
Based on more than 20 years of experience, the chef shared the recipe and preparation steps of beef soup on the market

author:Junjie Food Diary

#My Fancy Life #Hello everyone, I'm Chef Wang Junjie, take a moment today to share with you the two ways of beef soup sold on the street. Because six years ago, I worked in a beef soup shop, he was a beef soup that joined Kaifeng, we went to learn for a week or so, and its method was sweet soup, that is, the original soup was light and added with a bowl base.

Based on more than 20 years of experience, the chef shared the recipe and preparation steps of beef soup on the market
Based on more than 20 years of experience, the chef shared the recipe and preparation steps of beef soup on the market

There are two kinds of beef soup on the market, one is Huainan beef soup. The other is Luoyang beef soup, Luoyang beef soup and Kaifeng beef soup are one nature. Huainan beef soup is salty. The taste is mixed, and you can drink it directly, accompanied by a dough cake. Kaifeng beef soup is light, the bottom of the bowl to add spices to drink, generally with shredded cake. The following will share with you in detail the respective practices for your reference.

1: First of all, let's talk about Kaifeng beef soup, in fact, it is similar to the practice of mutton soup. First of all, the use of beef bones, especially beef stick bones can not be less, beef, tripe, beef tongue, beef offal, etc., when I was studying, one pot is bone broth for the bottom soup, the other pot is brine meat, the brine meat this pot is to make five-spice beef brine soup, which can be halogenated any part of the cow body, (in addition to beef intestine, beef hundred leaves, halogen alone, because the soup of the intestine can not be used after brine), the spice ratio is, octagonal ten grams, tangerine peel five grams, cinnamon ten grams, licorice ten grams, grass fruit ten grams, cloves two grams, peppercorns ten grams, cumin fifteen grams , five grams of fragrant leaves, all spices under the pot of blanched water to remove impurities, the pot of oil into the onion ginger coriander root and spices fried incense in the material package, you can marinate beef, add salt MSG chicken essence, do not add any soy sauce and the like, cooked out meat is the primary color, how many guests want to weigh, especially hot beef and beef offal, eat special delicious, after eating, you can put the remaining beef into the soup, then boiled there is a bowl base, is spicy sauce, is to use butter to add onion ginger garlic foam fried incense after adding spicy sauce to make the aroma, When eating add to the bottom of the bowl, when eating mix well, interested can go to the previous video to see, many guests still like to add some salt MSG pepper oil coriander, other do not want, eat with a shredded cake, the taste is not bad, at that time I drank the daily toothache, drink more on the fire, this practice while selling meat while selling soup, especially suitable for drinking idle wine guests, which table to eat hundreds of dollars, of course, with a variety of cold dishes and hot dishes, beef soup shops and mutton soup shops, most of them are vegetarian dishes.

Based on more than 20 years of experience, the chef shared the recipe and preparation steps of beef soup on the market
Based on more than 20 years of experience, the chef shared the recipe and preparation steps of beef soup on the market

Of course, there is also a kind of meat and soup is a piece of stew, that is, sweet soup, beef and beef offal cut in advance, what the guest wants to weigh, and then brew soup, generally with bean skin and vermicelli balls. Sprinkle with chives, garlic sprouts, coriander, beauty drops very much, said DC saliva.

2: Let's talk about the practice of Huainan beef soup, at that time, there was a Huainan beef soup in our county town that opened the earliest, the business was particularly hot, the cheapest at that time was five yuan a bowl, there were noodles, bean skins, of course, five pieces of a bowl inside, not beef. It's a thin slice of a bull's head. Now this shop has been dry for about twenty years, the business has been hot, my boss opened a beef soup shop at that time, that is, after a long time of inspection, after making a comparison before deciding to join the Kaifeng beef soup, at that time it cost five thousand yuan to join the fee, the taste is better than Huainan beef soup.

Based on more than 20 years of experience, the chef shared the recipe and preparation steps of beef soup on the market
Based on more than 20 years of experience, the chef shared the recipe and preparation steps of beef soup on the market
Based on more than 20 years of experience, the chef shared the recipe and preparation steps of beef soup on the market
Based on more than 20 years of experience, the chef shared the recipe and preparation steps of beef soup on the market

Huainan beef soup is salty, that is, the bones and meat are all cooked in a pot, add the material package, the meat is cooked after the advance slice, the guests come, called the meat bowl, hot noodles and bean skin, in the soup, with cakes to a bowl, is also very beautiful.

The specific method of Huainan beef soup, beef bones chopped, stick bones cut off, soaked in water for at least two hours or so, blanched water to remove blood foam, fished out of controlled water to rinse clean, add water to the pot, put in the blanched beef bones, put in the soaked beef, boil away, skim off the floating powder, add the appropriate amount of butter to increase the aroma, about half an hour The soup will be white, add the material package, (star anise forty grams, peppercorns twenty grams, cinnamon fifteen grams, cloves five grams, grass fruit twenty grams, nutmeg twenty grams, Bai Zhi fifteen grams, cumin twenty grams, fragrant leaves ten grams, Ten grams of licorice, ten grams of good ginger, thirty grams of natural, ten grams of tangerine peel, ten grams of sand kernels, ten grams of wood fragrance, ten grams of white curs, twenty grams of fragrant sand, ten grams of white pepper incense sticks) All spices are broken, according to ten pounds of soup add thirty grams of spices, wrapped in ingredients and put into the soup pot, after adding spices, the color of the soup will change color, but its taste is delicious, because the spices have the effect of increasing fragrance.

Huainan beef soup is still relatively easy to operate, because its bones and meat are cooked in a pot, beef beef offal can be brine, sliced in advance after cooling, prepare coriander, spring onions, butter peppers, blanch some vermicelli bean skin, come to two cakes, eat it is still OK.

Let me talk about my feelings, Kaifeng beef soup without noodles, is meat and soup, Huainan beef soup is mainly vermicelli and bean skin, floating on the top of a few pieces of meat or beef offal, when it comes to beef soup and mutton soup which is delicious, which is affordable, I will choose mutton soup, beef soup is not very affordable, the bean skin noodles added inside, the meat is very small, cut and thin, the meat of the mutton soup is scaled by the pound, I often drink, the overall feeling is not as affordable as mutton soup, just a personal point of view.

No matter what kind of beef soup is made, the bones and meat must be thoroughly soaked in water to remove its odor, and the spice pack should be used after soaking in water as much as possible, and the color of the soup should not be blackened. Today to share these, you can pay attention to the comments retweet collection, we learn from each other.

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