
He was the deputy commander of the Navy, sentenced to 17 years in prison, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall and became a rich businessman

A gentle gust of wind awakens the body that has been sleeping for a thousand years; a gentle gust of wind blows away the mysterious veil of history. Standing on the shoulders of time, I talk to history.

General Li Ming joined the Red Army at the age of 16. His original name was Peng.

He was the deputy commander of the Navy, sentenced to 17 years in prison, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall and became a rich businessman

During the Red Army period, he successively served as a translator, staff officer, section chief and other positions in the confidential section of the Central Military Commission, and participated in the counter-siege and the Long March.

During the Long March, when the Red Army crossed the meadow, his department was responsible for deciphering the enemy's secret code, so that the Red Army could escape from the enemy's encirclement several ways and smoothly walk through the grassland.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as chief of the reconnaissance section and chief of the operations section. Later, he was appointed chief of staff of the column.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he made many military achievements. During a battle, a shell fired by the Japanese exploded behind him. His eyes were violently stimulated by the poisonous gas, and he burst into tears. After the war, due to poor medical conditions, the hygienist could only rinse his eyes with disinfectant water. Slowly, the eyes stopped crying, but the vision of the right eye was greatly reduced, almost in a state of semi-blindness. That's why he often wore sunglasses later.

During the Liberation War, he successively served as the commander of the Sixth Column of the Northeast Field Army and the commander of the Forty-third Army.

He fought bravely and made many achievements. For example, in the western Liaoning battlefield, he surrounded and annihilated Liao Yaoxiang's corps; after going south, he led the Forty-third Army to completely annihilate Lu Daoyuan and Zhang Gan's corps in the Battle of Guangdong-Guibian; in the battle of haidao, more than 30,000 enemy troops were annihilated, and the enemy ships were defeated with wooden boats.

He was the deputy commander of the Navy, sentenced to 17 years in prison, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall and became a rich businessman

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he held many important positions, such as: deputy commander of the Navy; first political commissar of the Navy; deputy chief of the general staff and political commissar of the Navy.

In 1955, he was awarded the rank of founding lieutenant general.

General Lee was in a high position, but he also took a detour.

He was the deputy commander of the Navy, sentenced to 17 years in prison, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall and became a rich businessman

In the case of the Trident, he made a mistake.

Because of this incident, after September 13, he was first suspended for inspection. He was then expelled from the party and removed from all positions.

He was the deputy commander of the Navy, sentenced to 17 years in prison, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall and became a rich businessman

In January 1981, he was sentenced to 17 years in prison.

Soon, due to illness, he was granted medical parole.

He was released and settled in Taiyuan. In order to take better care of him, once, the personnel of the relevant departments asked him to change his name, but General Li was unwilling, and after repeated persuasion, he agreed and assumed the pseudonym "Li Ming". why? He said, "My name is Li Ming, that is, Ming people don't do secret things." ”

On January 3, 2009, Li Ming died in Beijing at the age of 95 due to lung cancer and respiratory failure.

He was the deputy commander of the Navy, sentenced to 17 years in prison, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall and became a rich businessman

Li Ming and his wife Dong Qicai have five children.

Three daughters: Li Dazheng, Li Youzheng, and Li Xiaozheng.

Two sons: Li Bingtian and Li Yantian.

Most of Li Ming's sons and daughters joined the army.

In September 1971, after Li Ming's accident, his children were somewhat affected. In particular, his eldest daughter Li Dazheng and Li Dazheng's husband Liu Weiqin.

He was the deputy commander of the Navy, sentenced to 17 years in prison, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall and became a rich businessman

Li Dazheng and Liu Weiqin married in 1970, when Li Dazheng's father held an important position in the army. Li Dazheng worked at the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, and Liu Weiqin worked in the Literary Association as an artist and later in the Military Museum.

Unexpectedly, a year later, earth-shaking changes occurred. After Li Ming's accident, Li Dazheng and her husband Liu Weiqin were both sent to the study class and have been studying for 4 years.

After the study class came out, Li Dazheng and Liu Weiqin were reassigned to work, but the work assigned was not satisfactory, and Liu Weiqin was assigned to the military region farm, responsible for raising pigs and planting land. Li Dazheng studied medicine, and later transferred to the branch hospital as a general doctor, and his treatment also became worse.

After 1979, Li Dazheng and her husband went to Shenyang together, after which they were assigned to work again.

Liu Weiqin was assigned to work in the cultural center, was an ordinary clerk, and the salary was low. Li Dazheng went to the outpatient department of a small hospital. Life is difficult for the family, and the family of four is crowded in a small house of 15 square meters.

He was the deputy commander of the Navy, sentenced to 17 years in prison, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall and became a rich businessman

In the 1980s, in order to improve the life of his family, Liu Weiqin stayed in his job without pay and chose to start his own business.

Liu Weiqin relied on his talent to write couplets and began to sell couplets and paintings on the street stalls.

At that time, doing business and setting up stalls was not a very beautiful thing, After all, Li Dazheng was the daughter of the general, and at the beginning she could not put down her face, and she was embarrassed to follow her husband to set up a stall. Later, with the progress of reform, the private economy was recognized and supported, so Li Dazheng made a bold decision to start a business with her husband.

After that, Li Dazheng and Liu Weiqin relied on their own efforts to be down-to-earth and make the business bigger and bigger. It became a rare "ten thousand yuan household" at that time.

After 1990, Li Dazheng and Liu Weiqin went to a higher level, made more money by doing business, and became rich businessmen.

The two also bought a large villa.

He was the deputy commander of the Navy, sentenced to 17 years in prison, and his daughter and son-in-law set up a stall and became a rich businessman

In the face of a sharp change, Li Dazheng frankly said: "Wherever someone lives, I can live." Why does grass come out from under a rock? Under the pressure, try to find a space to squeeze out! If you are plain, you may also be trampled to death, and you will have no vitality. ”

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