
Female college students almost go blind! This habit is a habit that many people have

The TV was always on during the day

Stay up late at night holding your phone

Chased the drama for 4 days in a row

Cangxian County, Cangzhou, Hebei

20-year-old female college student Xiao Dan (pseudonym)

In the right eye, the retina suddenly detached and he was almost blind

Recently, through Cangzhou Eye Hospital

Doctors treat it urgently

Xiao Dan's eyesight was finally saved

Female college students almost go blind! This habit is a habit that many people have

Xiao Dan is at a university in the outside world, lives in Cangxian County, and recently went home on vacation to rest, planning to take advantage of the holiday to "make up" the fallen plot. After watching the night during the day and watching it continuously, after 3 days of continuous drama chasing, Xiao Dan, who was nearsighted at 400 degrees, felt uncomfortable in his eyes, and sometimes his eyes would flicker like flashes of light and darkness. But she didn't care too much, thinking that her eyes were tired, and after a short rest, she continued to chase the drama.

On the night of the 4th day of the drama, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the field of vision of Xiao Dan's right eye, and nothing could be seen where the black shadow was obscured. Her family rushed her to Cangzhou Eye Hospital for treatment.

After the doctor's examination, Xiao Dan had a retinal detachment in his right eye. The next day, doctors urgently performed retinal detachment repair surgery for her. Xiao Dan's retina was "repaired", and the vision of his right eye was restored from 0.6 correction to 1.0.

According to Zhang Liyou, deputy director of the Department of Ophthalmology of Cangzhou Eye Hospital, retinal detachment generally occurs in people with myopia, congenital abnormal development of the retina and people with eye trauma. Such people are prone to sudden retinal detachment if they use their eyes excessively. If the visit is not timely, it can lead to eye atrophy and blindness.

Now there is a large number of electronic products

Let many people's mobile phones and tablets not leave their hands

The number of low-headed families is increasing

Mobile phones and tablets have become people

Closest partners

This makes the eyes "sin"

The dangers of myopia

It's not just that you can't see clearly!

Hazard 1

Low vision, often dry and tired eyes, affecting the quality of study, life and work.

Long-term wearing of glasses will lead to inconvenience in life and work.

Hazard 2

Medium to high myopia, which can cause protrusion of the eyeball and sagging eyelids, affecting the appearance.

Hazard 3

Low vision in the naked eye, restrictions on further education, enlistment in the military, civil service examinations and job search.

Hazard 4

In old age, two pairs of glasses must be worn because of the flower eye.

Hazard 5

The incidence of cataracts and glaucoma in myopic patients is significantly higher than that of normal people.

Hazard 6

The main hazard is that medium and high myopia, especially high myopia, is easy to cause retinal hemorrhage and retinal detachment and blindness.

Prevent myopia, these must be done

So how can myopia be prevented?

In everyday life

These eye-loving habits must be developed

Controls eye time

Look close for a long time

Refractive system of the eye

It will change

Myopia deepens

The surrounding light is important

Too dark or too intense light

Are not conducive to visual health

Soft light is not enough

Go outside and relax your eyes

Two hours of outdoor activity per day

40% reduction in myopia incidence

When the eyes are looking far away

In a state of regulation and relaxation

After a long look close

Be sure to relax your eyes by looking into the distance

This is effectively mitigated

The degree of myopia is deepening

Retweet spread, let more people see!

Source: Cangzhou Evening News, Hebei Youth Daily reporters Wang Haixia, Wang Shan

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