
Why can the founding lieutenant general Huang Mars enjoy the honor of a person's separate title?

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

The 1955 conferment of the title was the first in New China, and at this ceremony, all the generals who had contributed to the revolution were awarded their due ranks. In addition to referring to the revolutionary contribution, seniority is also an important factor, and the general I want to introduce to you today has more than forty years of revolutionary combat experience, and it can be said that he almost participated in several important turning points in China, such as the period of the agrarian revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Period of the War of Liberation, and so on.

Why can the founding lieutenant general Huang Mars enjoy the honor of a person's separate title?

This general's name is Huang Mars, Huang Mars was born in 1909, Jiangxi, is an old revolutionary comrade, he joined the Red Army in his early years, joined the New Fourth Army during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and later participated in the Liberation War, and had many highlights on the battlefield. However, if you want to say that his highest moment is concerned, it should be counted as the Defense of Yokoyama.

It was 1944, in the middle of the cold winter, the Japanese army launched a large-scale sweep of Hengshan Mountain, and they were ready to use Ryuoo Mountain as a point to encircle the entire mountain. The situation could not be delayed, and Huang Mars, who was then the political commissar of the New Fourth Army Brigade, immediately led his men and horses to run out of the encirclement circle first, and then commanded the troops in the circle to attack the enemy.

Why can the founding lieutenant general Huang Mars enjoy the honor of a person's separate title?

Because the selected terrain had a wide field of view and enough shelter, the Japanese puppet army, although there were many people, was still defeated, and Huang Mars led the troops to victory. No one expected this battle to last for two days and nights, and although the Yellow Mars Department suffered heavy losses, it finally smashed the Japanese army's sweep plan.

Although it had just suffered heavy losses, the Japanese army was unwilling and made a comeback again, and soon carried out a new round of sweeping of Yokoyama. This time, Huang Mars was calm and calm, and had already laid an ambush on the periphery beforehand, so the Japanese army's ambition to "encircle and suppress" him once again failed. The following year, Huang Mars was ordered to annihilate more than three hundred Japanese puppet troops at Wuhu Airport. Throughout the period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Huang Mars fought steadily and steadily, developed the Huainan Anti-Japanese Base Area, and made indelible contributions to the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Why can the founding lieutenant general Huang Mars enjoy the honor of a person's separate title?

During the Liberation War, Huang Mars successively served as the director of the political department of the Seventh Column of the Central China Field Army and the political commissar of the 25th Army, and he commanded and participated in many classic battles, including the Battle of Laiwu, and made great achievements. Especially in the Battle of Laiwu, our army not only annihilated more than 40,000 Kuomintang troops, but also captured the Kuomintang commander Li Xianzhou on the battlefield.

After the founding of New China, Huang Mars was successively appointed director of the Political Department of the Tenth Corps and deputy chief procurator of the procuratorate. In 1955, China held the first ceremony after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and Huang Mars was awarded the rank of lieutenant general. At this awarding ceremony, Huang Mars almost made a joke, because there were too many people awarding titles at that time, and one by one, it was really a delay, so every time they came to the stage, dozens of people basically went up together.

Why can the founding lieutenant general Huang Mars enjoy the honor of a person's separate title?

Soon there were fewer and fewer generals waiting at the bottom, and finally there was only Huang Mars, and he had not yet received his rank. The prime minister felt very strange and hurried up to ask, but Huang Mars said that he had not heard his name at all, only a yellow fire.

When the prime minister checked, there was a comrade named Huang Huoqing, but he was not within the scope of this award, so was it that Huang Mars did not hear it or that the person who broadcast it was wrong? The prime minister felt that it was useless to dwell on the responsibility at that time, so he hurriedly asked the staff to re-read the name of Huang Mars, and then Huang Mars received his rank of lieutenant general alone in full view of everyone, which was also an honor of a separate title.

Why can the founding lieutenant general Huang Mars enjoy the honor of a person's separate title?

At that time, some people also said, "Shouldn't you be a person who pretended not to read your name in order to enjoy this unique honor?" I know that everyone is ridiculing him, so Huang Mars really admitted it, and said: What, are you very envious of me having such an honor? It's too late, all the titles have been awarded. Everyone laughed when they heard it, and this matter was also rumored to be a good story.

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