
The carcinogen Helicobacter pylori detonated the stock market, more than a dozen companies were red, and JuneYao Health, which made probiotics, also came to rub the concept

Source of this article: Times Finance Author: Li Aohua

The carcinogen Helicobacter pylori detonated the stock market, more than a dozen companies were red, and JuneYao Health, which made probiotics, also came to rub the concept

Image source: Visual China

After a six-month plunge, Nuohui Health finally ushered in a highlight moment again.

On January 6, Nuohui Health, known as the "first share of cancer early screening", announced that the company's Helicobacter pylori self-test product Ghost Tube has been registered and approved by the State Food and Drug Administration, which is the first Helicobacter pylori self-test product in China.

It's better to come sooner than not to be lucky. In November 2020, Nuohui Health submitted an application for registration of Yuyu Tube to the Food and Drug Administration. Before the approval of the humor tube, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services explicitly wrote the chronic infection of Helicobacter pylori into the 15th edition of the carcinogen report, and the stock prices of related companies related to Helicobacter pylori began to rise collectively.

JuneYao Health harvested two consecutive up-and-down boards on January 5-6, and Ketuo Biological, Asia-Pacific Pharmaceutical, Jimin Medical, and Guobang Pharmaceutical also rose and fell. On January 7, Nuohui Health rose as much as 38%, and as of the afternoon close, Nuohui Health rose by 18.64%, setting the largest single-day increase in nearly half a year.

Nuohui health related people told Times Finance that at present, the ghost tube has not been officially sold, nor has it received the pricing notice of the ghost tube, consumers can pay attention to the company's official WeChat public account, which can be purchased through the official link.

Song Hong, director of the Department of Gastroenterology of Guangdong Qifu Hospital, told Times Finance that the commonly used detection methods of Helicobacter pylori are carbon 13 and carbon 14 breath test methods, as long as the air is simply blown for 5 minutes, waiting for 15-25 minutes can get the results on the spot, simple, safe, fast, very convenient. The former costs $230 per trip, while the latter costs $92.

The popularity of the above detection methods in hospitals is very high, in this case, the ghost tube needs to have a significant price advantage to have the ability to compete with the hospital routine test.

After the fire of Helicobacter pylori-related concepts, many companies have taken the initiative to explain that they have Helicobacter pylori related products, involving products including detection, therapeutic drugs and daily health care, which can be said to cover the whole process of Helicobacter pylori prevention and treatment.

JuneYao Health and Ketuo Bio start from the aspect of food health care, JuneYao Health and Ketuo Bio are listed companies with the research, production and sales of lactic acid bacteria beverages as their main business.

JuneYao Health said that it has the exclusive right to use Jiangnan University's patent "Lactobacillus curriers CFM1118 for the prevention and/or treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection", and has industrialized this patented technology.

Ketuo Bio said in the announcement that in recent years, the company has conducted scientific experiments and clinical verifications on the anti-Helicobacter pylori efficacy of some core strains, and is applying for relevant patents. There are uncertainties about the relevant scientific experiments, the final results of clinical validation, and whether the patent application can be granted. Please invest rationally and pay attention to risks.

However, Song Hong pointed out that from a medical point of view, probiotic foods have no therapeutic value for Helicobacter pylori, and there is no basis for whether it can inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori. "Helicobacter pylori is mainly transmitted by mouth-to-mouth and fecal-oral transmission, so to prevent the infection of Helicobacter pylori, we must pay attention to the disinfection of diet and tableware every day, try to divide meals when eating, avoid contact with saliva, and if family members have an infection, others should also actively check and treat."

In terms of detection and treatment, on January 7, Jiuqiang Biology said on the interactive platform that the Helicobacter pylori antibody reagent (immunohistochemistry) of its holding subsidiary Maixin Biology is currently the only Helicobacter pylori iii immunohistochemical product approved by the State Food and Drug Administration, which has high sensitivity, high specificity, more intuitive form and higher accuracy of results compared with traditional methodology.

On January 7, Luoxin Pharmaceutical replied to investors that the company has a number of drugs related to the treatment of Helicobacter pylori have been listed, including acid-suppressing proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) including omeprazole enteric-coated capsules, pantoprazole sodium enteric-coated tablets, lansoprazole enteric-coated tablets, lansoprazole for injection, pantoprazole for injection, omeprazole for injection, esomeprazole sodium for injection, rabeprazole for injection, etc. The new generation of potassium inhibitor potassium for acid suppressant competitive acid inhibitor Tigorassen is expected to be approved for the treatment of reflux esophagitis this year. Clinical trial applications for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori in combination with antimicrobial therapy were also accepted on December 24, 2021.

The concept of Helicobacter pylori is on fire, and even companies that are still developing related products can't help but announce the "origin" with Helicobacter pylori in a high profile.

Pony Test replied to investors on January 6 that the company is currently developing a rapid detection kit for Helicobacter pylori, which is mainly used for rapid screening of Helicobacter pylori in saliva, which is characterized by simple operation, rapid operation, and semi-quantitative determination. The next step will focus on optimizing the testing system, reducing the false positive rate of samples, and using clinical samples for accurate verification.

In fact, as early as 2017, in the preliminary collation of the list of carcinogens released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization, Helicobacter pylori was listed as a class of carcinogens. This is a spiral-shaped, microaerobic, very demanding bacterium that is very demanding on growing conditions, but in daily life, Helicobacter pylori infection is common. The 2001-2014 National Helicobacter pylori survey showed that the infection rate of Helicobacter pylori in China was between 40% and 90%, with an average of 59%.

Song Hong told Times Finance that Helicobacter pylori infection can be divided into acute infection and chronic infection. Acute infection may cause acute gastroenteritis, which can heal itself, but if it evolves into a chronic infection, it will cause repeated gastritis, dyspepsia, and duodenal ulcers, which may cause atrophic gastritis over time and increase the chance of cancer.

But Song Hong also pointed out that infection with Helicobacter pylori is not 100% pathogenic. "Stomach cancer is caused by a variety of factors, Helicobacter pylori is only one of the possible causative factors, there is no statistical data to explain the probability of Helicobacter pylori carcinogenicity."

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