
Zhu Di superficially disliked Zhu Gaozi and even did not let him eat enough, so why did he insist on making him the crown prince?

Whether it is Zhu Yuanzhang's entanglement in selecting an heir, or Zhu Di's performance when choosing an heir, it is all shown

Choosing an heir is not an easy task.

Many dynasties were ruled by the founding fathers of the world, and then gradually declined, among them

A large part of the reason is that the new emperor who succeeded to the throne is not a suitable person for this position.

As an emperor, zhu di could bear the title of a good emperor regardless of the practices of the world or the evaluation of later generations; his son Zhu Gaozi was actually not Zhu Di's favorite descendant, even

Zhu Di strictly controlled the amount of food he ate. Zhu Gaozi often ran out of food, but it was he who was finally made crown prince.

Zhu Di superficially disliked Zhu Gaozi and even did not let him eat enough, so why did he insist on making him the crown prince?

And that's not just because

The identity of his eldest son

According to the patriarchal rules of ancient times, he should be established; and Zhu Di obviously looked at the longer term, zhu Gaozi's son

Zhu Zhanji made Zhu Di particularly happy and loving

After Zhu Gaozi succeeded to the throne, Zhu Zhanji could become the crown prince, the heir to the next emperor.

First, not liked by Zhu Di

There were three people who Zhu Di chose to inherit within his consideration, the eldest son was the unpopular Zhu Gaoxu, the second son was Zhu Gaoxu, and the youngest son was Zhu Gaoxuan; the three of them were not like brothers, and their performance was very different in all aspects.

Zhu Gaoxu was calm and calm, preferring literature to martial arts, Zhu Gaoxu was a typical martial arts practitioner, and Zhu Gaoxuan was a witty and intelligent person.

Zhu Di superficially disliked Zhu Gaozi and even did not let him eat enough, so why did he insist on making him the crown prince?

Among the three, the younger son was the most favored by Zhu Di, because he knew what to do to please Zhu Di; he did not have much love for the eldest son, Zhu Gaozi, mainly because

His personality is too calm, no matter what happens, he looks unfazed.

And he

I don't like to learn martial arts such as horseback riding and archery, and I hold books all day long.

As we all know, Zhu Di was a man who advocated force, and in his youth, he conquered many places in the south and the north, whether it was the later Battle of Jingnan or the attack on Annam or many northern expeditions

Advocating force

Side of the.

Zhu Di superficially disliked Zhu Gaozi and even did not let him eat enough, so why did he insist on making him the crown prince?

Zhu Gaozi's dull personality made Zhu Di feel that he could not completely govern the country, after all

When the country is at peace, it is only necessary to dance and ink, but once the enemy is now, it is necessary to dance the knife and get the gun.

It may be because of its own admiration for force,

He was not satisfied with his eldest son, Zhu Gaozi, and was also shaken by the rumors.

Second, the figure does not match the emperor

In addition, Zhu Gaozi

Obese since childhood,

Zhu Di looked at his son's demeanor was really not majestic enough, so

He ordered that Zhu Gaozi's food be reduced so that he could not eat enough at every meal.

Just like the current weight loss, the effect of weight loss is achieved by controlling the amount of food.

How fat is Zhu Gaozhi? Even basic daily walking requires the support of two people.

Zhu Di superficially disliked Zhu Gaozi and even did not let him eat enough, so why did he insist on making him the crown prince?

Too obese

On the one hand, it does damage The Prestige, on the other hand, obese people are usually frail and sickly;

So Zhu Di ordered him to lose weight in fact for his own good. but

Losing weight is a painful and torturous thing, especially at night when you want to eat;

Zhu Gaozi is no exception. Ben did not have enough to eat because of the reduction of meals, and he was hungry and could not sleep every night.

The people around Zhu Gaozi also looked at it and felt it

I can't bear it in my heart,



Let the cook open a small stove for him in the middle of the night, but in the end he missed the wind, and this matter was known to Zhu Di. He was furious

The cook was ordered to be executed, and the death was very tragic. Zhu Di saw that Zhu Gaozi was dieting and could not lose weight, so he gave up on the matter of losing weight.

Zhu Di superficially disliked Zhu Gaozi and even did not let him eat enough, so why did he insist on making him the crown prince?

3. The system of primogeniture

Zhu Di had other options for choosing an heir, but there were many reasons as to why he didn't like Zhu Gaozi or made him crown prince.

First and foremost is the tradition of succession by the eldest son

; as we all know

Zhu Di's throne was obtained through improper behavior,

He was also well aware that the dangers and gossip of doing so could not be resisted.

