
How to deal with flatulence in children?

Children's flatulence is a very headache thing, looking at the baby is so sad, the mother's heart is really bitter can not say, only the heartache and anxiety are left. Today we focus on this problem, hope to solve your problem!

First, let's understand why babies have flatulence

1. Most of the baby's flatulence comes from feeding the baby, and the baby is not given a timely septum.

When the baby sucks, he will eat a lot of air, and if he does not beat it out by patting it, it will follow the digestive tract to the intestines, forming flatulence.

2, that is, Bao Mama ate a lot of soy products

As a result, the milk contains a large number of beans, which after these things reach the baby's stomach, after combining with stomach acid, it will produce a lot of gas, resulting in flatulence in the baby.

3, that is, the baby inhaled a lot of cold air at an inappropriate time

This cold air will stay in the baby's stomach, which usually occurs when the baby's physical fitness is relatively poor.

4, another reason: the baby is constipated

The gas cannot be discharged, and the longer it stays in it, the more it rises, which is also the most overlooked place.

So how do we avoid it?

Knowing the cause of the problem, it is easy to find the answer according to the problem.

1. Timely shoot the baby

It is recommended that every time the baby finishes eating breast milk (or milk powder), the interval should be photographed, and as long as the baby is not sleeping immediately, the partition should be photographed.

Let the baby gently lie on your body, at a 15-degree angle, the hand is hollow, and it is easier to shoot gently. (If it is at night, the milk is sleeping, do not shoot the interval)

How to deal with flatulence in children?

The correct posture for patting the partition

2, the mother to reduce the intake of soy products

Soy products for the body's recovery and nutrition are very good, in general, it is also recommended to eat some, but if eating too much will cause discomfort to the baby, you need to avoid some.

3. Try to give your child adequate protection

In the cold season, try to minimize the chance of the baby's sudden contact with the cold air, it is better to do at home, if you want to go out, you can do some protective measures appropriately, such as making a buffer cotton yarn or putting cloth in front of the stroller. (Despite the cold weather, you still have to go out)

4. Minimize the occurrence of constipation as much as possible

In winter, the weather is particularly dry, especially the heating at home, the floor heating is more sufficient, and adults have dry mouths every day at home, not to mention children. This requires mothers to use more snacks, and when they see that their children are too thirsty, they will add a little water to the baby.

For the mother, it is also appropriate to eat more fruits to reduce the factors by the mother's side.

Third, if you encounter flatulence, how should you solve it?

1. Pediatric massage

The general massage methods for children's flatulence are: rubbing the abdomen, rubbing the middle neck, rubbing the heavenly hub, rubbing the foot three miles, transporting the bagua, re-pinching the spleen and stomach points, and kneading the stomach and stomach points.

How to deal with flatulence in children?

Rub the celestial hub

How to deal with flatulence in children?

Knead the mid-neck

How to deal with flatulence in children?

Lift the spleen and aces

How to deal with flatulence in children?

Take the belly corner

How to deal with flatulence in children?

Rub your belly

How to deal with flatulence in children?

Mo belly

2. Help burp or vent

It can promote the exhaust of the baby by means of touching, aircraft holding, etc. If constipation is more severe, you can use Kaiser or glycerin appropriately (stomach pain is more serious than others).

3. Massage the baby's right hand into the valley point

Right Hegu acupoint, also known as "fart hole", for adults, direct acupuncture, with several acupuncture points of the stomach meridian can generally be vented in about five minutes. For young children, the meridians float on the surface of the skin, and direct massage can solve the problem.

How to deal with flatulence in children?

It must be the Hegu Cave on the right

The acupuncture points of general massage are: right Hegu acupoint, middle acupoint, Guan yuan acupoint, foot sanli acupoint, etc. Each acupuncture point can be kneaded for three or five minutes, and after these acupuncture points are pressed, give the baby a comfortable venting position, and the child's exhaust is very painful. Enjoy the thrill of your baby's exhaust.

PS: The above Tuina pictures come from the Internet

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