
Women's recent sudden decrease in menstruation, don't be wrong, this may be related to 3 reasons!

When girls spend their childhood and enter puberty, at the age of 12-15 years old, the body's secondary sexual characteristics will begin to develop rapidly, especially the ovarian function gradually matures, secretes a large amount of estrogen and progesterone, and gradually has the ability to ovulate.

Affected by the rapid rise of ovarian function, girls will also usher in the first "menarche", which is the biggest feature of the body's mature development.

Women's recent sudden decrease in menstruation, don't be wrong, this may be related to 3 reasons!

Menarche is actually the product of the metabolism of the endometrium, which will thicken as the egg matures and is released, in order to prepare the fertilized egg for implantation.

The inner membrane that does not wait for the fertilized egg to implant will fall off with the decline of hormones, mixing blood and excreting from the body with the vagina, which is the process of menstruation formation.

Women's recent sudden decrease in menstruation, don't be wrong, this may be related to 3 reasons!

From the beginning of menstruation, women will gradually form a regular menstrual cycle, with an interval of about 21-35 days, with an average menstrual cycle of 28 days. And each time the menstrual period comes, the bleeding time is generally about 3-7 days, and the total amount of each menstrual bleeding is 30-50ml. The reason why each girl's menstrual output is different is related to a variety of factors. But as long as it is within this range, it is normal.

If the menstrual period and menstrual blood volume have been very stable, but recently there has been a sudden decrease in menstrual flow, this needs to be paid more attention to, which may be related to the following factors:

Women's recent sudden decrease in menstruation, don't be wrong, this may be related to 3 reasons!

1. Start with the disease

Normal menstruation is the most important sign of good health in mature women. If there is a sudden decrease in menstrual flow in the recent past and no remission for a period of time, this may be a sign of the arrival of the disease.

For example, after the emergence of endocrine diseases such as uterine adhesions after abortion, premature ovarian failure due to ovarian teratomas, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypothyroidism and hyperprolactinemia, etc., they may affect the normal metabolism of the endometrium, resulting in reduced menstrual flow and menstrual disorders in women.

If other symptoms occur at the same time as the decrease in menstruation, such as fatigue, abdominal pain, abnormal discharge, etc., this may not be a physiological decrease in menstruation and require timely medical examination;

Women's recent sudden decrease in menstruation, don't be wrong, this may be related to 3 reasons!

2, from the emotional point of view

Emotional abnormalities are also important factors leading to menstrual disorders, such as long-term mental extreme depression, sulking, suffering from major mental stimuli and psychological trauma, which may cause problems such as decreased menstrual flow and amenorrhea.

This is because menstruation is the result of the stimulation of the uterine lining by hormones secreted by the ovaries, and the ovaries are controlled by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, and bad emotions can affect their normal operation, resulting in irregular menstruation;

Women's recent sudden decrease in menstruation, don't be wrong, this may be related to 3 reasons!

3. Start with life

Relevant studies have shown that women's menstrual periods are stimulated by extreme cold, such as eating a lot of cold food, taking cold baths, not paying attention to abdominal warmth, etc., which can lead to vasoconstriction in the pelvic cavity and a decrease in menstrual flow.

In addition, excessive dieting and weight loss, nutritional disorders, long-term heavy smoking and alcohol abuse, and staying up late for a long time may cause abnormal reduction in menstruation.

Women's recent sudden decrease in menstruation, don't be wrong, this may be related to 3 reasons!

Write in the end: only once in a while there is a problem of decreased menstrual flow, early or delayed menstruation, and there is no need to worry too much, which is mainly related to factors such as mood and living habits.

On the contrary, if there are not only problems such as menstrual disorders and decreased menstrual flow recently, but also the body is accompanied by many other discomforts, especially after abdominal pain symptoms, it is likely to be a signal of the arrival of diseases and gynecological diseases, and it is necessary to be vigilant and actively seek medical treatment for screening, so as not to miss the best diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

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