
Qianlong was ill, and after the diagnosis of the doctor, it was difficult to open his mouth, so he had no choice but to prescribe a prescription: live with the empress for a hundred days

As the last feudal dynasty in china, the Qing Dynasty has always been shrouded in a mysterious veil, when talking about the Great Qing Dynasty, the first thing people think of must be the Kangxi Emperor and the Qianlong Emperor, and it is naturally needless to say that the ability to create the Kangxi Emperor and the Qianlong Emperor in the Kangqian Dynasty is naturally not to say much, these two emperors In addition to their super ability to govern the world, the life span of the two is also very long, but they can be born as human beings.

Qianlong was ill, and after the diagnosis of the doctor, it was difficult to open his mouth, so he had no choice but to prescribe a prescription: live with the empress for a hundred days

Once the Qianlong Emperor had a strange illness, taiyi was very embarrassed after learning of the Qianlong Emperor's illness, taiyi thought about it and prescribed a prescription for the Qianlong Emperor, taiyi said that after living with Empress Fucha for a hundred days, his illness would naturally slowly dissolve.

The Qianlong Emperor was an emperor who was literate and proficient in all kinds of martial arts, and people said that the Qing Dynasty was a world that was beaten down on horseback, and the Qianlong Emperor, as a descendant of the Manchu Qing Imperial Family, his physical condition has always been very good, and the strong And Strong Qianlong Emperor has also achieved a lot in military affairs.

In the early days of his reign, the Qianlong Emperor was diligent and meticulous in dealing with government affairs, and often made criticisms until late at night.

Qianlong was ill, and after the diagnosis of the doctor, it was difficult to open his mouth, so he had no choice but to prescribe a prescription: live with the empress for a hundred days

The Qianlong Emperor can be said to be the most blessed emperor of the Qing Dynasty, although the Grandfather of the Qianlong Emperor, the Kangxi Emperor, was also a long-lived emperor, but the Kangxi Emperor had smallpox several times at a young age, and kangxi also walked through the ghost gate several times when he was in power.

Moreover, the Qianlong Emperor's life was relatively smooth, and he was not only in good health, but also did not encounter any particularly serious diseases.

The Qianlong Emperor's unspeakable secret

For a while, the Qianlong Emperor felt that his anger was particularly strong and his body was very unwell, so he quickly found a Taiyi doctor to heal him, and the Taiyi was very embarrassed in the process of healing, because the Qianlong Emperor's disease was not another disease but hemorrhoids. Telling his courtiers that his private place was not very comfortable, the Qianlong Emperor's face was also a little hanging.

Qianlong was ill, and after the diagnosis of the doctor, it was difficult to open his mouth, so he had no choice but to prescribe a prescription: live with the empress for a hundred days

However, taiyi is still very experienced, taiyi know what the qianlong emperor is sick when he hears it, the qianlong emperor sits in front of the calf every day to approve the recital, after a long period of sitting, his hips will naturally be under greater pressure, and the Qianlong emperor handles so many official affairs every day, and it is inevitable to attack the heart in a hurry.

Although this disease is a relatively common disease, but this disease is also not to be underestimated, ancient medical technology is not as developed as it is now, because of hemorrhoids and deaths are not a minority.

In fact, the Qianlong Emperor was also very helpless, after all, the royal family has so many rules and etiquette, those etiquette systems require the emperor to sit with a seated image, sitting on the stool every day to maintain a correct sitting posture, the Qianlong Emperor's body is naturally going to have problems.

Qianlong was ill, and after the diagnosis of the doctor, it was difficult to open his mouth, so he had no choice but to prescribe a prescription: live with the empress for a hundred days

The doctor knew that the emperor did not want others to know that he had this disease, so he was always very cautious when answering the emperor again. After all, ordinary people with this disease will find it difficult to talk about, not to mention the great Qing Dynasty's grand heavenly son, the Doctor thought of a way after weighing it.

Queen's remedy

The doctor knew that the Qianlong Emperor's favorite was Empress Fucha, who was not only dignified in character but also the wife of the Qianlong Emperor for many years.

After seeing the Qianlong Emperor, taiyi privately found Empress Fucha, and he explained the emperor's main illness to Empress Fucha, and also told Empress Fucha what she needed to pay attention to and how to treat it.

Qianlong was ill, and after the diagnosis of the doctor, it was difficult to open his mouth, so he had no choice but to prescribe a prescription: live with the empress for a hundred days

Empress Fucha was very worried when she learned that the Qianlong Emperor had this illness, and she quickly moved to the Qianlong Emperor's residence to eat and live with him and take care of the Qianlong Emperor's living.

Under the meticulous care of Empress Fucha, the Qianlong Emperor's health soon improved. The doctor said that in the process of curing the disease, the Qianlong Emperor needed to recuperate, and Empress Fucha casually found a reason to send the palace ladies and eunuchs around her to personally take care of the Qianlong Emperor in every detail.

When the Qianlong Emperor faced Empress Fucha, he would occasionally make a child's temper, and the Qianlong Emperor would often refuse to drink the medicine because the medicine was too bitter, and at this time, Empress Fucha would coax the Qianlong Emperor to drink the bitter medicine like a child.

Qianlong was ill, and after the diagnosis of the doctor, it was difficult to open his mouth, so he had no choice but to prescribe a prescription: live with the empress for a hundred days

Under the supervision of Empress Fucha, the Diet of the Qianlong Emperor became more and more light, and the time he sat in front of the calf to criticize the folds became less and less, and he even increased the amount of activity. With Empress Fucha's companionship, the Qianlong Emperor laughed more than before.

After the Qianlong Emperor's health improved, Empress Fucha also moved out of the emperor's palace, and the Qianlong Emperor was very angry when he learned of Empress Fucha's decision to move out, and Empress Fucha also bitterly persuaded the Qianlong Emperor as a king to be able to achieve rain and dew.


From beginning to end, Empress Fucha never made fun of the Qianlong Emperor's illness, perhaps it was precisely because the Taiyi saw Empress Fucha's gentle personality that she prescribed such a prescription!

Qianlong was ill, and after the diagnosis of the doctor, it was difficult to open his mouth, so he had no choice but to prescribe a prescription: live with the empress for a hundred days

Being able to get such a beautiful person as Empress Fucha was the happiness of the Qianlong Emperor, but such happiness was too short for the Qianlong Emperor.

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