightful.". You are cautious. You're concerned about the risk of exaggeration. But now, Capricorn, your pickiness is wise. You can get something better than what's being offered to you now, so why don't you really want it? If someone blames you for wanting more, don't take them seriously. Your opinion is the only one that matters in this regard.


There may be someone in your life looking for guidance, and you may have some great advice to share. However, Aquarius, to give this advice, you may first have to make some criticism, which may be considered harsh. You may fear that you will offend this person who seeks hope, but if you express your concern with encouragement and praise, this won't happen. By doing so, you can give that person the key to understand and make the necessary changes. Don't be afraid to be honest.


The best path to your destination isn't always the easiest one. There are often other things to consider during your travels – like how quickly you're going to get there, what kind of transportation you're going to take, your finances, and so on. You may now be faced with a choice to go to a place you need to go, both geographically and emotionally, but the way to get there can be very different. Pisces, don't rule out a certain option just because it seems harder. If this seems like the right path, follow your instincts, even though the "cost" seems higher.

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