
At the scene of the death penalty of the beautiful agent Yoshiko Kawashima, the gun was hit on the head, and her handsome face was ruined

At the scene of the death penalty of the beautiful agent Yoshiko Kawashima, the gun was shot on the head, and her handsome face was ruined

Yoshiko Kawashima's previous name was Jin Bihui, the daughter of a minister of the Qing Dynasty, after which she was adopted by the Japanese, and the person who adopted her was called Kawashima Nanasu, so she also took a Japanese name after her adoptive father's surname. Her previous father had wanted to restore the Qing Dynasty but had not succeeded. After the Japanese attacked China, she wanted to use the power of the Japanese to help her restore the Qing Dynasty. By the way, she could also help her father fulfill this wish.

At the scene of the death penalty of the beautiful agent Yoshiko Kawashima, the gun was hit on the head, and her handsome face was ruined

Until 1931, she had been studying and training in secret service agencies, but after that she was sent to the Shanghai Song Hall to work as a dancer, specializing in Inquiring into China's military intelligence, and at that time, because she brought a lot of trouble to China's War of Resistance. Later, she became a female official of the Puppet Manchu Palace. Later, she defected to Japan, and she also helped Japan to do a lot of bad things, many of which she organized, and she also formed two particularly loyal teams for the Japanese, and the main work of these two teams was to persecute China and specialize in investigating China's secrets. At that time, many people died at her hands.

At the scene of the death penalty of the beautiful agent Yoshiko Kawashima, the gun was hit on the head, and her handsome face was ruined

She has always traveled between China and Japan, and she has always advocated Sino-Japanese goodwill, but in fact, she is the worst person. And the worst thing she did was that she plotted against Wang Jingwei, and after being plotted against Wang Jingwei, wang Jingwei served as the commander-in-chief of the North China Army, and Wang Jingwei did a lot of betrayal of the country.

At the scene of the death penalty of the beautiful agent Yoshiko Kawashima, the gun was hit on the head, and her handsome face was ruined

She had done so many bad things, she would definitely be punished, so just after the defeat of the Japanese war, she was betrayed by the Japanese, and many of the previous faults were counted on her, and she was also punished, and in 1947, she was sentenced to death by the Hebei Provincial Court, which was also the punishment she deserved. She was executed in Peiping in 1948 at the age of 41.

At the scene of the death penalty of the beautiful agent Yoshiko Kawashima, the gun was hit on the head, and her handsome face was ruined

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