
The Japanese army captured Shanghai and suffered heavy casualties, so why did they attack Nanjing without resting?

On November 12, 1937, Shanghai fell. The next day, a Japanese army landed at Baimaokou in Taicang, Jiangsu Province, and before they set out, they did not know where to go, and when they saw the rolling Yangtze River in front of them, everyone was surprised. A soldier named Dong Shi Lang shouted excitedly, "Is this the legendary Yangtze River!" ”

This was their first appearance in East China, but it was soon known as the 16th Division of Kyoto (Shanghai Dispatch Army Battle Sequence), the number one demonic force of the Japanese army that ravaged Nanjing.

The Japanese army captured Shanghai and suffered heavy casualties, so why did they attack Nanjing without resting?

At this time, the Battle of Songhu had just ended, and the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties and was extremely tired. For example, the 9th Division, the most elite of the Japanese army, suffered more than 10,000 casualties in Shanghai, and the 101st Division suffered more than 15,000 casualties. In addition to the fatigue of the soldiers, the logistics of the Japanese army did not keep up, and it seemed that it was December, the Japanese army was still wearing summer clothes, and the ammunition and food were not enough.

We often say that "the soldiers and horses have not moved, the grain and grass have gone first", the Japanese army chose to attack Nanjing at this time, it seems to have committed a big taboo, but the Japanese army is not stupid, why do they still do this?

The Japanese army captured Shanghai and suffered heavy casualties, so why did they attack Nanjing without resting?

On 7 November, Tada Jun (Deputy Chief of Staff) issued an order to the East China Front:

Sweeping away China's "remnants" is limited to Suzhou and the east of the jiaxing line,

This is a dead command. Unexpectedly, after 4 days, Shanghai was occupied by the Japanese army, and the speed of advance was unexpected. However, it was not the way to keep pushing forward, and Shimomura Ding (the first director of the Army Staff Headquarters) wanted to transfer a half division from Shanghai to Guangdong to fight. Kawabe Suggested that the Japanese should stop pursuing and rest, and monitor and deter Nanjing.

The Japanese army captured Shanghai and suffered heavy casualties, so why did they attack Nanjing without resting?

But Matsui Ishigen, commander of the Shanghai Dispatch Army, had his own thoughts in mind. With the losses at the Battle of Songhu and the complete collapse of the plan to "destroy China in three months," Tokyo had become suspicious of Matsui Ishigen's ability.

Both public and private, he wanted to attack Nanjing, not only to turn the salted fish around, but also to complete the dreams that Toyotomi Hideyoshi had not realized.

More importantly, at this time, the Nationalist army collapsed in its entirety, and it was much easier to attack Nanjing than to attack Shanghai. However, due to Tada Jun's command line, he consulted with the chief of staff, Tsukada, and decided to attack Nanjing again in mid-January 1938.

The Japanese army captured Shanghai and suffered heavy casualties, so why did they attack Nanjing without resting?

It was not only Matsui Ishigen who wanted to attack Nanjing, but also Yanagawa Heisuke (commander of the 10th Army), but he was bolder than Matsui Ishigen, and wanted to "cut first and play later" to break through the command line first, hit Nanjing and then explain to Tokyo.

What should I do if I run out of ammunition? White Blade Battle! What if I run out of food? "Expropriation" on the spot! What should I do if the bridge is damaged and the bamboo ladder cannot be built on the pontoon bridge? Dig a grave to find the coffin board!

Lo and behold, this is an iron heart to fight Nanjing.

The Japanese army captured Shanghai and suffered heavy casualties, so why did they attack Nanjing without resting?

Matsui Ishigen is anxious, Yanagawa Heisuke is trying to grab military merit? Our Shanghai dispatch army fought so hard, how can the fruits of victory be taken away by you, no, we must accelerate our actions and occupy Nanjing in front of the 10th Army. Of course, Matsui Ishigen is still "sensible", and specially sent a telegram to Tada Jun, saying that I broke through the command line, not because I had no one in sight and did not take you seriously, but because of the current situation, attacking Nanjing was the only choice, and only in this way could I force China to surrender and solve the Sino-Japanese problem in one fell swoop.

The Japanese army captured Shanghai and suffered heavy casualties, so why did they attack Nanjing without resting?

Tada Jun's attitude is very resolute, Lao Tzu is a lieutenant general and deputy chief of staff, and no one listens to what he says, so he doesn't give face!

However, the yanagawa army attacked too quickly, and the attitude of the army staff headquarters gradually tended to attack Nanjing. On November 24, Prince Miyazato (Chief of Staff) said in front of the Emperor that Nanking must be fought, and the Emperor nodded in agreement. As a result, the command line was abolished.

The Japanese army captured Shanghai and suffered heavy casualties, so why did they attack Nanjing without resting?

On December 1, 1937, the Japanese headquarters issued an order that Matsui Ishigen command the Shanghai Dispatch Army and the 10th Army, coordinated by the Third Fleet, to attack Nanjing. Twelve days later, the nanjing massacre, which shocked the world, took place.

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