
This surname is unique to Fujian, the number is only 17 people, historians as "treasure", but the woman can not say

China's history has a long history, from the Xia Shang Zhou to the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, although the dynasty is constantly changing, but there has been no fault in Chinese culture, the most inherited of which is the surname, there is an old Chinese saying "do not change the name, sit and do not change the surname". As the foundation of the bloodline, the name is an indispensable social marker.

This surname is unique to Fujian, the number is only 17 people, historians as "treasure", but the woman can not say

In matriarchal societies, surnames and surnames are separated, and the Spring and Autumn Chronicle records that people are also born. The Virgin, the god of the ancients, felt the heavens and gave birth to a son, so she was called the Son of Heaven. Women are the inheritors of family (tribe) surnames, while men only have surnames, and the eight surnames of the ancients: Jiang Ji Concubine Concubine Yao Yu are also from the female side, after entering the patriarchal society, the surnames are merged into one.

In terms of naming, successive dynasties and dynasties are also their own exquisite, before the pre-Qin, the child was born in the third month, can be named by the father, "Rites and Funeral Dresses" contains: The son is born in March, then the father's name. When the 20-year-old came of age ceremony, he could take the "word", entered the Han Dynasty and became a popular single name, and took the "word" and paid great attention to respect and virtue.

This surname is unique to Fujian, the number is only 17 people, historians as "treasure", but the woman can not say

After Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, the one-character name was regarded as an ancient ceremony, and the "Spring and Autumn Ram Biography" recorded: two non-ceremonial names, the single-character name was promoted by Wang Mang, and the influence of later generations was far-reaching, among the 21 emperors of the Tang Dynasty, only Tang Taizong Li Shimin and Tang Xuanzong Li Longji were two-character names.

In the Song Dynasty, the "five elements" name was popular, the Ming Dynasty began to use generational characters, no matter how it changed, the ancients attached great importance to naming, under the influence of Confucius's idea of "correct name", naming became very sacred, from the Zhou Dynasty onwards, naming was incorporated into the etiquette.

But now there is not so much exquisite, in 1980, when the English song was popular, there were imitation English names, Lisi, Jack, and in the 90s, they began to imitate the ancient names, and some parents liked some costume dramas, martial arts novels, and directly applied the words Yan, Murong, Liancheng, and some people created their own surnames: the glory of the king, the Spring and Autumn Warring States and the like, but some surnames are not good no matter how to take them.

This surname is unique to Fujian, the number is only 17 people, historians as "treasure", but the woman can not say

the last name

The surname Cao, which first appeared in history as the leader of the peasant revolt at the end of the Sui Dynasty, cao shi beg, is recorded in the Old Book of Tang: Lin Shihong, also known as the Poyang people of Raozhou. In the twelfth year of Daye, he begged with his townspeople to be a group of thieves. According to the Cao family tree, Su Shi of the Song Dynasty, Liu Ji of the Ming Dynasty, Zong Zheng and other historical celebrities have made a genealogical order for the family tree of the Cao clan.

There are currently two kinds of origin of the Cao surname, one is that the Cao surname originates from Cao Cao, Cao Cao's descendants changed their surname to Cao in order to avoid cholera, and one originated from the official position, according to incomplete statistics, there are 120,000 residents with the surname Cao in the country, but the woman called this surname, it is inevitable that there will be some embarrassment.

This surname is unique to Fujian, the number is only 17 people, historians as "treasure", but the woman can not say

Testicle surname

The surname Testicle is a very rare surname in China, and there is a five-year-old praise for Yuyan in the Biography of the Daughters of Lienu. The "testicle" here is about the ancient legend gao tao, who is the same as Yao, Shun, and Yu's "ancient four saints" because "Gao" is the same as "testicle", and his descendants have changed their surname to testicle.

Because it is too rare, there are very few historical celebrities of the testicle, according to the "Genealogy of Ten Thousand Surnames": Chen Dynasty Taijian served as the southern governor of the testicle, and there is also a testicle on the "Liang An Chengkang King Xiao XiuXi Stele Yin", this surname woman is even more difficult to say, if someone asks which "testicle" is, it is very embarrassing.

This surname is unique to Fujian, the number is only 17 people, historians as "treasure", but the woman can not say

Feng surname

Feng is indeed much better than the first two surnames, but the embarrassing thing is that there are only 17 people in the country at present, they mainly live in Guanqiao, XiXian County, Fujian Province, which is still a unique surname, the Feng surname people did not call this surname at first, mainly because their ancestors planted a maple tree in the yard, so they changed their surname.

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