
Tesla's annual sales are out, do we still have a chance to overtake in curves?

In the field of fuel vehicles, it is unlikely that independent brands will surpass, so we put our hopes on new energy vehicle brands and hope that independent brands can overtake in the new energy field. But when the car store sees that many independent brands are engaged in "copying the old man's music", the car store feels that it has been hung, because only a very few companies are really developing new energy and research technology, and the vast majority of companies are still making "industrial garbage" in order to earn points.

Tesla's annual sales are out, do we still have a chance to overtake in curves?

In stark contrast to most domestic brands is the best-selling Tesla, in 2021 Tesla delivered 936,000 vehicles worldwide, compared with 499647 in 2020, Tesla sales increased by 87%, this Tesla did not produce any 20,000 or 30,000 copies of the old man to increase their sales.

Tesla's annual sales are out, do we still have a chance to overtake in curves?

Car stores do not know that these car companies in our country see the performance of Tesla and then look at the performance of their own new energy models will not be a little shameful, in order to promote the development of domestic new energy vehicles, the state can be said to have given enough preferential policies, but unfortunately more car companies think of how to get subsidies in disguise instead of developing technology.

Tesla's annual sales are out, do we still have a chance to overtake in curves?

This year, the subsidy for new energy vehicles has regressed again, how long can those new energy vehicle companies that rely on what online car-hailing and rely on old man music survive?

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