
I suddenly felt that people are priceless

author:Song Yuning

I suddenly felt that people are priceless. I'm not worthless. I'm not without merit. I feel like I'm worth two million. I think my life is the most important! Except for life and death, everything else is a small thing. I'm going to take care of myself. If you are physically and mentally healthy, you can save a lot of money! The body is the capital of the revolution. Be nice to yourself. You have to value yourself. Is it late? I am now 33 years old. I spent the first half of my life in reading, and I worked hard for my destiny! I don't have much memory in my brain now, how can I make up for my shortcomings? Less with people who make yourself unhappy! I want to be with people with positive energy, absorb positive energy, and encourage myself to move forward! I want to live well. I want to look ahead and move forward! I'm going to fix it. I want two million? I want to encourage myself more and set high standards for myself! Self-discipline is important! I'm going to try! I'm going to control myself! Self-discipline is important! Play to your strengths! Promote the strengths and avoid the weaknesses! Your own life is the most important! Be kind in heart! Dob charity! The water of the house, the food of the house. If you give it, you have to give it! Gains and losses coexist! I'm in good shape right now. My life is fine now. I want to be patient, I have to persevere and work hard, persistence is victory! I want to live a good life! I've done more good deeds in my life. I want to learn to be grateful. Let your cells work properly. The body is functioning normally. Persistence is victory!

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