
Horner: Red Bull wants to win the drivers' championship more than the constructors' champion

Horner: Red Bull wants to win the drivers' championship more than the constructors' champion

For many F1 teams, the main pursuit is to win the constructors' championship title, but what is the reason behind this season's Red Bull Team's willingness to work only for Verstappen's drivers' championship?

On an economic point of view, the value of the constructors' championship is even higher because there is a large prize money. Horner also said: "The constructors' championship has money hidden behind it. "And the money is not just for the team, all the staff involved have the opportunity to get a certain special remuneration." But the impact of a drivers' championship is not the same as the boost to the morale of the team.

Horner said: "Team points are very important and could be worth millions. But I don't think any Red Bull employee would trade a constructors' championship for a drivers' championship. ”

"Everyone is proud of Max, and everyone saw what happened when Max recently visited the factory."

Comparable to Vettel's first world title for Red Bull

Verstappen's world title is not Red Bull's first, vettel has helped the team win four world titles in the 2010-2013 season. But this time, being able to beat Hamilton in a tense confrontation was comparable to the team's first world championship.

'Because Hamilton and Mercedes are very strong opponents, we have to go beyond that.

"Because Mercedes dominated the entire hybrid era, we're particularly happy to be able to beat them. We built a very fast car and Max took the opportunity and ended up winning the highest honor and we were proud of it. ”

While not winning the drivers' championship, Mercedes has never left the constructors behind, setting a record of eight consecutive titles since 2014.

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