
Cure all diseases? Experts say: Most of them are unreliable...

Moxa stickers, moxibustion stickers, moxibustion seats, moxibustion pillows...

The temperature is falling, the heat of moxibustion is rising,

Many citizens have received advertising "bombardment" from micro-businesses,

Moxibustion products are claimed to improve a variety of diseases.

At present, there are many moxibustion products on the market, is the moxibustion effect good? Is it safe and healthy for citizens to moxibustion at home? Experts remind that moxibustion needs to be dialectical treatment, and then find the corresponding acupuncture points for treatment after dialectics, so as to achieve the therapeutic effect, claiming that many diseases can be treated is generally not reliable, self-moxibustion needs to pay attention to anti-burn, fireproof, smoke-proof.

The temperature drops and moxibustion heats up

Some products sell tens of thousands of pieces per month

"Innovative seat type, three major hot outlets, while warming multiple acupuncture points, often sitting can improve uterine cold, dysmenorrhea, prevention of uterine tumors, ovarian cysts, improve stomach cold, stomach pain, improve gout, waist acid kidney deficiency, etc., enhance immunity..." Recently, Ms. Chen, a citizen, often brushed the moxibustion chair advertisement issued by Weishang in the WeChat circle of friends, which detailed the efficacy of moxibustion, claiming that sitting often can improve a variety of diseases.

Cure all diseases? Experts say: Most of them are unreliable...

The reporter inquired about the online platform and learned that the sales of various moxibustion products are hot, some products have reached tens of thousands of pieces per month, moxibustion products are various, common moxibustion stickers, moxibustion electronic instruments, moxibustion seats, moxibustion futons, moxibustion beds, etc., the price ranges from a few cents to tens of thousands of yuan.

Mr. Zhou, a citizen, recently bought a box of moxa pillars online because of foot pain, and planned to moxibustion at home, "At that time, there was an activity discount, about 9.9 yuan a small box, I used it twice, every time moxibustion felt very choking, and the taste of the moxa used in the moxibustion hall before was very different, and felt that there was no effect this time, and then it was not used again." ”

Cure all diseases? Experts say: Most of them are unreliable...

In offline stores, moxibustion is also very popular. The reporter saw in a number of pharmacies that there are a variety of moxa strips for sale, and the price ranges from more than 20 to 60 yuan. For the adaptation of moxibustion to the population and precautions, some pharmacy staff are not too clear. There are also pharmacy staff who say that they can generally be used, use according to the product instructions, do not burn.

In a moxibustion hall in Shanghai, from time to time, citizens also come to moxibustion, and the efficacy and indications of various moxibustion methods are posted on the walls of the store. According to the price list in the store, the general moxibustion 10 times is a course of treatment, and the price ranges from more than 1900 yuan to nearly 4000 yuan. According to the staff in the store, at present, the main people who come to moxibustion are people around 40 or 50 years old, compared to moxibustion at home, we will cooperate with meridian dredging here, etc., and the effect of moxibustion is better.

Claiming that treatments for multiple diseases may be unreliable

Are the various moxibustion products on the market effective?

Ding Bangyou, chief physician of the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said:

"At present, moxibustion is mainly divided into two categories, one is traditional, there are certain technical operation requirements, some of the hospital moxibustion methods need medical staff or professionals to operate, otherwise it is easy to burn; the other is a variety of commercially modified moxibustion products on the market, the main ingredient is still moxa, but after some of the transformation of the apparatus." Comparatively speaking, the latter is more convenient to use, such as the common smoke-free moxibustion, which adds some combustion ingredients, the composition of mugwort will be reduced, from the efficacy point of view, there will be a certain effect, but the effect will be worse. ”

He said that in fact, all kinds of incendiary substances have a corresponding effect on acupuncture point stimulation, and the reason for moxibustion is that the effect of wormwood is the best through a large number of clinical studies. There are two main points in moxibustion, one is that the moxa leaves burn to form skin penetration, and the other is the acupuncture points. As for whether smelling mugwort leaves, sleeping mugwort pillows, etc. have a role, there is no relevant medical research at present.

"Treatment and health care are different, and claiming that many diseases can be treated is generally unreliable. Moxibustion is one of the important contents of Chinese medicine, which requires dialectical treatment, and then find the corresponding acupuncture points for treatment after dialectics, so as to achieve the therapeutic effect. ”

Self-moxibustion needs to pay attention to these points!

Is self-propelled moxibustion safe and healthy at home?

Ding Bangyou Introduction:

Moxibustion has the effect of warming the cold, activating the meridians, improving immunity, and is generally safe, with fewer side effects, even if the acupuncture points are not accurate, it may not be good, but there is no harm. The most common problem with moxibustion at home is burns, and a small number of people will faint, which may be psychological effects, or may be allergic reactions to smoke; there are also changes in blood pressure, heart rate, etc., discomfort and so on. For most people, you can moxibustion at home, and you need to pay attention to the selection of qualified products that have been approved and certified by the relevant departments. The unsuitable people are mainly critically ill patients, diabetic patients, and the elderly with poor physical function. ”

Moxibustion is available all year round, especially in winter and summer. The main effect of moxibustion is to warm the cold, for some people with cold constitutions, such as people who are afraid of cold, it is very suitable for moxibustion in winter.

He reminded that moxibustion at home requires special attention to three points

First, prevent burns. Minor skin lesions after moxibustion have no effect on the body. There is also a kind of scar moxibustion in moxibustion, which is to make blisters appear after moxibustion to stimulate immunity. There are also familiar three-volt patches that contain foaming preparations such as white mustard seeds, causing minor skin lesions and playing a corresponding therapeutic role.

In general, mild blisters can treat wounds on their own and can heal themselves; if the burns are more serious, they need to go to the hospital to find a doctor for treatment. It should be noted that scarring physique, diabetic patients, the elderly with poor physical function or comatose patients, etc., these populations have poor immunity, are not sensitive to temperature, and are prone to burns and even more serious consequences.

Second, pay attention to fire prevention. After the mugwort is snuffed out, there may also be an internal fire, which is easy to rekindle.

Third, pay attention to smoke prevention. It is best to moxibustion in a place with smoke extraction equipment such as a kitchen, or in a ventilated place, and pay attention to keeping warm.

Source: Weekly Shanghai, Morning News

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