
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued a message, which is related to the unification of the charging interface, and the situation that Apple does not want to see has emerged

When we go out, it is inevitable that there will be a shortage of electricity. Now, with the development of science and technology and the progress of society, various convenient solutions are also provided for this unexpected situation. One of the more obvious is the shared charging treasure that collects rent. This kind of shared charging treasure often has a variety of charging interfaces on it.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued a message, which is related to the unification of the charging interface, and the situation that Apple does not want to see has emerged

Such a situation is actually because China's charging interface is not unified, there are Huawei interfaces, Apple interfaces, Android interfaces, etc., it can be said that it is various and dazzling. Recently, China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has taken a shot at the charging interface, and the direction is the unification of the charging interface. So, why does China suddenly want to promote the unification of charging interfaces? This is said to be the last thing Apple wants to see. So, with the unification of the charging interface, what economic losses will be brought to Apple?

China promotes the unification of charging interfaces

In fact, the unification of the charging interface is not a new topic, on September 23 last year, the European Commission put forward a topic on the global unification of the charging interface, this topic plans to unify the charging interface of mobile phones, tablets and other electronic products into USB-C, which is the EU has planned a full decade of big moves.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued a message, which is related to the unification of the charging interface, and the situation that Apple does not want to see has emerged

On January 10, China also put this topic on the agenda, on this day, China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology published the "Letter on the Reply to Proposal No. 5080 of the Fourth Session of the Thirteenth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference", in this reply letter of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology affirmed this proposal and affirmed the correctness of the unified charging connector measures.

And also said that China has launched corresponding actions on the unification of charging interfaces. So why is my country doing this?

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued a message, which is related to the unification of the charging interface, and the situation that Apple does not want to see has emerged

Why is my country doing this?

First, reduce e-waste and improve resource utilization

As we all know, if the charging interface is not unified, then the charging interface on the market is actually various. And we, as consumers, simply can't guarantee that we can use a mobile phone for the rest of our lives. In this way, once we change to a new mobile phone, the corresponding charging interface may also end in our use of the career here.

This is not that we consumers like the new and dislike the old, but in many cases the type of charging interface and the new mobile phone can not match, take the OPPO mobile phone, so that the same brand, there are different charging interfaces. The charging interface does not match, so why do we keep it?

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued a message, which is related to the unification of the charging interface, and the situation that Apple does not want to see has emerged

When many people replace new mobile phones, they will basically discard the charging cable of the old mobile phone directly, and in this way, we artificially generate a lot of electronic waste, and electronic waste is difficult to recycle and dissolve. If the charging interface can be unified in the future, the electronic waste will be greatly reduced, after all, if it can be matched, not many people will lose it.

Moreover, even if there is a strange appearance of like the new and the old, it does not matter, anyway, the charging interface is the same, just can improve the reuse rate of resources, reduce the pollution of electronic waste to the environment.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued a message, which is related to the unification of the charging interface, and the situation that Apple does not want to see has emerged

Second, promote reasonable pricing to prevent leeks from being cut

There are many types of charging interfaces on the market, these charging interfaces are not only different in appearance, but also different in price, in this case, it may cause some bad merchants to use the brand effect to increase prices, harvest the leeks of consumers fiercely, if there will be no such situation after unification, after all, the products of the charging interface are the same, which can promote the reasonable pricing of the charging interface, and there will still be many benefits for consumers.

Finally, ease consumer wallet pressure

Our country may also be doing this with the consumer economy in mind. We inevitably have to change the mobile phone, if you change the mobile phone, in many cases even the charging cable must be changed, after all, the interface is not right. If you change the charging cable, you need to use money to buy, which is another amount of financial support.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued a message, which is related to the unification of the charging interface, and the situation that Apple does not want to see has emerged

Although the price of the charging cable is indeed generally not very expensive, but after buying a new mobile phone, but also to buy a charging cable, the pressure of the wallet is actually not small, therefore, the state's move may be for the sake of our consumers.

In short, for now, China's unified charging interface, presumably it is also likely to be implemented, after all, the charging interface is various, it is indeed a very troublesome thing. So, what are the adverse effects of such a move in China for Apple?

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued a message, which is related to the unification of the charging interface, and the situation that Apple does not want to see has emerged

How bad is this move for Apple?

First of all, it may cause Apple to lose its market in our country

If China's charging interface is really unified in the future, the market acceptance of Apple mobile phones in China will be greatly reduced. Why is this happening? We may wish to imagine that after the charging interface is unified, we buy Apple mobile phones, if you still want a charging cable, then you need to buy it from abroad, after all, there should be no more factories producing Apple charging cables in China.

However, if you buy an Apple charging cable from abroad, it is likely to greatly increase the economic cost of apple charging cable purchase. In this way, it is not surprising that Apple will lose our market.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued a message, which is related to the unification of the charging interface, and the situation that Apple does not want to see has emerged

Second, increase apple economic investment and increase apple profit losses

Of course, if Apple is not willing, Apple may change all its products to adapt to USB-C interface. In this way, Apple needs to make a large change, and if it wants to complete the change of Apple's huge number of Apple products, then the economic investment must also be huge. In this way, for Apple, its own profits will be a huge loss.

In general, as far as the current situation is concerned, China may even be the world, unified charging interface, unified USB-C interface initiatives are likely to be fully implemented in the future, then, what is Apple going to do at present, in order to minimize the adverse impact of such measures on itself?

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued a message, which is related to the unification of the charging interface, and the situation that Apple does not want to see has emerged

Where does Apple go from here?

First, accelerate the transformation of the charging interface

Apple wants to break this situation, the best way is to directly increase economic investment, take advantage of the fact that this measure has not yet fully landed when the layout of the USB-C charging interface, accelerate the development and transformation of its own charging interface, as long as its own charging interface to keep up with the world trend, then naturally do not have to worry about the emergence of this situation.

Second, look for the next consumer market

If Apple does not want to give up its own charging interface, if Apple is really deterred by the huge economic losses caused by the transformation of the charging interface, then Apple may also actively seek the next consumer market, after all, the current unified charging interface is not the world's countries have done so.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology officially issued a message, which is related to the unification of the charging interface, and the situation that Apple does not want to see has emerged

With its strong strength and market popularity, it may not be difficult for Apple to find the next huge consumer market. However, such a move is not a long-term solution.


China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology came forward to support the unification of the charging interface, and in the future, China is still likely to achieve such a good measure for the benefit of the country and the people. However, such a move is not good news for Apple, as for such a trend, what will happen to Apple in the future, we can only wait and see.

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