
Morning reading 丨October 20th, pay attention to health every day

author:Beijing News

【Health Reminder】

People at high risk of lung nodules should start screening after the age of 30

Physical examination found that the lung "nodule", many people will inevitably be nervous, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Cancer Hospital Deputy Chief Physician Shao Kang reminded that the discovery of lung nodules, to be dynamically observed.

Shao Kang pointed out that the lung nodule is not the name of the disease, but a morphological description before a definitive diagnosis, indicating that there are round or round-like lesions in the lungs, and most patients do not have obvious symptoms. It is recommended that people over the age of 40 be screened once a year, and if lung nodules are found, the review period is shortened to 3-6 months. People at high risk of pulmonary nodules are recommended to start screening at least 30 years old, including long-term active and passive smoking, chronic lung diseases such as COPD, emphysema, tuberculosis, work or life in a radiation and polluted environment, and have a relevant family history. The most recommended screening modality is low-dose thin-layer, high-resolution CT, which can be screened to millimeter-sized nodules.

【Medical Exploration】

The reason why women are more afraid of the cold than men has been found

A new study published in the American Journal of Natural Anthropology reveals a key reason why women are more afraid of cold than men, mainly because women have smaller skeletons and quick heat dissipation, so they are more likely to have cold hands and feet.

The study was completed by a team at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, and after thermal imaging technology and bioelectrical impedance analysis, it was found that the palm temperature of women is usually 2 °C lower than that of men. The ratio of skeletal muscle mass to body weight is a very significant predictor of calorie loss. The researchers said that although women have more fat than men, they have less muscle mass. Genetically, because the female skeleton is smaller than that of men, the skin dissipates heat faster and the ability to withstand cold is greatly reduced.

【Drug Progress】

Microchip's new diabetes drug siglitazole sodium was approved for marketing

The official website of the State Drug Administration announced that it approved the listing of siglitazine tablets (trade name: bilopine / Bilessglu), an innovative drug of class 1 declared by Microchip Bio, to improve blood sugar control in adult patients with type 2 diabetes.

Siglita sodium is a new generation of insulin sensitizer candidates independently designed, synthesized, screened and developed by Microchip Bio, which is a peroxisome proliferation activator receptor (PPAR) total agonist, which can simultaneously activate three subtypes of PPAR receptors (α, γ and δ), and induce downstream target gene expression related to insulin sensitivity, fatty acid oxidation, energy conversion and lipid transport, inhibiting phosphorylation of PPARγ receptors associated with insulin resistance. It is reported that siglitazole sodium is the second product approved for marketing by Microchip after cedabentamine, providing a new treatment option for adult type 2 diabetic patients.

【Healthy Eating】

To cure a cold, try ginger sugar onion white drink

In the season of high cold incidence, Yang Baolin, chief physician of the Department of Encephalopathy of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pointed out that green onions have many medicinal effects, such as cold sweating, expectorant and stomach, etc., which are suitable for colds and colds.

Yang Baolin said that people can choose the white part of the onion, which is its main medicinal part, its smell is spicy, warm, modern pharmacological studies have shown that the onion white has the effect of sweating and antipyretic, can be stomach, diuresis, allicin contained in the onion white on dysentery bacillus, staphylococcus and skin fungi also have inhibitory effects. The white onion is fried with ginger and brown sugar, made into a "ginger sugar shallot white drink", which has a certain effect on preventing colds, and can also be boiled with 10 grams of windproof, 2-3 white onions, and 50 grams of japonica rice (rice).

【Knowledge Update】

"XRN1" protein may help with weight loss

A study published in iScience showed that researchers found a protein called "XRN1" in the forebrains of mice that plays a key role in regulating appetite and metabolism.

Traditional research has often used the imbalance in the body's food intake and energy consumption as the starting point to analyze the root causes of obesity, however, this latest study found that the hypothalamus in the brain, as a higher nerve center that regulates visceral and endocrine activities, also plays a key role in weight loss. The researchers conducted relevant experiments through mice, and found that the mice without protein "XRN1" in the body ate twice as much daily as normal mice, and at the age of 6 weeks, the researchers found that the mice began to increase rapidly in weight, and at 12 weeks of age, the mice had a large amount of fat accumulation in the body, reaching the obesity standard.

Beijing News reporter Zhang Zhaohui

Proofread by Yang Xuli

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