
Xu Shu went to recommend Zhuge Liang, why did he think of recommending Zhuge Liang when he wanted to leave? The reason is not simple

Xu Shu went to recommend Zhuge Liang, why did he think of recommending Zhuge Liang when he wanted to leave? The reason is not simple

Introduction: When Liu Bei first fought in Jiangshan, there were three excellent generals around Zhang Zhao, and the strategist was only Sun Qian, who usually could only come up with a little idea, and when he encountered major events, he was still helpless. Liu Bei's first adviser was Xu Shu, when he met Xu Shu by chance, and after some conversation, Liu Bei knew that the person in front of him was a rare talent. After his sincere invitation, Xu Shu was finally invited. Xu Shu and Zhuge Liang were good friends, and it was reasonable to say that he should have recommended Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei early, so why did he wait until he left? Is there a selfish heart, and there is another hidden feeling?

Xu Shu went to recommend Zhuge Liang, why did he think of recommending Zhuge Liang when he wanted to leave? The reason is not simple

Xu Shu was such a powerful person that even Xun Yu said that he was inferior to him, and during Xu Shu's assistance to Liu Bei, he helped Liu Bei defeat Cao Cao, which made Liu Bei grateful. Like Liu Bei's conquest for more than 20 years, this is the first time to win a battle. Xu Shu also attracted Cao Cao's attention, and he used Xu Shu's mother to lure Xu Shu under his command.

Xu Shu went to recommend Zhuge Liang, why did he think of recommending Zhuge Liang when he wanted to leave? The reason is not simple

When Liu Bei learned that Xu Shu was leaving, he was very reluctant, but he could not forcibly keep Xu Shu under the banner of benevolence and righteousness, so he could only send Xu Shu away with tears. When Xu Shu was halfway there, he turned back, and at that time Liu Bei thought that he had changed his mind, in fact, Xu Shu came back this time to tell Liu Bei that he could go to Nanyang to find his friend Zhuge Liang, and told Liu Bei that Zhuge Liang's talent was higher than his own, and with his help, the great cause could be accomplished.

Xu Shu went to recommend Zhuge Liang, why did he think of recommending Zhuge Liang when he wanted to leave? The reason is not simple

Although Xu Shu's talent can help Liu Bei win several battles, but to achieve a great cause, more talents are needed, and they can work together, Xu Shu must understand this truth. Just like Xun Yu under Cao Cao, although he was very talented, didn't he also visit famous people for Cao Cao one after another? In fact, Xu Shu was also like Xun Yu, when he was under Liu Bei, he had already said Zhuge Liang, but Liu Bei did not go to Zhuge Liang because he had Xu Shu. In the middle, when Xu Shu left, he did not return to recommend Zhuge Liang.

Xu Shu went to recommend Zhuge Liang, why did he think of recommending Zhuge Liang when he wanted to leave? The reason is not simple

So since there is no such story, why did Luo Guanzhong make such an arrangement? From Xu Shu's point of view, he had not yet determined that Liu Bei was a person worthy of assistance. Before Xu Shu came to Liu Bei's command, he had told Liu Bei's Lu Ma defense master that he needed to give it to someone else, and when something happened to this person, the Lu ma that Liu Bei was riding would be fine. Liu Bei passed Xu Shu's test, but Xu Shu could not rely on this matter alone to determine that Liu Bei was a Ming Jun, he still needed to continue to spend some time with Liu Bei to be sure, and he was not in a hurry to recommend Zhuge Liang here.

Xu Shu went to recommend Zhuge Liang, why did he think of recommending Zhuge Liang when he wanted to leave? The reason is not simple

From Zhuge Liang's point of view, he had always believed that no one in the whole world was worthy of being his lord and did not intend to go out of the mountain. As his good friend, Xu Shu naturally understood his temper, so Xu Shu did not recommend Zhuge Liang. When he had to leave, he saw that Liu Bei was reluctant to himself, which made him say Zhuge Liang, hoping that Zhuge Liang could replace himself and assist Liu Bei, and his move was also a kind of compensation for Liu Bei.

Xu Shu went to recommend Zhuge Liang, why did he think of recommending Zhuge Liang when he wanted to leave? The reason is not simple

Conclusion: Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Xu Shu only recommended Zhuge Liang before leaving, there are reasons for jealousy of him, in fact, there is no such statement. Luo Guanzhong made this arrangement only to better represent Zhuge Liang, after all, this is a novel, not a historical fact. As for Xu Shu's practice of not avoiding relatives, it can also be seen that this person acts brightly and honestly, and will not have the heart of a villain who is jealous of the talents. In the main history, Xu Shu had already recommended Zhuge Liang to him, and perhaps the two had worked together.

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