
Although Zhu Gaoxu had military talent, he was obsessed with it, and was eventually made by Zhu Zhanji into a "clay pot stewed chicken"

The Yongle Emperor Zhu Disheng had three concubines, namely Zhu Gaozi, Zhu Gaoxu, and Zhu Gaoxuan, and many interesting stories had happened before Zhu Di rebelled, and after Zhu Di launched the Battle of Jingnan and became emperor, the stories between the three were innumerable.

In all the historical records, there is no doubt that Zhu Gaoxu was the last loser, so many people are more curious, Zhu Gaoxu is obviously a son that Zhu Di loves very much, is he really so unbearable that he will be made into a "clay pot stewed chicken" by Zhu Zhanji?

Although Zhu Gaoxu had military talent, he was obsessed with it, and was eventually made by Zhu Zhanji into a "clay pot stewed chicken"

Since childhood, he has not been welcomed by Zhu Yuanzhang

Zhu Yuanzhang is a person who has no culture and relies on his own ability to become an emperor all the way, after becoming emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang attaches great importance to the cultural education of his descendants, and specially arranges various famous teachers to educate his descendants, as the son of Zhu Di, the king of Yan, Zhu Gaozi and Zhu Gaoxu, were able to receive education in Nanjing.

During their study in Nanjing, the two showed obvious differences; Zhu Gaoxu was a mature and steady person, benevolent, and conscientious, and was quite serious about studying knowledge, which aroused Zhu Yuanzhang's attention; Zhu Gaoxu had no interest in studying at all, did nothing all day, and caused trouble everywhere in Nanjing; Zhu Yuanzhang was quite dissatisfied with him, criticizing Zhu Gaoxu many times, and even Zhu Di was criticized for Zhu Gaoxu's disobedience.

After this period of observation, Zhu Yuanzhang already had a relatively profound understanding of Zhu Gaozi and Zhu Gaoxu, and on the occasion of the twenty-eighth year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang directly chose Zhu Gaozi as the son of Zhu Di, a decision that had a huge impact on Zhu Gaozi's later life, and even Zhu Di did not dare to easily cancel his successor.0

When Zhu Yuanzhang was alive, Zhu Gaozi was deeply favored by zhu Gaozi, and in order to cultivate Zhu Gaozi, Zhu Yuanzhang even personally took Zhu Gaozi to Nanjing to stay with him for education, and this special experience laid a solid foundation for Zhu Gaozi's later achievements.

After Zhu Yuanzhang's death, Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaoxu went to Nanjing to worship their grandfather, at that time Zhu Gaoxu was sad and touched everyone present, but Zhu Gaoxu still maintained the previous attitude of provoking wrongdoing, during Zhu Yuanzhang's funeral, Zhu Gaoxu ran into many disasters, not only caused dissatisfaction among the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu, but even his uncle Xu Zuhui directly scolded Zhu Gaoxu and handed it over to Zhu Di for good discipline.

Although Zhu Gaoxu had military talent, he was obsessed with it, and was eventually made by Zhu Zhanji into a "clay pot stewed chicken"

Purely from the performance of Zhu Gaoxu in his youth, it is not difficult for us to find that in fact, he is indeed a stupid boy, not only likes to cause trouble, but also does not repent, this personality has a huge impact on Zhu Gaoxu's life, and even his final tragedy is also caused by this personality.

Zhu Gaoxu's ambitions were constantly increasing

It should be said that Zhu Gaoxu was mischievous and mischievous in his youth, but at least he did not have much ambition, and it did not have any impact on Zhu Gaoxu's status as a son of the world, but when Zhu Di launched the Battle of Jingnan, Zhu Gaoxu's ambition was gradually increasing. After the outbreak of the Battle of Jingnan, Zhu Gaoxu sat in Beijing, Zhu Di's old lair, as a son of the world, and Zhu Gaoxu followed Zhu Di out on a campaign, that is, during this special time, Zhu Gaoxu's military ability was fully reflected, which aroused Zhu Di's great attention.

Judging from the real historical situation, we have to admit Zhu Gaoxu's military ability; in the Battle of Jingnan, he not only achieved many victories, but also saved Zhu Di from danger many times, and these things Zhu Di saw in his eyes and remembered in his heart, and intentionally or unintentionally implied that Zhu Gaoxu said that Zhu Gaoxu was not in good health, which meant that as long as Zhu Gaoxu died, Zhu Gaoxu would have the opportunity to become a successor.