So it was his turn to pass the throne here when he was

Special attention is paid to the tradition of the eldest son inheriting the throne

Although Zhu Gaozi did not satisfy him, he was still able to govern the Ming Dynasty well on the whole, so

Under the constraints of traditional etiquette, Zhu Di still made his eldest son Zhu Gaozi the crown prince.

Zhu Di superficially disliked Zhu Gaozi and even did not let him eat enough, so why did he insist on making him the crown prince?

Although Zhu Gaozi was not liked by his father Zhu Di, he let his grandfather be right

This grandson was particularly fond of it, and Zhu Yuanzhang thought that Zhu Gaozi was generous and calm, and was a ming emperor who could govern the country well.

Moreover, at the time when Zhu Di launched the Battle of Jingnan, although he did not go into battle to kill the enemy like the other two sons, he was also Zhu Di

Solved the worries.

Zhu Di himself had three choices, but Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaoxuan were two

Too eager to make a quick profit,

Desperate to get the position of prince,

Again and again, in order to seize the crown prince's throne, he fabricated lies to frame Zhu Gaozi;

Zhu Di was deeply unhappy that zhu Di knew about all kinds of behavior. So the two of them

Although his personal strength was excellent, his mind was not pure, and he was excluded by Zhu Di.

Zhu Di superficially disliked Zhu Gaozi and even did not let him eat enough, so why did he insist on making him the crown prince?

Fourth, attach importance to Zhu Zhanji

But in fact, Zhu Di lied zhu Gaozi as the crown prince

A very important influencing factor is Zhu Gaozi's eldest son, Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Zhanji's freedom and wisdom are abnormal,

He was able to write and be considerate of others; he was deeply loved by Zhu Di for all kinds of virtues.

And the ancients were very


Yes, I am convinced of the dream and the meaning of the dream scene. hearsay

Zhu Di once dreamed that Zhu Yuanzhang passed the throne to himself

He also told him that passing the throne to his grandson would make the Ming Dynasty strong forever. Next

Zhu Zhanji was born, and Zhu Di deeply felt that this was a hint from heaven to him

Coupled with the fact that Zhu Zhanji looked like himself, he was particularly fond of him.

Zhu Di superficially disliked Zhu Gaozi and even did not let him eat enough, so why did he insist on making him the crown prince?

Zhu Di often took Zhu Zhanji with him and arranged for a famous civil minister to be in charge of Zhu Zhanji

Literary accomplishment

, with Zhu Zhanji himself

Hunting expeditions

He also often took Zhu Zhanji with him

Micro service private visit

, investigate public sentiments. This bit shows Zhu Di's love for Zhu Zhanji, and also shows his love for Zhu Zhanji

Give high hopes.

The emergence and growth of Zhu Zhanji gave Zhu Di greater confidence in the future of the Ming Dynasty

At the same time that Zhu Gaozi was made crown prince, Zhu Zhanji also received the position of crown prince.

In fact, it is reasonable to say that Zhu Di cannot establish a prince across generations, but his purpose in doing so is nothing more than to tell everyone

Zhu Gaozi's position as crown prince was credited to his son.

Zhu Di superficially disliked Zhu Gaozi and even did not let him eat enough, so why did he insist on making him the crown prince?

This was also successful

It deprived Zhu Gaozi of the right to create another crown prince, and also ensured that Zhu Zhanji could succeed to the throne after the death of Zhu Di and Zhu Gaozi.

However, although it is a bit of a line crossing, it has to be said that Zhu Di's vision is unique, and the Ming Dynasty ushered in after Zhu Zhanji took the throne

The prosperity of the "rule of benevolence",

His exploits were outstanding, and there was nothing to criticize; he also became one of the Ming Emperors in Chinese history.

5. Summary

It can be seen from this that although Zhu Yuanzhang is not the favorite of Zhu Gaozi, he is not particularly disgusted.

The reason why he was not allowed to eat was because Zhu Gaozi was fat, and in order to make him thinner, it was more in line with the practice of the emperor's appearance.

Zhu Di superficially disliked Zhu Gaozi and even did not let him eat enough, so why did he insist on making him the crown prince?

Zhu Gaozi actually also

Count as a wise man

During his reign, he was politically clear, economically prosperous, and culturally developed.

Favorable conditions have been created for the rule of Renxuan

。 Just him

Sandwiched between his father Zhu Di and his son Zhu Zhanji, it seems a little eclipsed.

It's not that he's mediocre, it's that the other two are too brilliant.

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