
It's too rolly! On Monday, Zhu Dan accompanied her daughter to attend a primary school interview, which ran counter to the regulations of the Ministry of Education

author:Insider entertainment

On Monday, Zhu Dan was involved in the primary school interview turmoil, and the strong background could not escape the fate of "Taijuan"!

July 1.

Some netizens learned that the picture of actor Zhou Yiwei and his wife Zhu Dan taking their daughter to participate in an interview for a primary school has become the focus of public opinion.

This incident has not only aroused deep public concern about educational equity, but also directly challenged the Ministry of Education's ban on entrance examinations for compulsory education.

I can't help but sigh that even the Zhou Yiwei couple with a strong background have to choose to give in in the face of school choice anxiety.

It's too rolly! On Monday, Zhu Dan accompanied her daughter to attend a primary school interview, which ran counter to the regulations of the Ministry of Education

It is reported that as a powerful actor in the entertainment industry, Zhou Yiwei has won recognition from the audience and the industry with many excellent works and superb acting skills in his acting career.

And his mother has a strong background and has provided a lot of help for Zhou Yiwei's career development.

However, such a figure who has a pivotal position in the entertainment industry is also powerless when facing the problem of his daughter's education.

Zhou Yiwei and his wife's choice to participate in the primary school interview this time is undoubtedly a manifestation of the anxiety of choosing a school in the current educational environment.

It's too rolly! On Monday, Zhu Dan accompanied her daughter to attend a primary school interview, which ran counter to the regulations of the Ministry of Education

In the highly competitive education market, parents do not hesitate to spend a lot of time, money and energy to get their children into the school of their choice.

As for the school, various examinations and interviews are set up to screen high-quality students and improve the overall competitiveness of the school.

However, this practice is contrary to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education.

The Ministry of Education has repeatedly stressed that schools are not allowed to set up entrance exams and other links in the compulsory education stage, so as to ensure educational fairness and children's physical and mental health.

But the reality is that school anxiety is still widespread, and parents have to choose to succumb to this anxiety for the sake of their children's future.

It's too rolly! On Monday, Zhu Dan accompanied her daughter to attend a primary school interview, which ran counter to the regulations of the Ministry of Education

The most terrible thing is that Zhou Yiwei and his wife chose Zeng School for their daughter this time, which is not a private school, let alone an aristocratic school or a bilingual school.

It's just a public elementary school.

However, in the reluctance of the public elementary school, the couple still looked embarrassed.

The choice of Mr. and Mrs. Zhou Yiwei is undoubtedly a reflection of the current educational environment.

Although their behavior is embarrassing, it also reflects the urgent need for high-quality educational resources in the current society.

The key to solving this problem lies not only in the rational choice of parents, but also in the positive actions of the education sector and schools.

It's too rolly! On Monday, Zhu Dan accompanied her daughter to attend a primary school interview, which ran counter to the regulations of the Ministry of Education

Frankly speaking, the previous request issued by the education department is actually very good, and there are no regulations for elementary school students to set any interview environment and so on.

But in the practical stage, it seems that it is a little inadequate, and many schools have not done it.

This makes us call for them to strengthen the supervision of schools in the compulsory education stage to ensure that schools can recruit students in strict accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education.

At the same time, penalties for violations should be increased so that schools do not dare to touch the red line easily.

In addition, schools should also take an active role in attracting more high-quality students by improving the quality of education and teaching.

Rather than setting up various exams and interviews to screen students. Doing so not only increases stress for students, but it also affects their physical and mental health.

It's too rolly! On Monday, Zhu Dan accompanied her daughter to attend a primary school interview, which ran counter to the regulations of the Ministry of Education

Parents should also look at the issue of school choice rationally when facing school choice.

Don't blindly pursue the so-called "prestigious schools", but choose the right school for your child according to their actual situation and interests.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to cultivating children's comprehensive quality and ability, so that they will have more advantages in the future competition.

In short, although the incident of Mr. and Mrs. Zhou Wai attending a primary school interview is embarrassing, it also reminds us to face up to the problems existing in the current educational environment.

It is only through the joint efforts of the whole society that educational equity and the healthy growth of children can be achieved.

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