
Li Xiaopeng really does not give any face, the 52-man list Li Tie'ai will have no 1 person, fans: and the two

Although they are all surnamed Li, Li Xiaopeng did not give Li Tie any face in the matter of selecting national footballers this time. Li Tie's several members love that there is no one selected, what can be done with 1 more person? Everyone looks up and doesn't look down, isn't it embarrassing? However, some fans said that Li Xiaopeng did not let Li Tie's love be abandoned, and there were servants!

Li Xiaopeng really does not give any face, the 52-man list Li Tie'ai will have no 1 person, fans: and the two

Before Li Tie took over the Chinese men's football coach, everyone's impression of him was quite good. Li Tie gave the fans the feeling that he didn't talk much, had a straight temperament, and had a stubborn temper. Judging from his coaching of Hebei Huaxia Happiness and Wuhan Zhuoer, there are still two brushes, otherwise they would not have been caught by the FA. The position of the manager of the Chinese men's football team, in the eyes of the fans, is the grave of the football coach, who is not good to make, even Lippi is powerless, what can Li Tie do?

Li Xiaopeng really does not give any face, the 52-man list Li Tie'ai will have no 1 person, fans: and the two

Although he managed to reach the round of 12 from the top 40, the poor record in the round of 12 made him questionable. The reason why the fans are unhappy is not entirely the poor performance of the national football team, but because Li Tieming has the strongest lineup but does not use it, abandoning the naturalized players and not using it. What is even more ridiculous is that Li Tie also intimidated the fans, used his position to advertise with goods, and was eventually dismissed.

Li Xiaopeng really does not give any face, the 52-man list Li Tie'ai will have no 1 person, fans: and the two

Li Tie is gone, Li Xiaopeng is coming! Every manager's vision of selecting players is definitely different, so fans also want to see who are the players in the first national football squad after Li Xiaopeng took office? Unexpectedly, on the first issue of the big list announced by Li Xiaopeng, there were 52 players. What is interesting is that among these 52 people, Li Tie's love will not be selected, and Li Xiaopeng has not given himself a little face!

Li Xiaopeng really does not give any face, the 52-man list Li Tie'ai will have no 1 person, fans: and the two

So who will Li Tie's love be? Naturally, it is tomorrow, Li Xing, Liu Yun and Dong Chunyu from Wuhan Zhuoer. Tomorrow was due to an injury in the Round of 40 and should be recovering now. But what about Li Xing, Liu Yun, and Dong Chunyu? After Dong Chunyu became the manager of the national football team from Li Tie, he must be selected in every period. Unexpectedly, as soon as Li Xiaopeng took office, all the Wuhan 4 Jie were abandoned.

Li Xiaopeng really does not give any face, the 52-man list Li Tie'ai will have no 1 person, fans: and the two

However, some fans believe that Li Xiaopeng did not abandon Li Tie's love, at least Zhang Xizhe, Yu Dabao and Yan Junling are still there. Zhang Xizhe is the new core of the national football team promoted after Li Tie took office, but he was abandoned after only letting him play one game in the 12th game. Yu Dabao's selection as a defender was naturally questioned by fans, and he was abandoned after two substitute appearances in the round of 12. Yan Junling was fine, only resting once in the top 40 matches, and the rest of the games were full.

Li Xiaopeng really does not give any face, the 52-man list Li Tie'ai will have no 1 person, fans: and the two

Zhang Xizhe, Yu Dabao and Yan Junling were said to be Li Tie's love generals, which is not recognized, these 3 are capable players and have always been standing candidates for the national football team. Zhang Xizhe's playing itself is soft, but Li Tie does not arrange a tough partner for him. Although Yu Dabao is said to be a national football player, he is limited to the forward, and as a defender, the shortcomings are very obvious. Yan Junling is indeed in a bad state, but who dares to guarantee that Wang Dalei, Liu Dianzuo, or Dong Chunyu will not lose the ball?

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