
How to write argumentative essay hot topic essay "brave" class argument in high school? Watch Mr. Liu write a model essay

author:Initial Intention Essay Liu Leisheng

High School Argumentative Essay Topics

Argument: "Brave"

Fan Wen/Liu Leisheng


The original text of the beginning of the classmate

What is Brave? Courage is the meaning of daring to challenge, once people have the quality of bravery, it is bound to be particularly powerful, so we young people, we must be a brave person!

Mr. Liu annotated at the beginning

Remember not to explain it directly, but to add some arguments to make the beginning literary.

Mr. Liu's opening example

Bravery, shining like a star in the night sky of the human spirit, is the firm fire that ignites in our hearts when we face difficulties and challenges. As Shakespeare said, "Courage is the quality of nobility in the face of all storms." "Courage is not a gift, but a glorious quality condensed bit by bit in the tempering of life.

How to write argumentative essay hot topic essay "brave" class argument in high school? Watch Mr. Liu write a model essay


The second paragraph of the original text

In our history, there are many brave people, for example, there is a man named Napoleon Bonaparte, he is a French military genius, because he is very powerful, very brave, so he defeated a lot of enemies, but in the end he failed, a little ashamed, otherwise, his life, without a little stain, he is very powerful, because he is very brave, because he is very brave, so he is very powerful, the reason why he is so powerful, is because he is very brave, because he is very brave, so he is very powerful in the end.

Mr. Liu's annotation in the second paragraph

According to the way you write this paragraph, you can write a long tome, and write a sentence over and over again, are you trying to emphasize it? Or is it to make up the word count?

Mr. Liu's second example

The long river of history is endless, and countless brave people have written immortal legends with their extraordinary courage and determination. Napoleon Bonaparte, the French military genius, wrote the magnificent poems of war with iron will and extraordinary resourcefulness. He is well versed: "In the storm of fate, I am a petrel, a seagull, flying proudly on the roaring sea, in the midst of lightning." This fearlessness and ambition were his weapons for conquering Europe.

How to write argumentative essay hot topic essay "brave" class argument in high school? Watch Mr. Liu write a model essay


Original text of the third stage of the same university

In addition to this goods, there is another person who is also very powerful, I think everyone can guess who I am talking about, by the way, that is the famous Columbus, this man is a great navigator, don't look at him as a rower, but he is very brave, he always tells others: "The world belongs to the brave!" "So, because he was brave, he became very powerful, and he won a lot of honors.

Mr. Liu's annotation to the third paragraph

Napoleon was a hero, and you don't say "this goods" is appropriate, right? Besides, this is a high school argumentative essay, not a guessing puzzle for elementary school students.

Mr. Liu's third example

Courage is also reflected in the desire and exploration of the unknown. Christopher Columbus, the great navigator, discovered the New World with his unwavering conviction and fearless courage. In the face of the vast sea and the endless unknown, he did not flinch and finally realized his dream. He knew that "the world belongs to the brave." "Columbus's bravery and perseverance not only won him glory, but also opened up new horizons for mankind.

How to write argumentative essay hot topic essay "brave" class argument in high school? Watch Mr. Liu write a model essay


The original text of the fourth paragraph of the classmate

There is another person, I still have to say, otherwise the number of words is not enough, I said two men earlier, this time I will say a woman, otherwise the teacher you must think that I am patriarchal, in fact, I am really not a patriarchal person, I am very open-minded, and now our society also talks about equality between men and women? So, I'm not a patriarchal person, don't get me wrong, teacher, I'll start talking about a woman now. This man was the great physicist Madame Curie, and she was also a brave man.

Mr. Liu's comment on the fourth paragraph

This paragraph is a bit off-topic, and the last sentence came back, what did you say before?

Mr. Liu's fourth example

In the temple of scientific exploration, the brave also shine with the light of wisdom. Marie Curie, an outstanding physicist and chemist, became a shining star in the scientific community for her persistent pursuit and selfless dedication to the cause of science. She is not afraid of hardships and dangers, and does not hesitate to sacrifice her health in order to study radioactive elements. She is well aware that "what is important in science is the 'thing' that is studied, not the 'individual' of the researcher." This love and pursuit of science is the best expression of her brave spirit.

How to write argumentative essay hot topic essay "brave" class argument in high school? Watch Mr. Liu write a model essay


The original text of the fifth paragraph of the classmate

Of course, brave people, not only foreign, the examples I gave earlier are all foreign people, not that I am not patriotic, I am particularly patriotic, so, in this paragraph, let me say some Chinese examples, we China, especially in modern history, how many martyrs, for the country, are not afraid of sacrifice, isn't this what we call bravery? I think that their bravery is much braver than the bravery of the people before them, and they are much more powerful than them.

Mr. Liu's annotation in the fifth paragraph

I didn't talk for a long time, and I didn't give an example. It is impossible to score many points for such an essay.

Mr. Liu's fifth example

Courage is not only reflected in personal struggle and pursuit, but also in the rise and rejuvenation of the country and the nation. Looking back at China's modern and modern history, countless people with lofty ideals have fought bloody battles and marched forward bravely for the sake of national independence and people's happiness. They used their blood and lives to compose the magnificent epic of the Chinese nation. As Mao Zedong said: "A spark can start a prairie fire." "It is the heroic struggle of these brave people that has brought us a happy life today.

How to write argumentative essay hot topic essay "brave" class argument in high school? Watch Mr. Liu write a model essay


The original text of the sixth paragraph of the classmate

However, everyone must know that bravery is not stupid, not biao, not rushing forward in the tiger, that is recklessness, you know? True bravery should be with wisdom, not a fool with his head shutting forward, everyone is a wise person, you must know the difference between bravery and recklessness.

Mr. Liu's annotation to the sixth paragraph

It's better to give some examples, and it's more convincing.

Mr. Liu's sixth example

However, bravery is not blind and impulsive. Li Kui's axe, the courage of the horseman, blind impulsiveness, is reckless. True bravery is the fearlessness and firmness shown in the face of difficulties and challenges under the guidance of reason and judgment. As the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates said, "The only thing I know is that I know nothing." This humility and self-knowledge are indispensable qualities for the brave.

How to write argumentative essay hot topic essay "brave" class argument in high school? Watch Mr. Liu write a model essay


The original text at the end of the classmate

So, let's move forward bravely! Don't be afraid, it's useless to be afraid, and don't retreat, the other party has a flash and ignite, there is no way to retreat, only to move forward bravely!

Mr. Liu's annotation at the end

You're writing essays while you're playing a game, aren't you?

Teacher Liu's ending example

On the road of life, let us take courage as a companion and write our own magnificent chapter with wisdom and courage. No matter what kind of difficulties and challenges we face, we must have firm faith, move forward bravely, not afraid of wind and rain, not afraid of getting lost, may you and I are Kunpeng, take advantage of the east wind, bravely flap our wings, and fly for nine days!

Recently, there have been a lot of private chats with Mr. Liu who have revised their compositions.

Thank you for not replying to them one by one!

To revise your essay, please contact Ms. Liu

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