
Weinan Dali County, to the child to finish the lamp is simply too high-profile, the flowers worn on the neck are made of RMB, such an impact is not good! Some people say: Shaanxi dialect "Xiu Xian Ren Li"! To give

author:Meet the world

Weinan Dali County, to the child to finish the lamp is simply too high-profile, the flowers worn on the neck are made of RMB, such an impact is not good!

Some people say: Shaanxi dialect "Xiu Xian Ren Li"! For your family of old people, it is estimated that they are absolutely not willing to spend so much money!

Look at the baby's expression to know everything, there is that spirit is not as good as sending the baby to a good school for a better education, education is priceless to learn knowledge is even more priceless.

Money smells too heavy, bad habits! Do you think this custom is good?

Weinan Dali County, to the child to finish the lamp is simply too high-profile, the flowers worn on the neck are made of RMB, such an impact is not good! Some people say: Shaanxi dialect "Xiu Xian Ren Li"! To give

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