
Emperor Xuanzong roasted the second uncle to death, but spared the third uncle who had repeatedly plotted rebellion

Zhu Gaoxu was the second son of Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, and Ming Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji was the eldest son and eldest grandson of Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, so the relationship between Ming Xuanzong and Zhu Gaoxu was an uncle-nephew relationship. Although the imperial family is supreme in power and indifferent in family affection, it will not be so cruel. But if you knew how dead this "uncle" was, you wouldn't blame Emperor Ming xuanzong for being so cruel.

Zhu Gaoxu (the second uncle of Emperor Xuanzong of Han) rebelled, and Emperor Xuanzong of Ming personally marched, captured Zhu Gaoxu, and brought him back to Beijing. At this time, the courtiers wrote to zhu Gaoxu one after another, asking for the Fa-rectification. However, Emperor Xuanzong did not do this, but only deposed Zhu Gaoxu as a shuren. Later, Ming Xuanzong went to visit Zhu Gaoxu, at this time, Zhu Gaoxu made a joke, and when Ming Xuanzong walked over, Zhu Gaoxu stretched out his feet and tripped Ming Xuanzong to the ground. Ming Xuanzong was very angry, and used a large copper cylinder to cover Zhu Gaoxu underneath, and had people burn a fire around the copper cylinder to roast Zhu Gaoxu alive.

Emperor Xuanzong roasted the second uncle to death, but spared the third uncle who had repeatedly plotted rebellion

However, his other uncle, Zhu Gaoxuan, also plotted rebellion many times, but Zhu Zhanji did not kill him.

Zhu Gaoxuan, another veteran rebel general, originally planned to fish in muddy waters with his second brother and be a pair of difficult brothers who "generously went to the country and were difficult to trouble". Fortunately, some of his courtiers were sincere protectors of the Lord, and they sent people to rob and kill the contact person sent by the second brother and directly submit to the imperial court. Seeing the third uncle's embarrassed appearance, Zhu Zhanji resisted the urge to squash him for the sake of the stability of the empire, and once again forgave the third uncle and his descendants.

Emperor Xuanzong roasted the second uncle to death, but spared the third uncle who had repeatedly plotted rebellion

In fact, Zhu Gaoxuan's desire to murder his brother, Zhu Gaozi, who was also the crown prince, began when Zhu Di was alive. Moreover, he not only murdered Zhu Gaozi, but also tried to murder his father Zhu Di. However, whether Zhu Di became emperor or later Zhu Gaozi became emperor, he did not punish this Zhu Gaoxuan. This is even stranger. Let's first look at the situation when Zhu Di was emperor and Zhu Gaozong plotted rebellion. At that time, Zhu Gaoxuan and Zhu Gaoxu had joined forces to frame Zhu Gaoxu many times. Zhu Di was very angry, killed Zhu Gaoxuan's long history, and arranged another long history for him. However, Zhu Gaoxuan was only criticized and did not punish him much.

Emperor Xuanzong roasted the second uncle to death, but spared the third uncle who had repeatedly plotted rebellion

Later, when Zhu Di was seriously ill, a group of ministers prepared to kill Zhu Di and Zhu Gaozi and support Zhu Gaozhuo as emperor. This matter was discovered by Zhu Di, who killed the rebellious ministers. However, it only criticized Zhu Gaoxuan and did not punish him. Why didn't Zhu Di punish Zhu Gaoxuan? According to historical records, it was Zhu Gaozi who complained about virtue and interceded for his brother many times, so Zhu Di spared him. However, in addition to this truth, Zhu Di was also unwilling to kill his son. Otherwise, even if Zhu Gaozi interceded, Zhu Di, who was himself very cold-blooded, would definitely not spare him.

Emperor Xuanzong roasted the second uncle to death, but spared the third uncle who had repeatedly plotted rebellion

Zhu Zhanji has done so much, and the root cause should be to prevent people from having any doubts about this personal conquest carried out by his laborers and the masses, and at the same time to further confirm Zhu Gaoxu's rebellious charges in order to prove his correctness. In this way, if the crime is convicted and the rebels are killed, Zhu Gaoxu will not be allowed to make any further excuses, nor will he be given any chance to explain.

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