
In the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony, the god of war, Xiang Yu Kong Wu, was defeated by Liu Bang, who was inferior to him in battle

Most people know that Chu and Han are fighting for hegemony, and Xiang Yu is stronger than Liu Bang in all aspects, but why did he lose? Where he failed, there are many people who can speak clearly and clearly, and I will tell you my point of view.

From the objective conditions, Liu Bang, the head of the Surabaya Pavilion who was born from a poor family, even if he later became the Duke of Pei, compared with Xiang Yu, the god of war, who was born in the Chu state family, there was a lot of difference between Xiang Yu in all aspects. However, even so, later it was Xiang Yu who killed himself in Wujiang, while Liu Bang sat high in the temple, the main reason was that although Xiang Yu had more than enough Kong Wu and was stronger than Liu Bang in all aspects, he was too short-sighted.

In the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony, the god of war, Xiang Yu Kong Wu, was defeated by Liu Bang, who was inferior to him in battle

Film and television stills Xiang Yu

Xiang Yu was very powerful and invincible in battle, and Liu Bang could not defeat him at all. There is an old saying that walks ten thousand kilometers and reads ten thousand books - reading makes people wise, but Xiang Yu did not love to read since he was a child. When he was a child, he should have been a good age to read, but Xiang Yu felt that reading was useless, so he chose to practice swords and learn the art of war. Although Xiang Yu, who was skilled in swordsmanship and martial arts, was heroic and victorious in battle, he did a lot of wrong things because he had little reading and only knew how to fight and did not know how to govern the country.

In the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony, the god of war, Xiang Yu Kong Wu, was defeated by Liu Bang, who was inferior to him in battle

First of all, xiang yu's short-sighted behaviors such as killing the people of Xiangcheng, slaughtering the civilians who assisted the Qin army, killing the civilians in Guanzhong, and burning Xianyang made Xiang Yu's heart lose everyone's heart!

Xiang Yu burned the Qin King's Palace, which seemed to be painful, but in fact, it was endlessly harmful. At that time, Qin Shi Huang burned books, but only burned the books hidden in the folk, the purpose was not to allow civilians to read books, in fact, many of the classics of the Six Kingdoms were included in the Qin King's Palace.

In the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony, the god of war, Xiang Yu Kong Wu, was defeated by Liu Bang, who was inferior to him in battle

Film and television stills Liu Bang

However, after Xiang Yu hit Xianyang, he indiscriminately burned a fire in the Qin King's Palace without saying a word, and annihilated countless classic books. The "pot" of burning books, Xiang Yu has to carry, which is one of the manifestations of Xiang Yu's short-sightedness.

Secondly, Xiang Yu's short-sightedness is also manifested in his words "Rich and noble do not return to their hometown, just like clothes embroidered at night".

In the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony, the god of war, Xiang Yu Kong Wu, was defeated by Liu Bang, who was inferior to him in battle

After Xiang Yu killed the Prince of Qin, he ignored the words of the Qunchen and only wanted to return to his homeland in the Chu Kingdom. At that time, the ministers advised Xiang Yu one after another that the land in Guanzhong was fertile and the geographical position was superior, and it could become an imperial industry. However, Xiang Yu not only refused the advice of the ministers, he transported all the gold, silver and treasure back to Jiangdong, and burned Xianyang to ashes with a fire. What he had in mind was to return to his hometown instead of staying in Guanzhong to achieve hegemony!

In the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony, the god of war, Xiang Yu Kong Wu, was defeated by Liu Bang, who was inferior to him in battle

Then, Xiang Yu's short-sightedness was also manifested in the fact that he killed 200,000 Qin troops, resulting in the weakness of Guanzhong's army, which allowed Guanzhong to fall into the hands of Liu Bang, who had retreated to Hanzhong, and he was later defeated by Liu Bang. All this was the result of Xiang Yu's short-sightedness. If Xiang Yu had not killed the 200,000 Qin troops, Liu Bang would not have been able to secretly chen cang from Hanzhong and send troops to occupy Guanzhong.

In the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony, the god of war, Xiang Yu Kong Wu, was defeated by Liu Bang, who was inferior to him in battle

Therefore, although Xiang Yu's advantage in competing for the world is much greater than Liu Bang's, his personal ability is also much stronger than Liu Bang's. But it was precisely because of his short-sightedness and limited strategic vision that it led to his later playing of a good hand. Moreover, until the time of his death, Xiang Yu had not yet realized his mistake, and he also angrily rebuked the heavens: It is not that I will not use soldiers, but that heaven will not allow me! ”

This article ends here, so do you think that if Xiang Yu is not short-sighted, will Liu Bang be his opponent?

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