
Punch Li Tie in the face! Li Xiaopeng's first national football list was released, and the 4 players of the Wuhan team were all unnamed

Punch Li Tie in the face! Li Xiaopeng's first national football list was released, and the 4 players of the Wuhan team were all unnamed

Recently, Li Xiaopeng, the new head coach of the national football team, announced the first international football team list during his tenure. In this big list, as many as 52 players have been selected, which should be the largest number of selected players in the history of national football!

Punch Li Tie in the face! Li Xiaopeng's first national football list was released, and the 4 players of the Wuhan team were all unnamed

In this 52-man roster, there are many players who are well known to fans of our national football, such as Wu Xi, Wei Shihao, Yan Junling, etc.; there are several naturalized players, such as Axon, Alan, Jiang Guangtai, etc.; there are also many absolute newcomers who have been selected for the national football team for the first time, such as Han Jiaqi, Gao Tianyi, Dai Weijun, etc.

It is reasonable to say that this list is a primary "sea selection list", as long as it is a player of the right age with a certain ability, it can be selected, but what is surprising is that the "Wuhan 4 Jie", which was highly valued during the Li Tie period, was not selected!

Punch Li Tie in the face! Li Xiaopeng's first national football list was released, and the 4 players of the Wuhan team were all unnamed

Who are these 4 Wuhan players? It is Dong Chunyu, who is a goalkeeper, Tomorrow, a defender, and Li Xing and Liu Yun, who are midfielders. Speaking of these 4 players, the original selection of the national football team is controversial, most of the media and fans believe that their ability is not enough to represent the national football team, but Li Tie, who was the head coach of the national football team at the time, was strongly opposed. As we all know, Li Tie was the head coach of the Wuhan team before he served in the national football team, so he especially likes to use players from the Wuhan team.

Punch Li Tie in the face! Li Xiaopeng's first national football list was released, and the 4 players of the Wuhan team were all unnamed

In general, among the 4 players from the Wuhan team, only the defender showed a certain strength tomorrow and also represented the national football team, but left the national football team because of injury. The remaining 3 players, Li Xing and Liu Yun, were not selected for the official World Preliminary Tournament roster later, but Dong Chunyu has been "mixing" in the national football team.

Saying that Dong Chunyu was "mixed" did not wrongfully accuse him. Because the national football team has always had 4 goalkeepers, in addition to Dong Chunyu, there are Yan Junling, Wang Dalei and Liu Dianzuo, according to the ranking of strength, Dong Chunyu is definitely not able to play, but the list has his name every time.

Punch Li Tie in the face! Li Xiaopeng's first national football list was released, and the 4 players of the Wuhan team were all unnamed

Dong Chunyu can be said to be the biggest "related household" in the Li Tie period, although he can't enter the competition list every time, but he can be selected every time. What's even funnier is that because Dong Chunyu didn't return to the Wuhan team for a long time, his main position was taken away!

After Li Xiaopeng took office, he once put forward the "4 no's" rule, one of which was: It is not allowed to mix up in the name of the national team! Who this provision is aimed at, I think everyone understands. In the scandal that broke out later, we learned that some players actually belonged to the same agency as Li Tie and were properly nepotistic (profit transmission).

Punch Li Tie in the face! Li Xiaopeng's first national football list was released, and the 4 players of the Wuhan team were all unnamed

Although Li Xiaopeng did not recruit Dong Chunyu and other 4 players, he still had 3 players from Wuhan in his big list, namely Arthur Junmin, Zhao Hongluo and Wang Zhifeng (it was he who robbed Dong Chunyu's main goalkeeper). It shows that as long as the players of the Wuhan team perform well, Li Xiaopeng, as the head coach of the national team, will still treat them equally.

Compared with the Li Tie period, it has to be said that Li Xiaopeng's selection is more fair and transparent, at least there are no those flies and dogs. We also hope that the national football team will not become the "private back garden" of some people, and try to achieve the ability to go up and the mediocre to the bottom! Fans who agreed to it liked it.

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