
Visit the Food Safety | Cooking Room of the Guangzhou School: the ingredients are already processed and just need to be cooked

Recently, the food safety problem of schools in many parts of China has aroused concern, is school food safety in Guangzhou? Can the food students eat traceable? How will schools ensure the safety of students' food and public welfare?

The reporter visited and learned that in the kindergarten, there is generally a meal demand of two or two meals, so food safety issues have also received more attention.

It is understood that in the South Bank Road Campus of the First Commercial Staff Kindergarten in Guangzhou, a total of 318 students from 10 classes will eat and drink in the kindergarten, and in addition to the campus of the kindergarten in Datong Road, nearly 600 to 700 students will eat in the kindergarten, and the age group of students is 3 to 6 years old.

Visit the Food Safety | Cooking Room of the Guangzhou School: the ingredients are already processed and just need to be cooked

Subsequently, the reporter followed the kindergarten teacher to the cooking room of the kitchen, where a chef was frying lean meat in front of a large cauldron in the cooking room, and boiling bone broth in the other large cauldron. In the cooking room, there is a special steaming cabinet and a soup pot dedicated to the soup. Some of the chopped shredded carrots and pumpkin chunks are packed in different stainless steel pots.

Zhou Minxian, director of guangzhou first commercial staff kindergarten, said that these materials are processed before being sent to the cooking room for cooking, if you need to cut into pieces, you need to complete it in other operation rooms, and only cook in the cooking room.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Zhang Dan

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Zhang Dan

Video/Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Reporter: Zhang Dan

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Cai Lingyue

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