
Radio Drama: How do birds bathe badgers?

Radio Drama: How do birds bathe badgers?

Zhang Chong Original

Hi Baby Adapted and Broadcast

Zhang Yuyuan Figure

Hello children! Welcome to the second season of Hi Baby Theater's "Question Mark Science Fairy Tales of Magical Beasts", I am your little Sister Mo, every episode I will throw a question, children will get the answer after listening to the story!

The question in this episode is: How does the bird bathe the puppy badger?


In the summer, the puppy badger feels itchy and uncomfortable.

He used his hand to pluck the fluff from his chest, and only then did he find that he was stained with "grass lice".

These nasty parasites, running back and forth between his furs, bite like mosquitoes.

"Itchy! Itchy! The puppy badger barked loudly.

The puppy badger slapped his chest with his hands, trying to drive away these "vampires".

The grass lice sneaked up on his back.

The puppy badger rubbed his back on the tree pole, and the grass lice slipped quietly to his chest again.

"Itchy! Itchy! "The puppy badger hums all day.

One day, the puppy badger saw a crow lying on the ground, crawling with ants.

The puppy badger asked, "What are you doing?" ”

The crow replied, "I'm taking an ant bath." They helped me drive away the parasites on my body, and they also emitted ant acid to help me clean the dirt on my body. ”

The puppy badger listened, hurried to lie on the ground, snuggled up next to the crow, and also wanted to ask the ants to help remove the grass lice from its body.

Who knows, after waiting for half a day, not a single ant came over.

"Itchy! Itchy! The puppy badger snorted in pain.

A small sparrow flew in, and he fell to the ground, lifted his wings and stomped his legs, letting the feathers rub on the clean yellow sand.

The puppy badger saw this and asked, "What are you doing here?" ”

The sparrow replied, "I'm taking a bath!" Small grains of sand burrowing into my feathers will drive away the parasites on my body. ”

The puppy badger was so happy that it rolled on the ground so that the sand could burrow into its fur.

Who knows, the fluff on his body is too dense, and the sand can't penetrate it.

"Itchy! Itchy! The puppy badger lay on the ground and hummed sadly.

Just then, a small flew onto the puppy badger.

He saw that the hair of the puppy badger hid many grass lice like sesame seeds, and he pecked at them one by one.

This surprised the puppy badger, if you invite a group of small and take a bird bath, won't you be able to remove the grass lice from your body?

Thinking of this, he hurried into the mountains, collected many mountain barnyard grass spikes that the little liked to eat, and invited the little to be guests.

The black and shiny mountain barnyards immediately attracted a flock of small.

"Twitter, twitter!" The little peck at the weeds one moment, and the grass lice on the puppy badgers, with meat and vegetables, and eat very happily.

Since then, the puppy badgers have helped the little to collect mountain barnyards, and the little have helped the puppy badgers to remove the grass lice from their bodies, and they have become very good friends.

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