Under this hint of Zhu Di, Zhu Gaoxu's ambitions became more and more ambitious, and after Zhu Di won the Battle of Jingnan and ascended the throne, Zhu Gaoxu's ambitions had developed to the point that everyone knew it, at that time Zhu Di had been hesitant in choosing the position of crown prince, originally according to the normal inheritance system and the situation of the sons that Zhu Yuanzhang had determined, Zhu Di basically did not need any hesitation after ascending the throne, he could directly appoint Zhu Gaoxu as the crown prince, but Zhu Di was too fond of Zhu Gaoxu, and he would hesitate.

Zhu Gaoxu saw that the opportunity had arrived, and he waited to replace Zhu Gaozi as the crown prince, but at the crucial moment, Xie Jin and others appeared, and they advised Zhu Di to think twice, after all, whether from the inheritance system or Zhu Yuanzhang's testament, Zhu Gaoji was the best choice, besides, Zhu Gaozi's son Zhu Zhanji was also a good grandson, and Zhu Gaoji was made crown prince, and then Zhu Zhanji was allowed to inherit the throne in the future, so it was possible to ensure that the three generations of emperors were all safe and sound.

Although Zhu Gaoxu had military talent, he was obsessed with it, and was eventually made by Zhu Zhanji into a "clay pot stewed chicken"

After understanding the reminders of Jin and others, Zhu Di made up his mind to make Zhu Gaozi the crown prince, and in the twenty years of his subsequent expedition to Mongolia, he had always been Zhu Gaozi's supervision of the country, to some extent, Zhu Gaozi was already equivalent to an emperor at that time, and during his supervision of the country, he managed everything in the Ming Dynasty in an orderly manner, which was the basis for ensuring that Zhu Di could conquer Mongolia in five years.

Since Zhu Gaoxu became the crown prince, then Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaoxu naturally could only go to the fiefdom to become princes, in order to ensure that Zhu Gaoxu did not cause trouble, Zhu Di initially set Zhu Gaoxu's fiefdom in the Yunnan region, so as to ensure that Zhu Gaoxu would not have an impact on Zhu Gaoxu, but after the sealing, Zhu Gaoxu found various reasons to stay in the capital and resolutely did not go to the domain.

Not only that, during Zhu Gaoxu's stay in the capital, he also tried to provoke the relationship between Zhu Di and Zhu Gaoxu, and in order to get Zhu Gaoxu to step down, Zhu Gaoxu framed and killed Xie Jin and others who supported Zhu Gaoxu at that time.

Zhu Gaoxu continued to target Zhu Gaoxu, often saying bad things about Zhu Gaoxu in front of Zhu Di, which made Zhu Di have some bad views on Zhu Gaoxu, fortunately, Zhu Di was not a confused person, and when Zhu Gaoxu recruited troops and horses to prepare to clean up Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Di believed in the impeachment of Zhu Gaoxu by the ministers, and during his stay in the capital, Zhu Gaoxu was not idle, not only recruiting troops and buying horses everywhere, but also robbing the people, killing innocents indiscriminately, and making the people unhappy, and Zhu Di was quite dissatisfied with Zhu Gaoxu's behavior.

If Zhu Gaoxu had not been clever and prudent and had promptly sent Zhu Yunzhuo's letter to Zhu Di to read intact, then perhaps Zhu Di would have sent someone to kill Zhu Gaoxu.

Although Zhu Gaoxu had military talent, he was obsessed with it, and was eventually made by Zhu Zhanji into a "clay pot stewed chicken"

Thinking of this, Zhu Di couldn't bear it, so he directly imprisoned Zhu Gaoxu inside the Xihua Gate, intending to reduce him to a commoner. Originally, Zhu Di thought that there might be people who interceded for Zhu Gaoxu, who had thought that Zhu Gaoxu was usually flying and stumbling, and there were too many people who had offended, after he was imprisoned by Zhu Di, no one actually interceded, and finally it was Zhu Gaoxu, who was kind and kind, who went to intercede, and Zhu Di took the opportunity to let Zhu Gaoxu go and urge him to go to the new fiefdom of Le'an Prefecture.

After leaving the capital, Zhu Gaoxu was not able to continue to compete with Zhu Gaozi for the position of crown prince, but soon Zhu Gaoxuan began to be eager to try again, fortunately, Zhu Di was wise enough to not let Zhu Gaoxuan succeed. In the later period of Zhu Di's life, Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaoxuan could also be regarded as peaceful and guarding themselves for a period of time, and as a result, after Zhu Di's death, the two began to be restless again.

Zhu Gaoxu was made into "crock pot stewed chicken"

When Zhu Di died, Zhu Gaoxu was not prepared to miss the opportunity, Zhu Gaoxu soon ascended the throne and became emperor, so he was very sorry for this miss, and after Zhu Gaoxu ascended the throne, he began to press him step by step, and in the face of Zhu Gaoxu's aggressiveness, Zhu Gaoxu chose to repay the grievances with virtue, not only giving Zhu Gaoxu more money and rewards, but also giving him more real power.

