
Fan Duo: The dog meat I made was delicious, but it was unintentional, and I just wanted to vent my anger

author:Gui XiangYuan Wei Ji talked about food

Dog meat has been one of the common meats eaten by people since ancient times.

"Dog meat is fragrant, and the gods and immortals can't stand still", this saying says the delicious taste of dog meat. I don't understand why people nowadays resist eating dog meat so much.

Fan Duo: The dog meat I made was delicious, but it was unintentional, and I just wanted to vent my anger

Before the Western Han Dynasty, although the people liked to eat dog meat, dog meat could not be slaughtered casually, and it had to be operated by specialized practitioners, which gave rise to a profession, that is, slaughtering dogs and making cooked dog meat for sale as a butcher.

Speaking of the butcher who slaughtered dogs, there is one person who has to say, that is, Fan Duo in the late Qin (Western) and early Han Dynasties!

"Fan Duo" - Song Xu Jun

After the party's revival had become a provocation, the dragon hair suddenly fell and escaped.

If Lü Fu did not die first, he might not be able to save his name in the end.

Fan Duo is a talent! He is not an ordinary talent, he can slaughter dogs on the street and sell dog meat to start a business, and he can enter the battle and attack the city strategically. And he did both of them extremely well!

Fan Duo: The dog meat I made was delicious, but it was unintentional, and I just wanted to vent my anger

He was able to seal the Marquis of Wuyang at the time of the great determination of the world in the early Han Dynasty, because he had a dog meat friend: Liu Bang!

Nowadays, when people talk about making friends carelessly, they generally use "dog meat friends" or "fox friends" to describe them. However, what many people don't know is that at first, this "dog meat friend" refers to the relationship between Fan Duo and Liu Bang! They met because of dog meat, became acquainted with dog meat, and came together because of dog meat!

Fan Duo sells and makes dog meat, while Liu Bang is a customer. It's just that this customer is a bit rogue. After all, it is not a big family, but an ordinary person who slaughters dogs for a living, and he also wants to live, but he can't get rid of it.

There were many interactions, maybe they were attracted to each other, and the two finally became friends. Subsequently, with the development of Liu Bang, a "dog meat friend", Fan Huan also stepped on the clouds, and finally sealed the Marquis of Wuyang! Of course, this is also because of Fan Duo's excellent ability.

Fan Duo: The dog meat I made was delicious, but it was unintentional, and I just wanted to vent my anger

The ending is not to be said. After all, "dog meat friends" are "dog meat friends", and it is normal to part ways in the end, but this "dog meat" friendship and grudge still accompany them for a lifetime!

In short, Fan Duofenghou, the most important thing to thank is that he has a good hand in making dog meat!

As a medium, "dog meat" also wrote a legend of the Western Han Dynasty!

It's just that people only remember the delicious taste of "Fan Duo dog meat", and few people mention the term "dog meat friend".

Fan Duo: The dog meat I made was delicious, but it was unintentional, and I just wanted to vent my anger

The habit of eating dog meat has also slowly driven from the north to the south with the wheel of history, especially in the Lingnan region! Eating dog meat is especially popular! The two Cantonese people in Lingnan are not satisfied with the "Fan Duo Dog Meat" shrew sauce stew, hand tearing and eating, but evolved into a kaleidoscopic dog meat dish!

Like the common white cut dog meat, raw stewed dog meat, rice fragrant dog meat, southern milk dog meat, dog meat hot pot, etc., let a lot of food eat happily! "True dragon in heaven, dragon on earth!" People who don't eat have no say!

However, when it comes to it, "Fan Mo Dog Meat" is the most prestigious and enduring dog meat dish. Even the hot summer solstice Yulin dog meat can't hide its light!

Other people's dog meat eats the taste, but "Fan Duo Dog Meat" eats history!

Fan Duo: The dog meat I made was delicious, but it was unintentional, and I just wanted to vent my anger

Fan Duo's killing of the shrew cooking dog was originally just an act of venting anger, but he did not think about it but let this delicacy pass on through the ages. It is the so-called "unintentional willow shade". Today's "Fan Duo Dog Meat" is also made with modern technology.

1250 grams of clean dog meat, 1 turtle 650 grams, 75 grams of rice wine, 15 grams of refined salt, 30 grams of ginger slices, 15 peppercorns, 50 grams of soy sauce and green onion white, 10 grams of sugar, 2 grams of flavored sugar, 5 grams of yuan fennel, 25 grams of nitrate water.

  Production technique——

  1. Wash and cut the dog meat into 3 cm cubes, put it in a basin, add 10 grams of salt, 25 grams of rice wine, 10 grams of ginger slices, 15 grams of white onion, mix well with salt water and marinate for 2 hours, soak in water for 1 hour, and then blanch in a pot of boiling water and wash.

  2. Put the dog meat into a casserole pot, pad the bamboo grate at the bottom, add water, 50 grams of rice wine, soy sauce, 5 grams of salt, sugar, 35 grams of white onion, 20 grams of ginger slices, and wrap the fennel and peppercorns in gauze, boil over high heat to skim off the foam, cover and burn over medium heat until the dog meat is 80% rotten.

  3. Slaughter the turtle to remove the blood, put it in a hot water pot and remove the shell of the turtle's back shell, scrape off the black film, remove the shell and internal organs, wash and cut into 3 cm pieces, put it into a pot of boiling water to get out of the water, and then wash it with clean water and put it into the casserole. The turtle eggs are boiled and shelled, surrounded by turtles, the shells of the turtles are covered on the meat, covered with dog meat and stewed until crispy, remove the green onion ginger, yuan fennel, pepper buns, add MSG and serve.

The choice of dog meat is still adhering to the principle of "one yellow, two white, three flowers and four black". Of course, there are many black-hearted traders who use pet dogs instead of vegetable dogs in order to make money, so can the delicious taste of dog meat be guaranteed?

Fan Duo: The dog meat I made was delicious, but it was unintentional, and I just wanted to vent my anger

As for whether it was delicious or not, whether it was caused by Liu Bang being happy to eat and singing the taste of the "Song of the Great Wind" aloud, this is not good.

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I'm a Private Chef! Thanks for reading attention!

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