
Too clever! He turned the enemy's great break to zero, and 40 years later the enemy did not know who he was

History should not only eliminate prejudice, it should also breed enthusiasm. —George W. Qu Weilian

1. Two maids and one husband

Qian Zhuangfei, a legendary hero.

Interestingly, he was one of the few people in the party who had two wives at the same time (in that era, many men had three wives and four concubines, which was not illegal).

His first wife, the door to the door.

The Qian family is in Wuxing County, Zhejiang Province, doing the business of purchasing raw silk; the woman's surname is Xu, and her name is Shuangying. The Xu family opened a cloth shop in the county seat. The two married in 1914 and had a daughter the following year.

Too clever! He turned the enemy's great break to zero, and 40 years later the enemy did not know who he was

His two wives are like-minded.

In 1915, Qian Zhuangfei graduated from the Provincial No. 3 Middle School and was admitted to the Beijing Medical College, where he met Zhang Zhenhua, a two-year-old female classmate. Zhang was born into a prestigious family and came from a wealthy family. After the two graduated, they became a family in Beijing.

Once, Qian's mother visited her son in Beijing, found that her son had married another woman, and gave birth to a boy, and angrily returned to her hometown to bring Xu Shuangying's mother and daughter to Beijing. As a result, the two women served a husband and wife, but they were able to treat each other with courtesy, get along harmoniously, and have been safe and sound.

2, too smart, versatile

Qian Zhuangfei is a rare smart person.

He is versatile.

After graduating from the medical college, Qian Zhuangfei first practiced medicine alone in Beijing, then went to work in a hospital, and as a result, he taught part-time in an art school.

Because he can also draw.

Zhang Zhenhua works as a doctor at the Temple of Heaven Infectious Disease Hospital. She has a younger brother named Zhang Siam zhong, who is a member of the Chinese Communist Party. Influenced by him, in 1925, Zhang Zhenhua joined the party – faster than her husband. The following year, Qian Zhuangfei was introduced to the party by Zhang Xianzhong.

Too clever! He turned the enemy's great break to zero, and 40 years later the enemy did not know who he was

Therefore, the two couples, using their status as doctors, went to the party organs to "go to the clinic" and deliver information; sometimes they also packed slogans and leaflets into the Medical Box of the Red Cross, distributed them in the park, or stuffed them into the cracks of the doors along the street late at night.

In addition to being proficient in medical skills, good at calligraphy and painting, Qian Zhuangfei can also write scripts and work as an actor.

Because he was too clever, he was transferred to the Shanghai Central Special Branch, and subsequently, he was ordered to carry out long-term incubation.

As a result, he was favored by Xu Enzeng, the head of the Kuomintang Central Unification Bureau, and selected as his assistant.

3. The "Wizard" of the Enemy Agent System

In April 1930, Chiang Kai-shek wanted to get Zhang Xueliang's intelligence, but several times the agents sent to the northeast were eliminated by the Japanese. Xu Enzeng entrusted this heavy responsibility to Qian Zhuangfei.

Qian Zhuangfei took the activity funds and went to the northeast.

With the help of the local underground party, he took the opportunity to establish a set of secret organizations that nominally belonged to the Kuomintang but were actually the CCP.

After returning to Shanghai, he compiled a report of more than 40,000 words, and although there was nothing particularly important in it, in the past the spies had never obtained such a detailed situation about the northeast, and Xu Enzeng's superior Chen Lifu said in a loud voice:

"Amazing, where did you get such good material?"

Xu En once "admired" Qian Zhuangfei, not only praising him, but also relying on him as a "wizard" of the secret agent system.

4. Counter-metering

The Shanghai Public Security Bureau has a detective captain who is very reactionary and does nothing wrong. Qian Zhuangfei and Li Kenong decided to get rid of him.

To this end, they first rented a house, arranged some people to go in, and put a few worthless party documents. Then, deliberately leak the clues to the detective captain.

He immediately went to search for him, but someone took care of him from the side: "Don't go out immediately, put a long line to catch big fish." ”

After a few days, he took people to search for him, and there was no shadow of him.

When his superiors learned of this, he scolded him: "Why don't you act immediately and deliberately let the Communists escape?"

This guy has a hard time arguing, speechless, causing suspicion above.

After a period of "inspection", he became a "traitor of the Communist Party" and secretly "got rid of" his superiors.

5. The enemy does not dare to move his family

In 1931, Gu Shunzhang, the head of the CCP's special branch, was captured and defected in Wuhan and confessed to the central authorities in Shanghai. Cai Mengjian, director of the Wuhan Investigation Department who captured him, immediately sent six special urgent telegrams to Xu Enzeng in Nanjing.

Unexpectedly, the telegram fell into Qian Zhuangfei's hands.

Too clever! He turned the enemy's great break to zero, and 40 years later the enemy did not know who he was

He immediately sent his son-in-law Liu Qifu to Shanghai by train overnight to relay it to the Party Central Committee.

The next day, Qian Zhuangfei handed the telegram to Xu Enzeng before calmly leaving.

But his two sons were still in Nanjing. Before leaving, he left a letter to Xu, warning that if he moved his family, he would make Xu's scandal public. Sure enough, Xu En pretended to arrest his child, locked up for only a few months, and then released.

The enemy actually took the money and flew without hesitation.

6, suddenly disappeared

Qian Zhuangfei went from Shanghai to the Central Soviet District.

In the years that followed, Xu Shuangying and Zhang Zhenhua worked hard, raising their children and looking forward to being reunited with him one day. Unexpectedly, this breakup was actually a life and death farewell.

In 1935, after the Zunyi Conference, Qian Zhuangfei was appointed deputy secretary general of the General Political Department of the Red Army, but unexpectedly, when the Red Army encountered enemy aircraft bombing in Shifeng County, Qian Zhuangfei fell behind and disappeared in the evasion of air raids.

Since then, no one has ever seen him.

7 or 40 years later, the enemy still does not know who he is!

40 years later, Xu En, in the book "A Secret Agent's Self-Description", complained that the biggest mistake he made in his life was that he should not reuse Qian Zhuangfei. His boss Chen Lifu is still blaming him:

"At that time, the two sides were engaged in infiltration work, and there was no pervasiveness, but Brother Jun(i.e., Xu) hired Qian Zhuangfei as a major oversight."

Too clever! He turned the enemy's great break to zero, and 40 years later the enemy did not know who he was

Cai Mengjian also published a reminiscence article entitled "Two Stories That May Rewrite China's Modern History," in which he scolded Gu Shunzhang for "fighting an ambush" and keeping a hand behind after being arrested for defection, refusing to immediately tell the story of Qian Zhuangfei, causing the "Heavenly Opportunity" to leak and fail, causing him to rejoice in the air, and saying in a contemptuous tone:

"Lurking my central money bandits fleeing to Shanghai, so that Gu's possible roles and achievements have all disappeared into zero eggs."

Half a century later, he hadn't even figured out who Qian Zhuangfei really was. In the text, he said with great concern: "There are solid materials to prove that after the mainland fell to the bandits, Li Kenong, the minister of social affairs of the bandit regime, is Qian Zhuangfei! ”

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