
The woman wants to go abroad with her boss for further study, husband: divorce and go again, woman: then who will take care of my mother

author:Phineas emotional station

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Lin Wan is a professional woman working in a foreign company, she and her husband Li Qiang have been married for 5 years and have a son and a daughter. After getting married, Lin Wan devoted herself to her work, hoping to get better career development. However, this also led to her neglecting her family. Li Qiang not only has to take care of the elderly and children alone, but is often blamed by his mother-in-law. Gradually, the couple's relationship became more and more stiff.

The woman wants to go abroad with her boss for further study, husband: divorce and go again, woman: then who will take care of my mother

At a company's annual meeting, Lin Wan was commended for her outstanding work and was promoted to department manager. Lin Wan was thrilled, and she saw it as an important turning point in her career. That day, his boss Deng Jie invited Lin Wan to dinner to celebrate. The two of them were too drunk to drink, and they were both slightly drunk. Deng Jie sent Lin Wan home and expressed his willingness to give greater professional help and care.

That night, Lin Wanxing rushed to tell Li Qiang the good news. She said that the company wants to send outstanding employees to study in overseas branches, and she is likely to be nominated, which is a rare opportunity to study abroad. However, Li Qiang was not happy for Lin Wan's promotion. Instead, he was outraged by Lin Wan's alienation from her family.

The woman wants to go abroad with her boss for further study, husband: divorce and go again, woman: then who will take care of my mother

The two soon had a big quarrel, and Li Qiang even asked Lin Wan to choose a family or divorce. Lin Wan cried and said that she had paid so much, and she only wanted to have a successful career and be financially independent. She asked Li Qiang, if the divorce is divorced, who will take care of the mother and children?

After this battle, Lin Wan realized that she had neglected her husband emotionally. She began to reflect on the work-family balance. So, Lin Wan found Li Qiang and sincerely apologized, saying that she would attach importance to her family, and declined the opportunity to study abroad.

Unexpectedly, Li Qiang did not accept Lin Wan's apology. He questioned whether Lin Wan really gave up studying abroad for the sake of his family, and also suspected that Lin Wan was having an affair with his boss. Lin Wan cried about her intentions for her family, but Li Qiang didn't believe it. The relationship between the two fell to a low point.

The woman wants to go abroad with her boss for further study, husband: divorce and go again, woman: then who will take care of my mother

Later, the two, who often quarreled, began to discuss divorce. Lin Wan was heartbroken, she felt that she had given so much, but she couldn't get her husband's understanding. The bitterness of married life made her lose confidence in her career, and Lin Wan gradually became depressed, and her work performance was not as good as before.

A year later, the moment she signed the divorce agreement, Lin Wan finally broke down and cried. She realized that she and Li Qiang missed the best opportunity to understand and tolerate each other, and thus moved towards the breakdown of their marriage.

After the divorce, Lin Wan chose to resume her career. She regained her strength and healed by working hard. Gradually, Lin Wan regained her career advancement. But every time she thinks of this failed marriage, she still feels a faint pain.

The woman wants to go abroad with her boss for further study, husband: divorce and go again, woman: then who will take care of my mother

After another two years, Lin Wan met Li Qiang during a business negotiation. The two exchanged a few words of awkward greeting, and Li Qiang asked about the child's situation. After some conversation, the two also had a new understanding of the past misunderstanding in their hearts.

After that, Lin Wan and Li Qiang maintained a friend-like contact. They no longer talk about the pain of divorce and focus on the education of their children. Gradually, trust and friendship were re-established between the two.

On Lin Wan's birthday, Li Qiang gave a gift and asked her to have dinner together. Before leaving, he suddenly said that he wanted to remarry, but Lin Wan refused with a smile. She said they now get along well. The bondage of marriage will not give her a sense of security, but will make her feel bound.

The woman wants to go abroad with her boss for further study, husband: divorce and go again, woman: then who will take care of my mother

Li Qiang nodded, indicating that he understood Lin Wan's thoughts. He said that he is more mature and will give Lin Wan the greatest support in her career and life. Lin Wan was moved to hold Li Qiang's hand, she believed that the two would continue to move forward in a new way.
