
What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to the development of the fetus

During the pregnancy obstetric examination, it was found that the fetus was small, and the doctor instructed me to pay attention to a reasonable diet and supplement nutritional balance, so what is conducive to the development of the fetus during pregnancy? Let's take a look.

What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to the development of the fetus

1. Milk powder for pregnant women

During the obstetric examination, it was found that the fetus was small, and the pregnant mother could buy some pregnant women's milk powder to drink, and drink it once in the morning and evening, which would be conducive to the development of the fetus, because the nutrition of milk powder was still very rich.

2, the food is diverse, mainly cereals

The daily diet includes cereals, potatoes, vegetables and fruits, livestock, fish, eggs and milk, soybean nuts. Multigrains include oats, buckwheat, sorghum, barley, mung beans, kidney beans, adzuki beans, and black beans.

3. Foods rich in folic acid

Appropriate amounts of folic acid supplementation in the early stages of pregnancy can prevent fetal cranial neural tube malformations, and pregnant mothers can also obtain enough folic acid through food supplements, such as spinach, rape, grapes, grapefruit, etc. are good choices.

4. Soy products

What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to the development of the fetus

Soy products are rich in nutrients, such as high-quality protein, which is a necessary food during pregnancy.

5. Dairy products

Low-fat yogurt is rich in calcium and protein, which is not only beneficial to the health of the stomach and intestines, but also promotes the absorption of nutrients. For example, pregnant women's milk powder, yogurt, and some imported milk powder are good, especially lactose intolerant mothers-to-be should focus on yogurt, promote intestinal peristalsis, ensure the state of the gastrointestinal tract, and promote digestion and absorption.

6. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in starch and dietary fiber, as well as a variety of trace elements, and their nutritional value is quite high. In the case of a small fetus, the pregnant mother eats some sweet potatoes, which can not only promote the development of the fetus, but also will not make the pregnant mother gain weight, but it should be noted that the sweet potato is not regarded as a panacea, and do not eat too much.

7. Durian

Durian is the food of pregnant mothers with long tires, because the sugar content is extremely high, but pregnant mothers should grasp a good degree, do not cause other adverse symptoms such as elevated blood sugar and huge fetuses because of eating durian.

8. Protein-rich foods

What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to the development of the fetus

Protein is the "protagonist" in the structure of the human body and is an important component of the baby's body. In the third trimester, pregnant mothers must ensure that they consume about 25 grams of protein per day to meet the needs of fetal development. The first type of protein-rich foods is milk, livestock meat, poultry, eggs, fish, shrimp and other animal proteins; The other category is beans such as soybeans, large green beans and black beans, sesame seeds, melon seeds, etc.

9. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables provide folic acid, calcium, zinc, etc., and are high in vitamins, which is very beneficial to the growth and development of the baby.

10. Fish

Fish should be eaten regularly during pregnancy, which will promote fetal brain development.

11. Meat

Lean meat is rich in iron, and many pregnant women will be iron deficiency anemia, resulting in the fetus not getting enough nutrition and small weight. Meat intake, lean meat, eggs, milk to ensure the protein needs of women in the middle and late stages of pregnancy, and can prevent anemia, so eat lean meat, eggs, milk, and nuts long tire is better.

12. Foods rich in calcium

What to eat during pregnancy is conducive to the development of the fetus

Calcium is an important part of human bones and teeth, and fetal calcium deficiency will cause skeletal dysplasia such as rickets. In daily life, pregnant mothers can eat more shrimp skin, green vegetables, milk, soybeans, tender tofu, green beans, fried pumpkin seeds and so on.

13. Iron-rich foods

Baby's blood needs to absorb iron, protein and other raw materials from the mother's blood to manufacture, pregnant mothers must eat more foods with good iron content, such as animal liver, kidneys and egg yolks, like fish and shrimp, lean meat and chicken also contain a certain amount of iron, as well as kelp, yam, green leafy vegetables and so on.

Iberian Baomei warm tips: the fetus is too small to indicate the malnutrition absorbed by the fetus, therefore, we need to eat a reasonable diet and supplement nutritional balance under the advice of expert doctors, so as to help promote the development of the fetus.

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