If he had changed into an ordinary person, he would have been grateful to Zhu Gaoxu for Daide, but Zhu Gaoxu was diametrically opposed, not only did he not appreciate Zhu Gaozi, but he also despised Zhu Gaozi and felt that Zhu Gaozi was too weak. Zhu Gaoxu's constant concessions once again fueled Zhu Gaoxu's ambitions, and by the time Zhu Gaoxu died within ten months of his reign, Zhu Gaoxu's real power was already very large, which had a huge impact on Zhu Zhanji's ascension to the throne.

When Zhu Gaoji died, Zhu Zhanji was far away in Nanjing, and after Zhu Gaoxu learned of Zhu Gaoji's death, he began to prepare for an ambush on the only way for Zhu Zhanji to return to Beijing.

Although Zhu Gaoxu had military talent, he was obsessed with it, and was eventually made by Zhu Zhanji into a "clay pot stewed chicken"

After Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, he was very good to his second uncle Zhu Gaoxu and third uncle Zhu Gaoxuan, basically they responded to everything they needed, and never said two words, Zhu Zhanji hoped to change Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaoxuan in this way, ease the relationship between everyone, and let everyone take the overall situation of Jiangshan Sheji as the most important, but Zhu Gaoxu did not appreciate it at all, and the more Zhu Zhanji treated him with courtesy, the more he kicked his nose in the face, and finally he simply pulled the flag and rebelled.

Zhu Zhanji had courage and strategy, and after Zhu Gaoxu's rebellion, he immediately accepted the minister's suggestion to drive the imperial conquest, and under Zhu Zhanji's personal encouragement, his morale was very high, and the army went to the gate of Zhu Gaoxu's fiefdom, Zhu Gaoxu's men were frightened, and everyone asked Zhu Zhanji to take advantage of the high morale to attack the city, but Zhu Zhanji chose to stay still, and asked people to send his handwritten letter of persuasion into the city with arrows many times.

After the soldiers saw Zhu Zhanji's letter of persuasion, their morale was greatly reduced, and in order to gain Zhu Zhanji's leniency, they actually discussed in the city to tie up Zhu Gaoxu, and seeing that the general situation was gone, Zhu Gaoxu finally chose to surrender, and Zhu Zhanji returned to the capital with Zhu Gaoxu and his children and grandchildren.

After returning to Beijing, everyone advised Zhu Zhanji to kill Zhu Gaoxu, but Zhu Zhanji did not want to bear the ancient name of killing his uncle, so he did not kill Zhu Gaoxu, but put him under house arrest, hoping that he would be able to reflect well and find out where he was. After a period of reflection, Zhu Zhanji wanted to see how Zhu Gaoxu's reflection was, so he led a group of people to Zhu Gaoxu's place, but Zhu Gaoxu took advantage of Zhu Zhanji's lack of attention and tripped him with his feet, which completely angered Zhu Zhanji, and Zhu Zhanji decided to give him some color to see.

Zhu Zhanji ordered people to find a large copper cylinder of three or four hundred pounds, and wanted to cover Zhu Gaoxu inside and let him divide it up, but Zhu Gaoxu actually lifted the large copper cylinder up, and Zhu Zhanji was even more angry, and ordered people to press things on the top of the large copper cylinder, and set fire around it to roast the large copper cylinder, directly making Zhu Gaoxu into a "clay pot stewed chicken." After Zhu Gaoxu's death, Zhu Zhanji directly cut the grass and roots, and executed his descendants together.

After seeing Zhu Gaoxu's fate, Zhu Gaoxuan was completely frightened, took the initiative to surrender his military power and obediently retire, and from then on he lived a low-key life, and finally was able to die well, so far, Zhu Zhanji's imperial power was stable, during Zhu Zhanji's reign, Wenzhi martial arts were quite accomplished, but it was a pity that he died young, otherwise the development of the Ming Dynasty might be better.

Although Zhu Gaoxu had military talent, he was obsessed with it, and was eventually made by Zhu Zhanji into a "clay pot stewed chicken"


Although Zhu Gaoxu was quite talented in military affairs and was deeply loved by Zhu Di, because of his arrogant and arrogant personality from a young age and his uninhabited personality, he was doomed to have a bad ending for Zhu Gaoxu, and in the process of fighting with Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Zhanji, others had done their best for him, and he was still obsessed with it, so it can be said that Zhu Gaoxu's death was really self-inflicted!

Remarks: The picture comes from the Internet, infringement must be deleted, welcome to comment to leave interesting ideas.

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