
After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi not cut shu all his life? Sima Zhao said that he had broken the truth

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi not cut shu all his life? Sima Zhao said that he had broken the truth

Introduction: In the history of the Three Kingdoms, only one person can be called a chess opponent with Kong Ming, they have carried out a ten-year confrontation in the middle of the Three Kingdoms, so that Kong Ming could not step into the Central Plains for life, and finally died of hatred, this person is Sima Yi, his forbearance and composure are exactly with Kong Ming's wisdom and wisdom, although he won and nest is also very difficult, but this does not mean that his ability is inferior to Kong Ming, but patience and passivity have always been his style of doing things, and the cost of such success will be minimal.

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi not cut shu all his life? Sima Zhao said that he had broken the truth

Sima Yi was born into a famous family, and his ancestors were all high officials in the imperial court for several generations, and he was also famous at a young age, and he received a high evaluation in the celebrity style evaluation, and he still had some pride when he was young. When Cao Cao took control of the imperial court and became Sikong, he wanted to recruit him, but he refused to be called away because he did not want to be with the thieves of the state, and pretended to have suffered a stroke. However, in 208 AD, Cao Cao swept away the Yuan forces in Hebei and took the throne, once in power, in the face of another recruitment, Sima Yi also had to go out and become a literary warrior, that is, responsible for some scribal paperwork, but also idle.

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi not cut shu all his life? Sima Zhao said that he had broken the truth

In contrast, Zhuge Liang did not have such a good family background, although his ancestors were also officials and eunuchs, but his father died early, and the uncle who raised him when he was a teenager also died, so he had to go down to the field to cultivate himself while studying hard. His vision is very high, comparing himself to such a talent as "Pipe and Music", and he also wants to find a lord like Qi Huangong, so he does not look up to Liu Biao and the like, until he met Liu Bei when he was 27 years old, he finally found a sage lord, so he decided to go out of the mountain.

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi not cut shu all his life? Sima Zhao said that he had broken the truth

Sima Yi had always been cautious and cautious in the era of Cao Cao, and his position had not changed much, but he and Cao Pi had always been good friends, and later with his help, Cao Pi successfully sat on the emperor's throne, and he also became a Shangshu of the Dynasty, and was given the title of Marquis, 7 years later Cao Pi died, he became a Tuoguo heavy minister, during which he defeated the Eastern Wu army in Jiangxia, and then rushed thousands of miles to attack the new city to kill Meng Da, and for a time it shocked Chao Gang, but this also caused Cao Rui's jealousy and suspicion, and he was once deposed and returned to the township.

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi not cut shu all his life? Sima Zhao said that he had broken the truth

After returning to his hometown, Sima Yi did not despair because of this, he had been waiting for the opportunity, and what he had was patience. In 228, Kong Ming officially sent an army to attack Wei, led an army to attack Longyou, and successfully surrendered three counties including Tianshui, which shocked Kansai, and Cao Rui had to reactivate Sima Yi. During the 4th Northern Expedition, the two sides engaged in the first direct confrontation, and the result was that Zhuge Liang was slightly superior, beheading the Wei army of 3,000 ranks, but was forced to withdraw due to the lack of grain and grass in the rear. Sima Yi realized from then on that the Shu army was strictly disciplined and strong in battle, and could not compete with it, so he resolutely took a defensive position, and during the Five Cuts, he firmly defended the field and did not fight, and finally consumed Kong Ming.

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi not cut shu all his life? Sima Zhao said that he had broken the truth

We know that kong ming's death also means that the pillars of the Shu state have collapsed, and at this time, if Sima Yi takes the opportunity to attack, not to mention destroying shu Han in one fell swoop, he can also seriously damage it, but after Zhuge Liang's death, why did he not cut shu for the rest of his life? At a banquet 30 years later, Sima Zhao revealed the truth and said to Liu Chan, who had already become a prisoner of the ranks at that time: 'Even if Zhuge Liang is there, he can't be assisted for a long time, and Jiang Wei is evil? Indeed, although Zhuge was in charge of the government and could not restore the Central Plains with all his might, how could someone like Jiang Wei, whose intelligence was far less than Zhuge's, assist Liu Chan and ensure the long-term peace and stability of the Shu kingdom?

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Sima Yi not cut shu all his life? Sima Zhao said that he had broken the truth

Conclusion: Sima Yi's life is a 'forbearance'" word skill, the first half of his life he endured Cao Cao, the result was to quietly become an auxiliary chancellor, in the second half of his life he successively consumed two generations of young emperors of Cao Wei and the biggest external opponent Zhuge Liang, and after Zhuge Liang's death, he foresaw that there were no more incompetent people in the Shu Han Dynasty, and the Shu kingdom would inevitably weaken in internal friction, although he could not see the day when he destroyed Shu, but as long as the time came, his son could easily destroy Shu Han, which was far more than his own revival. It is much more economical to expend huge amounts of energy to destroy Shu.

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